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Everything posted by shonen

  1. Yeah mounting the drives with freeNAS is a bit off a sod, especially the one that has the UNIX operating system on it seeing as the drive number is a spacific one. Now I cant remember how to do it off the top off my head seeing as it has been a while, however I found the PDF for it self explanatary and really usefully the last time I had to do it. http://www.freenas.org/downloads/docs/user...FreeNAS-SUG.pdf Also once you get the drives working don't forget to turn on the CIFS/SAMBA option other wise your nix and windows boxes wont be able to access it. Download and save a copy for future referce (trust me it comes in handy)
  2. Agreed XP is epic, Microsoft hit the nail on the head once service pack 1 came out on windows XP Vista on the other hand I was not a huge fan off, its a resource hungry fat bitch. When I was using it previously it was buggy as. I have heard alot of the stuff has been ironed out since the release of SP1 for Vista but never the less I simply refuse to use it. lol moral of the story don't use anything Microsoft related until the 1st installment of service packs hit the interwebs! p.s: Yes Windows 7 looks promising and I would use it over Vista.
  3. I have no idea who Snakey is or wtf is going on, personally I would let him/her hang around and give them a good verbal shellacking Moonlit style until they leave on their own accord. Surely the Mods have to have some perks in here. XD In anycase from my breif stay in here the mods are as chillaxed as they come, so to get a ban in this forum you would have had to seriously fuck up hard and even then you would have recieved a prior warning.
  4. LMFAO Your class reminds me of some of the pics of peoples home setups, Ubber cool but needs a fucking clean! XD In any case your schools equipment shits bricks all over the old out dated shit we are using. One of these days I may get around to taking a few photo's and posting.
  5. Ah awesome I am glad to hear it all worked out for ya. Out of curiosity what was your mark (thats if you have been told it yet). Don't worry you will return the favor, us networking students have to stick together. XD
  6. Thanks for that little right up on fedora 10 on the Asus EEE, you just convinced me to give it a whirl. XD Yeah you are right on the money about the battary life not being displayed properly, it was rather annoying when messing around with Back Track 3 beta. lol True true the EEE 701 can't be compared to your standard laptop but if you only had the 701 for a year as your only gateway to the interwebs you would get pissed off with the mouse and keyboard too. Speaking of that I think I broke the left click button from over use, but hey its forced me to learn keyboard short cuts. =P
  7. lol Why harm wifi, I say go for mobile phone's they are by far the single most annoying gadget. Build one and use it the next time you go to the movies (which will roughly be when the new Transformers or Terminator come out). XD I laughed hard, leave the microwave door open while its running. That can't be safe.
  8. hahahah Poor Dingle must have been pulling a few to many late nighters, either that or he is drunk posting. =P Fedora 10 aint it? last I checked they where on 8 *fuck I am behind the times*. How does Fedora run on the EEE anyways? I had that EEEUbuntu on mine a week ago but it pissed me off and I went back to the default xandros. MMM Asus 701 great model, great wifi card but shit keyboard/mouse pad XD
  9. I LoL'd at Dr0ps comment, I was think the exact samething when I put it together a couple of days ago. I am still umming and ar-ing over what colors to use. I like the green for the terminal text but wanna change the orange on the conky display to match the terminal green. Good god, this convo is so un-manly, I think I have come down with a case of the G-HEY! =P Thanks Dingle, I must say I like linux for the most part and thankfully some of you folk have made the switch fair less painful.
  10. lol Dr0p takes out the prize once again for most awesome desktop. By the way I <3's your conky tweaks =3 Anyways here is what I have done to the new laptop I got a week ago (Dell Insp 1525)
  11. He is a dead set pisser, I remember watching him on the TV, They should seriously chuck him back on the air it sure beats that home and away garbage!
  12. Sounds like a good idea with a worthy cause, I agree with others in here that you are going to get some of the class who decided to tune out but you are going to get that with any age group on just about any topic. To somewhat avoid this the hands on demo approach would work really well, I like the idea of demoing sniffing the password however but on the flip side you don't want to be pointing young malicious turds into the right direction. Info gathering via google was a great suggestion and I would through that into the pipe works. Also it may pay to do a basic overview of the privacy policy for profile websites such as myspaz, facefart etc etc. In most case's once you up load your image's they are no longer your own and belong to the site to do whatever they wish. Dingle Also had an interesting posting in here about viewing private face book photo's, if you can get it working it may be worth demoing on a dummy facefart account. Personally its a bit of a bitch of a subject to cover, especially when you are talking about mitigating such sniffing attacks like using SSL etc in a short time frame with no tech terms. Still its doable if you approach it the right way.
  13. I actually did install windows first, I learned that lesson the hard way about 9 months ago. Ah awesome that was exactly what I was looking for, thanks dingle your a legend. Hey I was having a look at BT4 this morning and I really liked that widget thingie called conky, I ended up installing it and finding a basic script for it, I ended up editing it a little so it would give details for both my wireless and network cards and a couple of minor color tweaks. Anyways I was wondering what other funky scripts you lot are using for conky seeing as I suck at coding, care to share? XD
  14. shonen

