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Let me correct your gramma a little ^^

Hey all you forum whores, my Internet connection SUCKS! I have about 10kbps at max plus a sucky neighbor with T1 and he has wireless. well... he has it WAD (Do you mean WPA?) encypted, is their such a program which will let me crack it? and hack on it (wtf?!). Please Respond!

Much better, but some bits plain don't make sence.

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well, im not gonna tell a noob how to get his ass in jail (and I don't want to break the DMCA[Digital Melenium Copyright Act]), but basicly, if ur neiboor used WEP (Wired Equivelent Protection), it would be crackable in around 10 mintues on realyl any Linux distrubution (and a wifi card that worked with linux) and a few tools (which you can google for). This is becauduse WEP uses a (I think) shared key stream cyfer called RC4. RC4 has a problem with weak keys which are generated mostly within the frist 256 bits of encription, because the S box that is mixed around isnt compleatly mixed around ie. S[1]=1, S[2]=2.... and therfore reviles the Key that is used to create the stream. Using a simple DoS (Denial Of Service) inorser to keep kicking ur nieboor off, and then lettign him back on you will generate what are called IV's (Initialization Vector) which can reivle weak keys. A program can the, given those weak keys eventualy decifer the ariginal key used for the encription. Now with WPA(WIfi protected Access) and WPA2 use several diffrent encription alagrithums deepending wich standard is used. Unlike WEP, there are no know weaknesses in the WPA protection. Therfore, the only way to crack it is thru a brute foruce (or dictionary attack). WPA is suseptibale to offlien attacks, meaning that ur not trying to log into the router a million times, but rather just takign the inicail packet that the router haands to u (encripted) and trying to decript it. WPA is sorta crackable thru a dicitonary attack if ur neibboor used a week key. However, depending on the key length, a brute force attack can take between a ffew day to a few million years. Hope that doesn't help and deturs you away from doing anythign illigal. If you really want to get in, jsut break down ur neibors door, go inside, and hit the rest swithc on his router. Um any mods reading this, please edit as you see fit so that I'm not accedently vialating the DMCA (liek I really care abotu he DMCA...no med in white coats *scream*)

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shh there are noobs a foot

Says the kid who can't spell.


"The DMCA is a bill designed to bring copyright law up to date with digital media. Among other things,it outlaws the manufacture of, or "trafficking" in, technologies capable of circumventing "technical protection measures" used to restrict access to copyrighted works."

Maybe it's just me, but I don't see what cracking a key has to do with 'circumventing "technical protection measures" used to restrict access to copyrighted works'

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Maybe it's just me, but I don't see what cracking a key has to do with 'circumventing "technical protection measures" used to restrict access to copyrighted works'

Because the network you just cracked might contain copyrighted works that you just gave yourself access to. Basically, unless you circumvent the protection on stuff you own, and don't distribute that now unprotected stuff, you shouldn't have to worry about bubba not using any lube again.

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Maybe it's just me, but I don't see what cracking a key has to do with 'circumventing "technical protection measures" used to restrict access to copyrighted works'

Because the network you just cracked might contain copyrighted works that you just gave yourself access to. Basically, unless you circumvent the protection on stuff you own, and don't distribute that now unprotected stuff, you shouldn't have to worry about bubba not using any lube again.

:wink: lol @ then ending...

that kinda makes sense I guess but I don't know if it's right seing as the DMCA doesn't affect us here :twisted:

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That kinda makes sense I guess but I don't know if it's right seing as the DMCA doesn't affect us here :twisted:

It might not be the DMCA, which is a hideous pig of a law by any standard. But I'm pretty sure there are laws against hacking in .uk and I know for a fact they exist in .nl so the end result remains the same.

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yarrr i spot n00bs of the port bow yarr fire yee linux live cds arrrrrrr

pfffftttt.... Thats no way to sink a noob.. Use Freebsd disks.

yarr ha harrr me matie, we b lauchin freebsd n freesbie cds offf thar starboard bow at yee hearty n00bs :twisted:

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