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I can't wait to pick this up. I recently got used to the xbox360 controls (just beat burnout: paradise city) so I think this will be the first GTA I play on console. I've been enthralled with this series since GTA3 and look forward to returning to Liberty City.

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I can't wait to pick this up. I recently got used to the xbox360 controls (just beat burnout: paradise city) so I think this will be the first GTA I play on console. I've been enthralled with this series since GTA3 and look forward to returning to Liberty City.

I want to get it on the PC or on the PS3 if I save up enough money for oneĀ  :-?

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I'm very excited for it.Ā  Especially now that they have redone the combat system.Ā  The game looks sick, and you know it is going to be amazing when Iron Man is already projecting they are going to lose out on ticket sales because of the release of this game.Ā  I also can't wait to see what they have done with the multi-player.Ā  I am hoping it is not something they just half-assed as with previous versions so that they could stick it in there.Ā  Already pre-ordered it.

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This is one of those games that I look forward to beating over the course of many weeks. The longer this game lasts the better. I just hope us guys at the hakhouse (Matt, Paul and I) have the will not go out and beat half the story without the others. We've gotten pretty good at spending weekends hanging out on the couch with our laptops out passing the controller around and I really wanna see all that the story has to offer.

Oh yeah and obviously I want a pimpmobile to run bitches over with. Ahh, memories :)

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  • 2 weeks later...

My order says "in progress" so I'm hoping I'll have it for the 29th! Although it's not too likely with the Irish postal systemĀ  :-P

And I have to wait for the Irish slowness brigade to connect my broadband since I moved house (waiting a few weeks now) !!!Ā  Would you believe I get charged ā‚¬66 per month which is about a hundred us dollars just for phone service + 3Mb ADSL with 384k upload???? And that's cheap for this country... mores to the point how come 2Mb is the average over here? Why can't we have what the Belgians have for example????

Ok rant over.

GTA IV is gonna rock!!!!!!!!!!!! I can't waitz!!

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Having played it now for a few hours I would definitely recommend this game.Ā  The game was extremely well made, and the environment you exist in is very realistic.Ā  The physics system is really good too.Ā  Even if you didn't like the old ones I would give this a try.Ā  They fixed a lot of things, like now the have a cover system with a good targeting system.Ā  The driving was also completely redone.Ā  The multiplayer is fun, but it is no call of duty.Ā  Get this game!

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Quite a fun game, I would say if you didnt like the old ones, pick this one up. If you were an extremely hardcore fan of the old ones then just have an open mind while playing, as this game deviates alot from the old mechanics, and brings in a more realistic game. The driving is awesomely realistic, hit a tree going 90 and youll fly through the windshield (Wear a seatbelt kids!). Missions are fun, but I can't understand Little Jack ever. The whole girlfriend thing is tedious, in my opinion.

In my opinion, I like it alot. I think it rates just under Vice City, then San Andreas. Buy it, for sure.

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  • 3 months later...

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