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Max Payne: The Movie


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One of my favorite game series for the XBOX, I have mixed feelings about this as a movie. While the game itself plays like a movie, it will be hard seeing and hearing Mark Wahlberg's voice as Max's character. Maybe a no name actor would have been a better choice, but that's just my opinion. I like Mark Wahlberg in some of his movies, but I just don't see him as Max Payne.

Strangely, I really liked the movie Hitman, although it got bad reviews, I thought it made a decent flick for a game to movie translation.

Anyone have a favorite game to movie adaptation they would like to share?

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Great game, (1&2) so hopefully this wont suck (which it prbly will) :(

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  • 2 weeks later...

i would like to see Half-Life and HL2 turned into a movie, i found the story line very addictive.

Max payne was on my list of games -> movies, also Metal Gear Solid the original from PS1 would be cool.

lol Jim Bravura played by Ludacris.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Too bad they didnt try to make a good movie, the story had some potential... :(


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I'd like to see a Zelda movie... a REAL one, not some April Fools Joke :P

Or final fantasy.. oh wait.

Max Payne looks like a movie I'm stuck in the middle about. They could make it amazing or really bad... we'll see how things turn out!

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I'd like to see a Zelda movie... a REAL one, not some April Fools Joke :P

Or final fantasy.. oh wait.

Max Payne looks like a movie I'm stuck in the middle about. They could make it amazing or really bad... we'll see how things turn out!

Now Zelda would be awesome. Especially if based on "A Link to the Past", "The Ocarina of Time", or "Twilight Princess". They seem to have the darker stories and I had the most fun playing them. The original NES cart is one of my favs but I would rather see a movie based on one of those other three. As for the other Zelda games, too cartoonish and child like, would benefit from an animated film, as "A Link to the Past", "The Ocarina of Time", or "Twilight Princess" seem like they could make for a better live action film.

Other Nintendo games I would have liked to see as a movie, the "Metroid" Series, "Contra" and "Castlevania".

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Now Zelda would be awesome. Especially if based on "A Link to the Past", "The Ocarina of Time", or "Twilight Princess". They seem to have the darker stories and I had the most fun playing them. The original NES cart is one of my favs but I would rather see a movie based on one of those other three. As for the other Zelda games, too cartoonish and child like, would benefit from an animated film, as "A Link to the Past", "The Ocarina of Time", or "Twilight Princess" seem like they could make for a better live action film.

Other Nintendo games I would have liked to see as a movie, the "Metroid" Series, "Contra" and "Castlevania".

Agreed. With a movie budget, a live action zelda movie would kick major ass. I'd like to see an Ocarina of Time movie like that... Ah well, from past experience, if I start wondering what a movie would be like, it (book, game, etc.) usually ends up as a movie down the road.

Ooo a castlevania movie. Um, YES :D

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I love film noir and I loved Max Payne, and I'd love to see a revival of the film noir genre, but I'm fairly certain this will suck. It's directed by John Moore who made the remakes of The Omen and The Flight of the Phoenix, both of which were much worse than the originals, and Behind Enemy Lines which was slightly better but still not even close to good. Hitman was shit too, and if you like it you have a terrible taste in films.

Edit: What people (especially Hollywood) needs to realise is what makes a good game is not that same as what makes a good movie. That said I think there is a good movie in Max Payne, but we will never see it because it would need a good screenwriter and a good director. Looking at the imdb credits of the writer Beau Thorne he has never written anything before, Max Payne is his only credit.

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I have to say, Max Payne is probably one of my favorite games. Even if it ends up getting bad reviews, I'll probably still go see it. People bashed Hitman, but I still liked it.

On another note, there is also an independent version based on the game, but limited details at the moment. The indie film looks more like the game from the websites pics.


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  • 1 month later...
I think this image is enough to make the game to movie clear...


tomb raider films wernt bad, but they lost the plot. american actors cant do british lara croft for shit.

i would like to see Half-Life and HL2 turned into a movie, i found the story line very addictive.

Max payne was on my list of games -> movies, also Metal Gear Solid the original from PS1 would be cool.

lol Jim Bravura played by Ludacris.

HL2 and MGS - best stories evar:D

oh and halo

looking forawd to maxpayne movie - id love it

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  • 2 weeks later...
Agreed. With a movie budget, a live action zelda movie would kick major ass. I'd like to see an Ocarina of Time movie like that... Ah well, from past experience, if I start wondering what a movie would be like, it (book, game, etc.) usually ends up as a movie down the road.

Ooo a castlevania movie. Um, YES :D

Its currently on hold, but itll come out... One day...


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