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Supporting Hak 5 - one dollar/month


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Hmm... according to the forum (little thing down the page :lol: )

We have 1474 registered users

so... if each of us would give one dollar per month....

means.... (hold on.. lemme do the math)...

so we have 1 and I take that one and I multiply by 1474.. *bip..bip..bip*...

yup that's 1474 dollars...

ok... Darren, I am not sure about how much money you guys invest in that show.. but i am pretty that this would help... right? maybe you could tell us how much it cost in money and time.

so please leave an intelligent comment... reaction... ideas..

this is just an idea and if you think it's stupid... it's still an idea... bring better... maybe half a dollar/month... ehehe :lol:


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hak5 season one cost roughly eight thousand dollars. Season two so far has cost about three thousand five hundred dollars. our income last season was less than five hundred dollars. we're traveling to toronto every other month for call for help which is not paid so thats always a big expense. we recently invested in new equipment and set and i truly believe that the production quality of season two will really shine because of it. we're also planning to cover more events this season, starting with the hope conference in new york this weekend. time wise the show takes about a month to produce between development, research, production, editing, oh and those pesky things like having a life and keeping our jobs. hak5 is a job to each of us, but it's the best job ever. we hope to break even this year but doing so will require that we bring in a short ad or two per episode. doing the show has been amazing and we're having the time of our lives. i hope everyone enjoys what's to come and understands that we have big dreams that everyone can help us realize.

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I'm hoping to make a donation as soon as I figure out my expenses for the summer and factor in my next two paychecks. Won't be anything to go nuts about but it's something.

And Debainuser is right in his attempt to rally a few people into donating even a dollar or two. His simple math, as pointless as it was, just shows that a buck from each person can do a lot. Maybe not enough to cover everything the Hak.5 crew spends for their show, but I'm sure Darren would agree, it would take some pressure off of them.

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The only real problem with the thought is that a good amount of people registered here are minors in most countries and therefore do not have credit cards or other direct means to dontate on a monthly basis.

Very true and you're right, they can't.But, I'm sure you know that some kids can get their parents to do just about anything for them these days.

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Damn that's a lot :shock:

It's so nice to see people putting their time and money into entertaining others for free, though.

/me donates

it's a lot... i mean I could imagine it was quite expansive but not that much...

i hope you guys would be able to continuate the show with all those sacrifices... :roll:

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The only real problem with the thought is that a good amount of people registered here are minors in most countries and therefore do not have credit cards or other direct means to dontate on a monthly basis.

you're right, and that's something we've considered. thats why advertisers that pay per thousand eyeballs (or pair of eyeballs i guess) are better than cost per acquisition ads.

and thank you so much to everyone that has donated today based on this thread. your paypal comments are heartwarming (however the money will go to dv tapes and bandwidth rather than beer, that comes out of pocket)

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Well I'm not in the greatest position to donate *but* I will say that based on that fact I don't have a problem with using adverts on the show to bump up the cash flow...

I do object to having more adverts that content but I trust the guys know what they're doing and wouldn't let the adverts literally take over...

I do get why shows use these ads and unless we accept them, some of these shows might not be here... so I say go for it!

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Yeah.. at 8k costs last season and probably double that for this season, they're gonna need all the help they can get. An ad or two won't kill the show, I mean they do spoofs of them now and it's not like they're restricted for time. With that said, I'll probably donate a bit later. I know personally how hard it is to actually get a fan base and how hard it is to support any given project.

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The Pepsi Cola hak.5 haliburtion half hour?

It will be a beer company that will sponsor hak.5

Since they are trying to become more ready for rebroadcasting, it'll probably be sponsored by MicroShaft and Evolans.


Edit: and of course more beer.

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