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Here is how it gets metadata for searches

I searched for "If everyone cared"

POST to url http://cowbell.grooveshark.com/more.php?getSearchResults

Body of POST

{"header":{"token":"2b9900b4542e14e3e2dad9a255bc12703d86171668d810","client":"gslite","uuid":"B1993F4E-5468-A841-45A1-DC55A760D328","session":"1cca546afae3a4080a335c5f8b06f0bb","clientRevision":"20091027.09"},"parameters":{"type":"Songs","query":"If everyone cared"},"method":"getSearchResults"}

Header of POST

(Request-Line) POST /more.php?getSearchResults HTTP/1.1

Host cowbell.grooveshark.com

User-Agent Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; en-US; rv: Gecko/20090824 Firefox/3.5.3 (.NET CLR 3.5.30729)

Accept text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,*/*;q=0.8

Accept-Language en-us,en;q=0.5

Accept-Encoding gzip,deflate

Accept-Charset ISO-8859-1,utf-8;q=0.7,*;q=0.7

Keep-Alive 300

Connection keep-alive

Cookie PHPSESSID=1cca546afae3a4080a335c5f8b06f0bb; __qca=P0-723899703-1257657726382

Referer http

Content-type application/json

Content-length 295

In the return is all the metadata that you see when you run a search this is the same for the popular songs, recently listened songs etc


{"header":{"serviceVersion":"20091026","session":"1cca546afae3a4080a335c5f8b06f0bb","prefetchEnabled":true},"result":{"Return":[{"SongID":"7289187","ArtistID":"401899","AlbumID":"1086151","TrackNum":"0","Score":34521.318522061,"Name":"If Everyone Cared","SongName":"If Everyone Cared","ArtistName":"Nickelback","AlbumName":"All The Right Reasons","CoverArtFilename":"1941721.jpg","AvgRating":null,"GenreID":"18","GenreName":"Alternative","Year":null,"IsVerified":"0","SongVerified":"0","ArtistVerified":"1","AlbumVerified":"0","AvgDuration":"217","EstimateDuration":"218","IsLowBitrateAvailable":"1","QuerySongClicks":"148","QueryAlbumClicks":"0","QueryArtistClicks":"0","SongPlays":10157,"ArtistPlays":1101882,"SongClicks":1177,"AlbumClicks":0,"ArtistClicks":22,"Popularity":"931100298","SphinxWeight":285617,"DSName":"ifeveryonecared","DAName":"nickelback"},{"SongID":"21368084","ArtistID":"401899","AlbumID":"1300130","TrackNum":"1","Score":26197.256863854,"Name":"If Everyone Cared (album version)","SongName":"If Everyone Cared (album version)","ArtistName":"Nickelback","AlbumName":"If everyone cared (CDM)","CoverArtFilename":null,"AvgRating":null,"GenreID":"18","GenreName":"Alternative","Year":null,"IsVerified":"0","SongVerified":"0","ArtistVerified":"1","AlbumVerified":"0","AvgDuration":null,"EstimateDuration":"218","IsLowBitrateAvailable":"1","QuerySongClicks":"1","QueryAlbumClicks":"0","QueryArtistClicks":"0","SongPlays":25,"ArtistPlays":1101882,"SongClicks":1,"AlbumClicks":0,"ArtistClicks":22,"Popularity":"931100013","SphinxWeight":555661,"DSName":"ifeveryonecaredalbumversion","DAName":"nickelback"},{"SongID":"11256691","ArtistID":"401899","AlbumID":"1086151","TrackNum":"9","Score":16336.919568789,"Name":"Nickelback - If Everyone Cared","SongName":"Nickelback - If Everyone Cared","ArtistName":"Nickelback","AlbumName":"All The Right 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(CDM)","CoverArtFilename":null,"AvgRating":null,"GenreID":"16","GenreName":"Pop","Year":"2006","IsVerified":"0","SongVerified":"0","ArtistVerified":"1","AlbumVerified":"0","AvgDuration":"239","EstimateDuration":"239","IsLowBitrateAvailable":"1","QuerySongClicks":"1","QueryAlbumClicks":"0","QueryArtistClicks":"0","SongPlays":196,"ArtistPlays":1101882,"SongClicks":44,"AlbumClicks":0,"ArtistClicks":22,"Popularity":"0","SphinxWeight":270617,"DSName":"toobadacoustic","DAName":"nickelback"},{"SongID":"8343361","ArtistID":"401899","AlbumID":"803261","TrackNum":"3","Score":18389.979505905,"Name":"someday (acoustic)","SongName":"someday (acoustic)","ArtistName":"Nickelback","AlbumName":"If everyone cared 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Make sure you are running as admin (or move the folder out of the program file folder).

