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What is the purpose of your website?

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Hey, would you mind telling me of your opinion of my website regrading tech?



Hey, i had a look at you site.

I gather it's a tech blog?...ok

My immediate impressions:

1)Your formatting needs work as things are a little hard to read ie, fonts, layout things like that. Your alignment to "center" just looks a little....bleh.

2)Also you posts need a little more information about the things you're discussing...ie more flesh to your posts dude.

No one is going to visit your site for a few links or a couple of lines of chit chat.

3)Maybe a designated links page to a few core key sites of real interest that suit the demographic you're shooting for, ie hackers or phreakers or technophiles shit like that :)

If its a blog you're looking to do, I really suggest something simple, free and with some ready made templates that can get things looking good.


PPL might be thinking they're shit, but I reckon they're not bad and you can setup your domain to redirect to your wordpress page seamlessly too.

If you after a fully fledged site, (if you've got hosting that suppost, sql,php etc), look into E107.

Opensource and free, supports forums, downloads, rss, chatbox you name it.

I hope this helps, have a look at wordpress.com at some of the blogs there for some ideas.

Good Luck dude.

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Okay, let the arsehole step in.

Do you enjoy making this website? If yes carry on.

Do you want more users and to build it into something along the lines of engadget or gizmodo? Then you have to do some work. The good news is, you can do it yourself, gain a shit load of knowledge and produce a better site. Get some people to post along with you, increase the content. Maybe look into http://drupal.org/about Not the easy peasy thing out there, but if you get bored of your site or it flops, not a bad thing to have picked up.

Other than that, your site is nothing great, but keep it up and try and give a useful opinion!

Good luck.

Edited by cabster21
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You need to make a better use of the white space on your website.

More content is needed if you want to get users visiting your website more often.

You might want to choose a different layout, for your web site/blog I would recommend looking for opensource web templates, you can find really professional designed web templates that describes what your intentions are.

You should also include a about us page, that tells users what you are trying to do.

If you know how to program in PHP, you should design a contact form to make it easy for the users to contact you. If don't know how to, you can download a contact form written in PHP and then you could alter it to suit your likes.

Edited by Infiltrator
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Sorry about the Account Not Available

The Squarespace account wolfmarkinc is not currently available.

it was a credit card problem, it didn't pay for my servise with them. but its fixed now

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Nice start! :) However, if you are advertising yourself as a "web design" company, one would expect more design thought put into it. It needs to appeal a lot more visually, more graphics and some form of animation to make it feel less static. Things such as inconsistent usage of fonts, unbalanced/glitchy top menu, and junky page footer aren't a good start. The logo needs to feel a bit more integrated too. Just keep in mind that your site is essentially a representation of what you are capable of, extremely important if you are starting out and have no reputation.

Also, don't give fixed costs for your services, charge per hour (ie: rates for consultation, general work, and ongoing maintanance). Don't be afraid to be cheeky with your rates. If you charge too low:

1) you aren't making the most of your time.

2) you may give a false impression of your ability, and people may think you are an amateur (even if you are).


But then again, don't charge too much. If you do start low, and decide to raise your costs, existing clients may get put off and terminate their contracts. From experience, most importantly, giving fixed costs doesn't take into account that 90% of the time clients want to make changes during development. You are left doing extra work for nothing. When I started out freelance I charged about US$50 p/h, and people had no issue with that.

Start off with a consultation, get an idea of what they want, give them a quote and contract to sign - and go from there.

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It might be just me, but it doesn't quite seem fitting for a web designer to be asking for someone to design them a banner. When it comes down to the crunch of actually designing a site for a customer, and they have very specific requirements, you can't afford to be outsourcing design or relying on freebies from forum communities. Both time and money won't permit. Especially for something as simple as a banner. I mean, if you can't do that then you obviously aren't ready to be doing it commercially ;). There are much harder things than a banner...

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It might be just me, but it doesn't quite seem fitting for a web designer to be asking for someone to design them a banner. When it comes down to the crunch of actually designing a site for a customer, and they have very specific requirements, you can't afford to be outsourcing design or relying on freebies from forum communities. Both time and money won't permit. Especially for something as simple as a banner. I mean, if you can't do that then you obviously aren't ready to be doing it commercially ;). There are much harder things than a banner...


@darkjoker - From someone who is doing this full time, I must tell you, running your own business is not easy and not all fun all the time. Not to mention, you must be willing to be a one man show and do it all if necessary, and if you can't, then know the people who can and get them to work with you.

Don't be afraid to say no, or say that you can't do something because when it comes time to do the job, you need to deliver on your word. There are many things I can't do when it comes to websites as far as programming and back end stuff, and I know my limitations, but that doesn't mean you can't make a buck here and there doing work for people.

Stick with it, practice, and by all means, learn to use some photoshop or free alternatives. Don't rely on things like squarespace or free templates. If someone wants a pre-made theme, they can install wordpress and buy one. If they want something custom, then be sure you can deliver on the goods.

As with anything computer related, read, read, and read some more. Watch some video tutorials on graphic design and learn your XHTML and CSS. Things to look into as well, PHP, Javascrript and AJAX.

Good luck.

Edited by digip
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  • 3 weeks later...

Ok thanks you guys for all the comments!

And now I present Quickcache.org UPDATED!!

Yes, I made many changes to the site, so please reveiw/comment again/more!

One thing I am having issues with is the HTML, i have been messing around making things look nicer, but i have to issues.

1. In order for my logo to work, i need to tell Tumlbr that I have no title.

Otherwise the header/logo would look repetitive. So to make your browser have a title for my site I added the title tag to the beginning of my HTML. The problem now is the "Archive" Has no title either just ": Archive" I want "QuickCache Archive" for the title. How would I do that? I can include atachment if you want....

2. I want comments, and I like Disqus, however when I add the code, where it says to, it loses the font, size and color, and looks very plain and out of place with the rest of my site. Why is this? Can you help me?

Thanks for all the help you people are amazing!

PS. Read my blog post about a "Tech wiki" have any suggestions ( the Hak5 wiki doesn't seem very active)

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