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Real Linux CDs?


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Go suck a livecd, fanboy! ;)

I might do that since it costs me very little (= cost of CD-R + electricity to burn) to actually get legal copies.

Speaking of which, is there a mail order address that I could order Linux disks at?


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I mean as in, send off through the mail. So for example, if I was in the middle of no where, too far from the phone exchange for either ADSL or Dial-Up to work. How would I make Ubutnu do all the things I like it to do?

So ye, I could send off for the DVD, but that still wouldn't include MP3 playback. Thought mind you if I was completely disconnected from the Internet I would probably be buying plain audio disks so I could simply rip them to ogg so it wouldn't be a problem.

How would I get Ubuntu in the first place if I'm completely disconnected from the Internet?

So, for example, I still have access to shops but no access to the Internet at all. What would I do? Go to the nearist PC World and ask for a copy of Ubuntu?

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I mean as in, send off through the mail. So for example, if I was in the middle of no where, too far from the phone exchange for either ADSL or Dial-Up to work. How would I make Ubutnu do all the things I like it to do?

So ye, I could send off for the DVD, but that still wouldn't include MP3 playback. Thought mind you if I was completely disconnected from the Internet I would probably be buying plain audio disks so I could simply rip them to ogg so it wouldn't be a problem.

How would I get Ubuntu in the first place if I'm completely disconnected from the Internet?

So, for example, I still have access to shops but no access to the Internet at all. What would I do? Go to the nearist PC World and ask for a copy of Ubuntu?

Go to your library, and order a Ubuntu CD free of charge.

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Tap your heals 3 times and repeat after me: "Ubuntu, Ubuntu, Ubuntu"

Then, drive to the local Computer store(Ak47 in hand) and start yelling "Ubuntu - I want my Ubuntu!". Someone should be able to help you at that point.

If all else fails, Install Windows(if it does not already exist on your pc since it does dominate 90% of the worlds PC market) and then go online to "download" the almighty "Ubuntu" from www.ubuntu.com

Hope that helps. ;)

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This is where linux falls down. Windows will be quite happy (and some would say better off) without an internet connection as you can buy new software to install. If your using linux or bsd, you need a broadband connection or you can't install anything.

Maybe look at getting a boxed set of Debian discs?

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You could always try Fidonet on a dial up BBS(sarcasm) but then again, you could probably write an OS from scratch before it ever reached your pc.

On a serious note though, one option is to call Dell and order a PC/Lappy with Ubuntu already isntalled. But who wants to buy a whole new pc just to get Ubuntu? If I was purchasing a new pc, I'd rather go with a full 64 bit based CPU and load XP64 or Server 2003 on there and run Ubuntu in a VM or Dual Boot between them. That way you have all the benefits of PC titles and games as well as any programs just for Windows while having Ubuntu on there as well. (Does Ubuntu detect Wireless NIC cards yet?) Unless your an Apple fanboi then you can just go and lick yourself in your Leaopard Underoos.

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Silly Linux and Windows fanboys.


:lol: I knew it would get someones attention....

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Sometimes retailers sell red hat  :-( 

Well... of course man - https://www.redhat.com/wapps/store/catalog.html

Didn't you know?

If I phrased that as if I did not know, I am sorry.  It was an answer to the question of how to get linux.  The frown face simply represented my disapproval.

P.S. (VERY UNRELATED)  Oh and K1u congratulations.  You have managed to get as many posts as I have posted in just over two months, I am ten days away from my one year anniversary on the forums (yes I expect gifts from everyone on the forum celebrating my anniversary). 

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P.S. (VERY UNRELATED)  Oh and K1u congratulations.  You have managed to get as many posts as I have posted in just over two months, I am ten days away from my one year anniversary on the forums (yes I expect gifts from everyone on the forum celebrating my anniversary). 

It took him 2 months to achieve what you did in 1 year, how long until you match his karma rating? :P

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Sometimes retailers sell red hat  :-( 

Well... of course man - https://www.redhat.com/wapps/store/catalog.html

Didn't you know?

If I phrased that as if I did not know, I am sorry.  It was an answer to the question of how to get linux.  The frown face simply represented my disapproval.

P.S. (VERY UNRELATED)  Oh and K1u congratulations.  You have managed to get as many posts as I have posted in just over two months, I am ten days away from my one year anniversary on the forums (yes I expect gifts from everyone on the forum celebrating my anniversary). 

Lol its ok, no hard feelings. Oh and thanks, happy 1 year anniversary to you.

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