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Everything posted by shonen

  1. gutted me? I highly doubt that, due to previous dating women experience I am immune to guilt trips. XD *Wait.... whats that lil horned man on my shoulders? Oh ok cool I will ask.* Hey Woodstriker if you go ahead do you mind taking a screen dump and upload the images?
  2. I admit that would be funny however your ass could get dragged over the fire for this one. But hey its your job so what do I care, GO FOR IT!!!
  3. LMFAO *shakes head* I love it how you take the complexity of the human mind and place it in the same catagory as underwear. Then again most of us males do most of thinking from that region.
  4. I laughed so hard I almost spat coffee on my laptop *claps* Well played Vako! I personally favor the nick name for that furry sex sim, get a life =P
  5. I LOL'd at the idea of running the bath over the internet. Imagine how fucked you would be if some one cracked your setup and turned the taps on while you were away at work. Fuck flooding chat rooms lets flood a real home and watch it on the survalence equipment. =P Needz more bubble bath!
  6. shonen

    Lanschool v7.2

    Ah nice I figured it was from some sort of programing area, I feel your pain on the math's part and boring subjects. We have a fair amount of B.S subjects that are a complete waste of time, such as Project management, Ethics and another that is so boring I can't even recall the name of it. Most of our Teachers except two are nothing but glorified spastics who are out of date, can't teach for the life of em or have either lost interest in their subject matter. I am doing my advanced diplome in network security however I fail to understand the advanced and security aspect of the course. I am in my second year and so far all we have covered is basic network fundamentals and just started cisco shit. The only security related stuff covered so far is Denial of service and configuring Access Control List's as of last week. Recently our school admins have blocked downloading on student accounts and have also gone a bit mental on the content filtering, so alot of people have really cracked a shit fit over it because you do have to download legit shit or browse certain content for class work. I never really noticed seeing as I always VPN my ass out of there. Well done my man, you have gotta love a purdy GUI interface. XD
  7. shonen

    Lanschool v7.2

    Damn your collage is pretty hard ass then, we don't have that restriction...... YET! Oi I was wondering what are you studying at collage exactly?
  8. HOLY SHIT BALLS BATMAN! Now that looks ubber AWESOME. Thermaltake make some kick ass case's and like to charge an arm and a leg for it. The only major downside with Thermtake is the cases are pretty damn heavey on there own, let alone with all the shit crammed into the guts of em. Not the best for those of us who like to travel to LAN parties.
  9. Oh whoopsy I mis-read your posting, my bad. But fuck chips even better. One question what the hell would one do with 32gb of memory..... wait let me rephrase that, what can't you do with 32gb's of memory. =P
  10. lol I had a mental image of the south park kiddies tradding in their cough med's for some head phones. =P *does Towelly impersonation* You wanna get High?
  11. Well slap me side ways, a single stick of 8gb of ram. Damn now that would be awesome for bragging rights and erect a massive e-penis stiffy!
  12. No probs mate thats what the comunity is for. I wouldnt stress to much about the old and slightly slow issue, I am in the same boat. I guess the saying about a brocken clock being correct at least twice a day, holds some merit. =) In any case I am glad I could solve your little boggle and help you stress less.
  13. shonen

