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Is it me or is this 'social networking' buzz going way way to far?

What a useless site.

Am I too harsh?

No your not. These social networking sites really never work. If you want to socialize with your friends on the web, chat with them. Why spend time on a profile approving and commenting. The only social networking site thats remotly worth something is Facebook, I personally do not use it but friends of mines who goto college love it due to the classmates type thing with it.

Also is it just me or does anyone else find Pownces web design... ugly.

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Is it me or is this 'social networking' buzz going way way to far?

What a useless site.

Am I too harsh?

No your not. These social networking sites really never work. If you want to socialize with your friends on the web, chat with them. Why spend time on a profile approving and commenting. The only social networking site thats remotly worth something is Facebook, I personally do not use it but friends of mines who goto college love it due to the classmates type thing with it.

I take it take that this guy:


isn't one of your friends.

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I guess I could use pownce is I were a social media whore with my #1 agenda being to increase my own personal "brand" but aside from that I think I can do the same thing with what I'm already using (facebook basically).

Oh, and whats the deal with "social networking" being a hot new thing? AFAIK IRC has been a social network since 1988!

#hak5 is a great social network. You can add friends by simply _being friendly_ or  give gifts by using /me (passes moonlit a beer). Hell I've even seen kids emo out on #hak5 like it was myspace. lol.

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I rest my case. I think we need a war on social networking. These sites are harbouring weapons of mass pointlessness. They need to be stopped before they kill us all.

Isn't this forum "Social Networking". Better take cover...I think the war already started without you.

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