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Virus problem


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Ok so i can usually nip viruses in the butt, but, i am have some issues with one. I am getting pop ups from CiD and AVG says a file "colbac.dll" in the system 32 folder is infected. i also have some weird startup programs with names such as TheAce.exe and Ante Thunk.exe. any one know of a way to rid me of this virus. I have Windows Xp SP2. If more info is needed tell me what you need.

Thanks in advance.

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Ok so i can usually nip viruses in the butt, but, i am have some issues with one. I am getting pop ups from CiD and AVG says a file "colbac.dll" in the system 32 folder is infected. i also have some weird startup programs with names such as TheAce.exe and Ante Thunk.exe. any one know of a way to rid me of this virus. I have Windows Xp SP2. If more info is needed tell me what you need.

Thanks in advance.

Try booting in safe mode and see if they still load. If they do, you may have to figure out alternative methods of removing them. If they don't, remvoe all copies of the files as well as registry keys to them and any services and start ups linked to them, then reboot and see what happens. Also, check to see when these files were created, as you may be able to remove and then go to a restore point before these files. If all else fails (google, etc) offload/backup any important files to an alternative drive using a live cd or in safe mode and then reinstall the OS. Also, be sure to scan the offloaded files before opening any of them, as copying them should not be a problem so long as you do not execute any of them on another pc.

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When I use windows on my computers I tend to:

Never apply windows updates

Never run the windows firewall (except on laptops that connect to untrusted networks)

Never run a firewall at all (same as above applies)

Never run real time anti virus

Exclusively use Firefox with NoScript (with flash set to on demand) + AdBlock + Cookie Safe

Enable DEP

Disable all annoying crap

Disable the IE rendering engine

As far as I can tell nothing has ever managed to seek in to computers that run windows that I use (can't say the same about family members, thats why there computers are now Ubuntuized with out wine installed)

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When I use windows on my computers I tend to:

Never apply windows updates

Never run the windows firewall (except on laptops that connect to untrusted networks)

Never run a firewall at all (same as above applies)

Never run real time anti virus

Exclusively use Firefox with NoScript (with flash set to on demand) + AdBlock + Cookie Safe

Enable DEP

Disable all annoying crap

Disable the IE rendering engine

As far as I can tell nothing has ever managed to seek in to computers that run windows that I use (can't say the same about family members, thats why there computers are now Ubuntuized with out wine installed)

If I am on a Windows box then the first thing I usually do is tell the user to switch to Linux or if Windows is on my box panic and Dban.

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Reinstall and try again. Start with a clean base and secure it.

what would you recommend to secure it

Stop viewing PORN! j/k

A decent firewall like ZoneAlarm. A secure browser like Opera with plugins and maybe even Javascript turned off for pages you don't need it for.

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Providing you use a little computing streetsmart, Windows can even be used without an antivirus providing you keep it patched and don't visit random porn sites, open random emails, downloads cracks or run random exe files. Sure, that's not the only way to catch stuff, and sometimes you get caught unaware so use an AV anyway. I recommend AVG or Avast, I like them both but AVG has alerted me to more than Avast has.

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Windows is a good OS... if you know what your doing.

Think of how many people in this country are computer illiterate.

People being idiots isn't Microsoft's fault.

However, the lack of basic functionality is (where is wget, dd, bash, ssh, cat and so on?) :P

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