    Lanschool v7.2

    Intersting work Lyzon and I love the fact you expanded on the original concept I posted (I tip my hate to you). Still it seems like a lot of work to remove LANschool student seeing as you can uninstall it with the setup file but hey I am sure you learnt a ton from this little exercise. I will download this at give it a whirl when I am back at school tomorrow. Thanks for the post and hard work.
  14. Now this is a bit of a long shot and I am only making an assumption here, but I would say the windows update somehow r00ted your win P-cap driver. Both cain and wireshark depend on this driver to work correctly so try installing the P-cap driver again. Or you could also use the system restore function and roll back prior to the windows update occuring.
  15. Damn Viv you have been a busy busy man indeed. I have watched a few tutorials on your site and personally I enjoy the stuff you yourself have released, its straight to the point, informative and the naration isn't hard to understand/annoy the shit out of me. I thourghly enjoyed the caffe latte attack, very resourceful use of existing apps for a differnt kind of attack vector. My only gripe with the tutorial was the lack of explanation of setting up the honey pot. I have always been interested in honey pots but have no idea how to set one up. In any case I got what was going on and I would love to do this in my home lab.
  16. w00t finally some good news in oz for once! thankfully the cyclone decided to GTFO XD
  17. You aint the only one in here sparda, you may have been strange but my excuse is poor. XD lol Amstrad CPC 464 I remember those, well not to much I was really young.
  18. lol Hey Sparda your first comp was one buff chunky bastard, I must admit for its day it still looks pretty mean unlike some of the others. Well I was playing games at a friends house on his Commodre 64 and other computers from the mid 80's to mid 90's. The first computer that my family purchased that I could call my own was some pre built one from the p.c store, All I can remember was it had a intel MMX xpu, 64 mb ram (I think), a crappy 36.6k modem and windows 95 with built in air bags for when it crashed like a biatch. Damn being WIN nuked the first time was so much fun =P The first comp I shelled out money from my own pocket was a AMD athlon cpu on a asus mother board, 1024 DDR ram, G-force ti4200 gfx card , Audigy2 zs plat pro sound card, 120 gb hard drive and altech lansing 5.1 speakers. Twaz a pretty sweet machine.
  19. ROFLMFAO 5ive your setup needs more SCREENS! /sarcasim
  20. This is gonna sound a lil odd but virtualization just doesn't feel REAL to me, I have had a bit of a muck around with packet tracer and its good for the IOS cli but thats about it. When I picked up the catylist 4006 I was like AWESOME but how the fuck do I connect to it to configure. So I went and hit up google. Ahhh so I need a roll over cable for the console port... well that wasn't supplied with the switch (neither was the AC lead but I had a spare). Come tuesday I will have to ask one of the Teachers if he can turn a blind eye for me to nick one. XD Thats actually a really good idea about finding one with a busted port here and their, I never thought about that and thanks for the suggestion I shall keep it in mind. I found this on ebay cisco lab which looks promising however I have no idea what the estimated cost of the lot would be. but meh I don't mind waiting it out and saving some funds to get something pretty deccent for my needs. Oh and I took pictures of my new toy pity I can't have a fiddle just yet (fucking roll over cable). Also thank you all who have been giving me input on this, its very much apriciated.
  21. shonen

    Lanschool v7.2

    As much as I dislike the IBM iseries class I would have instantly stopped what I was doing if he was holding a lecture or if we were doing our hands on stuff. But the class was comming back from a smoke-o break and I was just showing some friends my new laptop, seriously wtf and can we say ANAL much? I am all for this software to a degree but some Teachers need to chillax a lil more, all my other Teachers don't even bother to use it. I will admit though as a teaching aid it is very useful.
  22. shonen

    Lanschool v7.2

    No offense duder and please donm't take this as me being a stuck up cunt but if you read the first page you would have noticed that I said we don't have Administrative rights, so we can't install .exe files (they can be ran but not installed), control pannel is off limits and all the other negatives that are associated with having an average "user" account. Hence the VM bridging solution as a work around for installing the setup for LANschool teacher viewer software package and editing the .reg keys to be able to listen on all channels. As for killing the process some of the process killers that just run via .exe and don't install work. I still stand by my previos statement that removing it with the LANschool installer is by far the easiest option. next tick check box next and BA BYE LANschool. XD
  23. Thats pretty much what I have in mind lain (home use, CCNA and maybe CCNP down the track), the shit is expensive but considering I will be using the stuff for the final year of the course I am doing now and for the next 3 at a Universaty level I see it as an investment. Thanks for advice mate I will take a look at the spec sheet for the models you suggested and see how the money tree is going. XD EDIT Damn I just checked out the price on a 2811 router and they are around $1,500 to $2,000 if you want the HWIC-1adsl module includded with it. Fuck me expensive shit however I do most like the feature's.
  24. Correct me if I am wrong but I am under the impression that as far as rating this sort of thing it doesn't go any higher once it his a cat 5. Mate if I were you I would have my shit packed and be ready to do a runner nice and early. You just can't win against that shit and the only way you wanna witness it is on the 6 o'clock news.
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