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Everything posted by will-wtf

  1. HAHAHA, making a joke of the situation... And another one! And yet another pisstake
  2. I've found that people get touchy when you point out that you can crack WEP, "but the Netgear software we downloaded on our Mainframe said it was secured" -Freinds Parent's *sigh* They meant, when we installed the software, on our home computer it was secure.
  3. Nice post man, this could be an interesting battle. "you wouldn't download a house" springs to mind, where did i see that...
  4. Dingleberries, what the panda is that code for, it seems to start up with the computer, make random exe's, change colour a lot, then curl up and die.
  5. What do you want to do to the computer? If that is instafucking it, shove a magnet in it and hide. Or take the hdd out and put it in the microwave! Starchypizza's guide should help a lot with these concepts. A fun thing to do with his computer would be to download some botnets, google botnet executeables, or warez as a synonym, then run all the ones you can in your limited time period
  6. We have attempted to do something when I was last online a couple of months ago. It didn't really work as not everyone had a home server they could just leave online. We used waste and it was a simple effective solution, the problem was people only joined the darknet if they wanted something off it, and typically refused to share their content. just what happened.
  7. lks like u left some login present's on that one... another hak.5 easter egg!
  8. thanks for all that! I allready have ultimate boot cd, checking out hirens. if there is anything in particular i fix more often than not it will be viruses... the latest one is a boot sector, which has no solution atm.. :( thx all
  9. I have like 20 free sims... Three used to, but stopped this year.
  10. I now have enough money to make my own computer!! <happy/> :lol: :lol:
  11. Hi, I must repair 2 or 3 pc's a week, and some of the stuff i do, like data recovery, is simple, but some stuff is just time consuming, at the techguys, they just have the disks they put in for a problem, does anyone know of something like this? Thanks
  12. will-wtf


    ROFLMAO :lol: :lol:
  13. wasn't there a car bomb that went off at a supporter house..
  14. hack. eat. sleep. on a more serious note, squash, school, cod4, css
  15. Honestly you can find it... I think it crosses the line though with DOB etc.. You nearly have enought info on them to produce fake documents
  16. I sort of get that, maybe he should wear this.. http://www.thinkgeek.com/tshirts/frustrations/388b/
  17. lol, try a break every two hours if your coding, if our gaming, down that jolt cola
  18. i wasn't saying gimmie the link, i have found it.. and 4 people in my town support them, just interesting..
  19. OMGWTF? If you don't know what has happened then try this link. http://www.guardian.co.uk/politics/2008/nov/19/bnp-list
  20. i have two... WOW one shitty nokia first gen thing that doesn't break if you drop it (pay as you go) n95 8gb (contract) why two? well one public, one private. EDIT: both unlocked
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