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08:00:00 p.m. Friday December 15, 2006 in EST converts to

01:00:00 a.m. Saturday December 16, 2006 in GMT ... Just to be shure so I don't miss it??????? Please give me a reply befre friday :D Thanks



Brussels Sat 2:00 AM

i wont b up that early/late ....

ive got to study for my exams monday .... :,(

can anyone record it & send me a copy?

(personal use , no publishing)


think the front page said it was going to be recorded...

ahh yes... here it is...

If -5 GMT is past your bed time we’ll have the live show available for download this weekend in the usual xvid and h.264 codecs.

I've got a concert / birthday party nearby on the 15th.

Back by 2 should be doable (as the birthday girl kinda isn't) but be forewarned: I'll probably drunk off my ass.


I don't think the timer on that page accounts for timezones. It claims the show will start 1 day and 10 hours after this post, which would be 8 PM friday, HOWEVER I'm in GMT+1.

I don't think the timer on that page accounts for timezones. It claims the show will start 1 day and 10 hours after this post, which would be 8 PM friday, HOWEVER I'm in GMT+1.

ditto ...

It would have to use the time of the local computer.

That shouldent be that hard thirs all kinds of codes for those out thier.


Could there perhaps be a test-image with annoying beep set up on the streaming URL so I know I've got my setup properly going for it?

You say MPlayer should work, but I'm not entirely sure I've got the right batch of codecs.

works 4 me ...

I did not say it wasen't working, but mind you I am missing some of my higher ranges. I got the image and I heard a sligts ringing sound that was far far away but Im guessing everyone esle can hear it just fine.

I just pray my cam will work

*edit typo*


Hey Darren, I looked over the JavaScript code (yes, I feel dirty) and I think I may have found the problem.

Instead of "new Date(...)" you can use "Date.UTC(...)". Provide the date in UTC timezone (a.k.a. GMT) and then compare it against (new Date()).getUTCSeconds() , UTCDay and so on and so forth.

Should fix the timezone thing quite nicely.


50 mins to go ... *waits on skype very hopefully to be on the show* .. jesus christ i was up to 5AM last night (long story), up at 7AM and now its 10 past midnight, O.o .. I NEED sleep, but ill wait up just to be on the show :) cos your cool like that


hate to double post .. but LMFAO you audio is broadcasting I can hear you, creepy, ehh? .. whose the wee kid?


It's nice 2 c how something is created... Even if it is 3 am and they haven't started yet :) ALL IS FORGIVEN!!! Hak5. wiiiiiiiiiiiii :D

edit (addons)


When u release the download PLEASE don't edit it in any way... You can even put the 15 no video minutes on there... I think it would be a more realistic and interesting show that way... I especially want to have the part where my name is mentioned :D lolz... BTW... I got banned after posting 4 spam apperently (and i posted it only twice and there was more than 5 second delay between posts just so I let u know :D )

2.does some1 have the hak5 irc logged? i have a small part logged so if any1 has the whole thing please reply..


I happened to be up so I tried watching it but apparently the tubes over the pond where to long or something. It seemed to be working fine until everybody else connected to the stream when it was about to start, then it started failing miserably for me.

From what I saw in the IRC before I gave up and went to bed some seemed to have no problems at all so if anyone of them were nice enough to record it....

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