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Everything posted by barry99705

  1. Wow, you put Facebook and privacy in the same sentence.
  2. Why not just install ubuntu server to it instead? Time machine might be slightly unstable on it. I've never had good luck with it on non-time machine hardware, my current time machine backup is to my osx server. With a couple external usb drives you should have plenty of space for music and pics.
  3. Depends on where that controlled machine is.
  4. http://mini-itx.com/store/?c=47 Either an atom or via processor will work for what you want.
  5. There's an add on for smoothwall or ipcop that will show network usage by ip address.
  6. Haven't actually tried what's on this site, but it's worth a shot. http://homepage.ntlworld.com/judslat/paragon/
  7. Yes. Works just fine. You do need a larger than 4Gb sd card though. It won't fit in the internal 4Gb "drive".
  8. I've got a factory installed water cooled computer running in my garage right now. It's been running 24/7 for the last four years save for the month I moved and the occasional power outage. Had zero issues with it.
  9. Another thing to think about. If something was to happen to make the entire internet to go down, we'd have bigger things to worry about than getting out email and WOW.
  10. You do know that most dsl subscriptions are faster than T1 right? T1 is an expensive dinosaur and should be put down.
  11. Shaman made an awesome java front end for the aircrack tools. Shame he's fallen off the face of the earth.
  12. The extra two minutes it takes really doesn't make a difference.
  13. Cats are easy to wash, just don't turn on the heating element in the dish washer. They don't like that.
  14. Been watching this guys build log for months. http://forums.bit-tech.net/showthread.php?t=172583
  15. barry99705


    Activesync on exchange needs to be enabled from what I've read.
  16. barry99705


    We have a half dozen or so syncing with ours. If your exchange server requires a secure connection you're out of luck, the 3g can't do it.
  17. Yes, but you can buy them at the door. AFAIK there's no limit to the amount they will sell. Shmoocon has a limited number. Here's the wrap up from the guy that runs the defcon network. http://www.defconnetworking.org/
  18. A lot of power plants still run Win98 on their control computers. Also a lot of atm machines are running OS2 Warp. Hey beakmyn, what's the oldest os you've seen large systems running?
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