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Everything posted by H@L0_F00

  1. Maybe you just aren't mounting the drive right? You might want to check this site out, http://www.yolinux.com/TUTORIALS/LinuxTuto...lHardDrive.html
  2. Why not just run it in a VM? That would save your problems. But to resize a partition in Windows you can use Partition Magic or Partition Expert. The trials should satisfy your needs. Also make sure you defragment your drive well before trying to edit any partitions.
  3. Wow... Seriously... This thread is a cesspool of fail...
  4. They should also advise them about the weaknesses of WEP, otherwise, more than half the people they talk to will still be easily compromised by only enabling WEP.
  5. Episode 404 Chris infects a VM with viri from http://malwaredatabase.net. Although this does seem like it will be used for malicious intents...
  6. If I can find out how they communicate with the chat function I might be able to send the class messages that seem to have come from the teacher, which would be pretty fun, especially if I did it while the teacher was helping a student and saw that somehow his computer sent the student a message ;)
  7. ok so I did some testing with two VMs. I found that the program uses multiple ports. When I blocked one port the screen on the Viewer went black, then the program restarted itself and reconnected, but if I blocked the other port the updating of the screen in the Viewer stopped but the Viewer could still remote control the Client. I've decided that trying to send my own packets to the Viewer won't really work more than a day or two before the teacher realizes that my screen is showing the same thing over, and over, and over again, so I've pretty much abandoned that. There's a chat function though, which I'll try to mess around with. I've also found that there can't be more than one Viewer connected to one computer.
  8. Read it, that's all I need to say. http://moonlitrants.wordpress.com/
  9. Stumbled across this while browsing Hack a Day... Radio controlled beetle.
  10. I figured that Chris should get his own 'Happy Birthday' post too :P Well... Happy fucking birthday dude!!
  11. I just recently experienced Ettercap freezing in windows while I was scanning a pretty big network (more than 150 comps) and set it to resolve IP addresses. Once I unselected 'resolve IP addresses' it worked fine. Maybe this could be your problem?
  12. There is no "best language" to code in. It all depends on what your needs are, how you think/learn, what you feel comfortable using, and sometimes, with non cross-platform languages/libraries, your OS. I started using VB '08 but moved to C because I didn't feel like I was learning the "real" stuff. I felt like a lil' skiddie because I didn't know what was really going on. Anyways, you might have to try out a couple of languages before you find what you like and without knowing what language you want to code in you can't really be looking for guides too much lol but FYI, google FTW!!
  13. To end the process I used TCPView which also allows you to easily see the programs running, the port they're using, what it's connected to (if it is), and to view the status of the connection i.e. "Listening" or "Established".
  14. I discovered that I can easily end the process... :( Very sad. I also found that it uses both TCP and UDP protocols, which might be why they say that even if you end/block the TCP connection they can still see your computer
  15. Sorry, I must not have explained my idea well enough lol here we go... Say I take a look at the packets Vision6 uses to transfer the "current screen", "open programs", etc. If I can figure out how the Viewer and Client communicate than I might be able to forward either forged (or previously captured) packets to the Viewer. I fire up Paint and see if I can give you a visual ;) With this I could send the Viewer whatever I want, so if I wanted to go on the Hak5 Forums but didn't want them to see (it's not blocked yet! :D) I could send them the packets that make it look, on the Viewer, that I'm not doing anything
  16. I don't not see this mentioned question mark... But it's one sided because it's a Möbius strip
  17. Because the tables are a set... split up so that they can be loaded into memory individually in case there's not enough RAM to hold them all at once.
  18. a dedicated server would make bandwith worse than it already is with something like this
  19. So you aren't opening the folder, *then* clicking 'open'? You need to be seeing the tables when you press 'open'
  20. I've never had this problem. Are all your programs and drivers updated?
  21. Actually... The tables are loaded into memory, hence TMTO. OP, you probably just have to specify which directory your tables are located.
  22. No more... I was really interested in this, but I don't want it to turn into a "hackerz muh skewll" thread. Please don't turn it into one guys...
  23. Once again... Where exactly does it freeze? What do you do before it freezes? Put every step taken up until the point it freezes and we'll be able to help more.
  24. There's a an option to implement a password when you first install it but I'm not sure if it's used to protect people from using the program (running the .exe) or if it's used to secure the viewer to client connection (encryption, authentication, verification, etc.). I'll install a VM of XP to check out how the password is implemented. Same here... Quite the mistake. I booted Ophcrack ASAP when I got to my new school this year and cracked the pass within seconds, it's "envision" WTF lol but I also think they should disable LM hash in the first place because there's nothing older than XP SP3, leaving LM hash to be only a security issue
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