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Virus scanners for linux?


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Linux doesn't have a proper virus scanner. I think in fact most of the virus scanners for Linux are in fact scanners that scan for windows viruses, as you would want on a mail or file server for example.

Linux implements security throughout the OS and there aren't actually any viruses out in the wild that will compromise a current version of Linux.

Firewall, and watching what you allow to run as outside listening services on your computer are probably the most important things if you're running Linux

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Because it's possible to make proper use of your system without being root all the time, most Linux users do their thing using a non-privilleged account, which makes abuse to the system using a virus a lot harder (you don't have to just trick the user, you also have to beat the system).

There are virus scanners for Linux, but they're mostly used to scan the mail spool for virus attachments. I know McAfee made one a long time ago.

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and why make a virus that infects linux boxes when alot more people use Windows :wink:

thats the same reason why mac has no virus'

a worm on the other hand would be quite exciting.

that's something that i don't think that lots of people quite realise. There aren't alot of desktop linux users but alot of people running linux on their servers and routers. If an internet worm that compromised linux were to hit it would be really harsh. The reason why we don't have these sorts of things happening though is because linux is inherently secure, not just because it's not popular, and so we can all live our lives as happy little vegimites.

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Since the main aim of virus makers these days seems to be extortion or making money in some complicated way, there is little point hitting desktop linux. Anyone who uses it will probally have there head screwed on a little more tightly than the "click first, never ask questions" crowd that uses Windows.

As for servers, that is a big worry, but no more than badly setup and sercured servers we already have.

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damn, all you guys need to open your eyes, both MAC and Linux do have viruses for them. Just because it isnt the main stream OS doesnt mean you are immune to this kind of thing. Thinking you are is one way that these things can and will get on your computer. For linux we have rootkits. It would make sence to have something that can scan your system for this kind of program. Hence open your eyes and dont think just because your on a system that isnt used by the majority you dont have to worry about them.

Linux Virus--------









Mac Viruses--------









Sure there might not be as many viruses out there for a mac or linux, but that doesnt mean you dont need to protect your self against them, There is still viruses for them. And the only way to stop them from spreading is with some kind of a-v.

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The thing is that Unix-like operating systems use a user model that is inherently more secure than windows (by default). Now, thats not to say that you can't have a very secure windows, and likewise you can have a very open Linux box. But having the user run with non-admin rights means that writing malicious software becomes more complicated than

 format C

. Sure there is malware for Linux, ut it is more complex to write and can be defended against in a more straight-forward way than in Windows.

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