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Everything posted by barry99705

  1. I live in Ohio now, they don't call them the communist highways for nothing. I also have to travel for my company, we have offices in PA, MA, and WI. I drive to all of them. So far I've only ever had one speeding ticket(I'd knock on wood, but they don't make furniture out of that anymore) it was over four years ago, and it cost me $450. I still speed, but mainly just to keep up with traffic. Oh, hey, it's kinda spendy, but this might work for you. https://buy.garmin.com/shop/shop.do?cID=135...5000#featureTab
  2. Okay, now I see what you were talking about. I thought you meant "unstranded" as in "untwisted" cable, like a phone cable. Most people don't wire buildings with patch cable, which is what the stranded cable is for.
  3. I don't really see the usefulness of this, cops move. Here's a thought, drive the speed limit.
  4. They work pretty well for point to point connections as well, but like I said, you need one at each end.
  5. I think someone was high when they said that.
  6. Yes I am. Though you need a couple to get the correct length. I have a baileys can that's just about the right size, but haven't built the antenna. I built a biquad instead and that works much better. As for your connection scenario, it probably won't work that well. For the connection you'd need another antenna on the other end pointing at you.
  7. I've been playing it for a few months now. Pretty cool game.
  8. Your dad should take away your computer.
  9. I don't think it will help or hinder the signal. The twists in the cable are supposed to handle that. I've set up computers that had network runs go past very large three phase electric motors. The only way to get a signal to the computers was to run fiber. You could try running inside grounded metal conduit.
  10. You'll get maybe half a meg down.
  11. I'm guessing this guy lives in the middle of (insert big city here), and has never left the city.
  12. What the hell are you talking about??
  13. You'd need a pretty powerful magnet to screw up a lcd panel, think pull the screws out powerful. The lcd shouldn't mess with the crt in any way either.
  14. barry99705


    Isn't there already a "who's going to defcon this year" thread?? Yep, here it is... http://hak5.org/forums/index.php?showtopic=13160
  15. It does, you just have to be an admin to use it.
  16. If you're that worried about your pr0n stash, then sure go ahead. WPA2 with a good password is about as close to impossible to hack as you can get at the moment.
  17. The article didn't say they were connecting to the networks. I've said this before and I'll keep saying it until I'm blue in the face, WARDRIVING HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH CONNECTING! What the cops are doing is looking for unsecured networks and then telling the owners to lock it down. How they're pinpointing the actual location I'm not sure, probably just knocking on a few doors.
  18. Sweet more passes to add to my dictionary! :D
  19. You get the upsidedownternet working??
  20. barry99705

    Pix Firewall

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