    zero punctuation

    lol I have not played pain killer but I do remember that in the review. My spider sense detects disappointment so I am assuming there was no gun that shoots shurikens and lightening. I suspect future modding potential that and a gun with tits that blinds enemies with breast milk.
  15. Hey guys the Linux nub has a questions and I was hoping someone could lend a hand. The first one was in regards to the invertible future format of Windows xp when it reaches the half life. I was wondering if I was to re install windows XP back on the original partition I created would it mess up my dual boot in anyway? (grub loader, Windows boot etc)
  16. This posting would have to be the stand out. Well played dingle!
  17. shonen

    zero punctuation

    That is true to a degree, some of the bashing he does in his review can be pretty spot on though.
  18. This actually looks like a fairly decent site, I like the simplicity of the webpage layout and the content has a few things I am interested in and much much more. Cheers for the linkage and slapping it all together.
  19. lol I am starting to feel your pain, my desk is massive and I have 2 desktops and two laptops on it and under it 3 desktops, 1 router, 1 switch, one access point and a printer. It doesnt help matters when your bedroom is as small as a shoe box. I want a whole room and a server cabinant!
  20. *shakes fist 80megs you lucky bastard* I was thinking about doing pretty much the same think with the Hot brick LB2 and a couple of TP-Link access points that support client mode. lol Hex you sure went to alot of trouble using packet tracer to desing the topology, I would have just used visio or not worring about setting all the IP/TCP address just to get those lovely green lights. Still extra credit is deserved for the extra work. XD
  21. WTF Dual wan connections, now that is totally kick ass. What ya using to load balance your 2 ISP connections? I like the idea of the ubuntu proxy type box but I am content with smoothwall myself (well other than that dual nat issue when trying to torrent, still aint re-visited that minor issue). lol out of sight my ass, XD cables and antenna's jacked all over the joint but with that said your setup is pretty cool. However you need more switches =P /sarcasm
  22. Damn thats pretty kick ass mike. I am surprised you were allowed to take photo's of your works shit (thats assuming that you asked). XD
  23. hexskrew by the looks of things you need a bigger desk mate. Working with that workspace would piss me off immensely.
  24. agreed ubuntu is old but I am somewhat comfortable using it. If I was to switch I would maybe consider fedora. Damn that power button not working would be a pain in the ass if something crashed and you couldn't shutdown or re start. Waiting for a battery on fully charged would suck. Oh I fixed that random shit launching problem, turns out it was that double tapping feature shit on the mouse pad (disabled that option and order was restored). Still I am not a huge fan of the laptop built in mouse, I think I will also invest in getting a wireless one when I get some dosh.
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