I only run as admin (as I am running other ver now) and have always run them from the prog folder (because I long ago got sick of trying to have it my way), but will try that change.

Yes, running from another directory worked (for reasons unknown...I'm considered an interloper with the new ver and recognized as the proper admin that I am by the older one ....).

OK, the new one is generating a newmusic playlist but not station playlists. Slackercreate playlist is set to true.

Check that; it was not until I changed stations, now it is tracking station changes with corresponding playlists.

Life is good in Slacker City.

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Yes but for searches and such you need the uuid for json objs (unless you are doing what you did for pandora (have them use the swf and your app grabs the mp3)). I am trying to create a standalone client.

Here is how it gets metadata for searches

I searched for "If everyone cared"

POST to url http://cowbell.grooveshark.com/more.php?getSearchResults

Body of POST

Header of POST

In the return is all the metadata that you see when you run a search this is the same for the popular songs, recently listened songs etc


Ah. i have no interest in making a client because while GS has a good selection it's not that good for outright listening. So i plan to stick to ripping only. i really don't forsee making a client for other services because i've not worked with them nearly as long and moreover they're more obtuse than pandora.

I'd found the search, but i've not found where it gets metadata (along with songids) for playlists, queues, recently played, etc.

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for the recently played I believe it is stored in a flash cookie if you are not log in.

yes it is stored in a flash cookie (.sol)

the file it gslite.sol and on my computer it is located in

C:\Documents and Settings\USER\Application Data\Macromedia\Flash Player\#SharedObjects\44EC748B\listen.grooveshark.com\main.swf

Note main.swf is a folder name NOT a file

for example here is mine when I play some songs on the poplar playlist

Can't paste notepad++ seems to be the only thing on earth that doesn't terminate on nulls GURR

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As long as you're being nice, I'll be a nag.... I mean, in my thoughtful way I'd like to take the opportunity to remind you of an essential and important enhancement awaiting something or other... Sorry, just a reminder regarding having Pandora shared stations rippable by the P Client in turbo mode and/or by any of the various stylish means afforded hereabouts.

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Ok I think I found what it uses to create the UUID. IT doesn't use anything custom (I thought they might be using it as a DRM (by only them knowing what they use to create the UUID they can only produce valid ones (or something like that... anyways))). IT uses the standard flash library...


I am not to familiar with flash so I could be wrong.

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Ok for the token you POST to the url


with the data....


part of that data is the "secretKey" all that is, is the md5 hex digest of the session

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Seem to be having and issue with saver2. Seems that everthing is working as it should, however the songs never show up in the directory. Download button shows up on firefox portable, hit download button, says song downloaded. Directory gets created in the save folder but the song never gets added.

In sproxy, on the where it says GET http://www.pandora.com/?saver/catch&song=.............. Under the flag column is is R!

Below is in the SPlog.txt

11/13/2009 11:07:40 AM Pandora: sniffed ******************* (ID S537515)

11/13/2009 11:07:40 AM S537515: Submitting song

11/13/2009 11:07:40 AM #187: SSL transaction finished, sent 1KB, rec 7.4KB

11/13/2009 11:07:40 AM Saver2: Song ready: ******************* (ID S537515)

11/13/2009 11:07:44 AM #203 GET http://lt.andomedia.com/lt?guid=c3FsMDA0fj...jEyRjUwMA%3D%3D

11/13/2009 11:08:18 AM #204 GET http://www.pandora.com/?saver/catch&song= *******************

11/13/2009 11:08:18 AM Saver2: Download RPC: *******************

11/13/2009 11:08:18 AM Saver2: Ripping song: ******************* (ID S537515)

11/13/2009 11:08:18 AM Saver2: Processing song ******************* (ID S537515)

11/13/2009 11:08:19 AM Saver2: Song queued for encoding.

11/13/2009 11:08:19 AM Pandora: Adding ******************* .mp3 to Classic Hip Hop.m3u

Any other info needed to help figure this out?

Is there a way to set it to automatically download all songs played?

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Ahhhh, looks like encoding isn't working, is this a known issue?

And still Is there a way to set it to automatically download all songs played withoug giving thumbs up or hitting download button?

Yeah, encoding is not done yet. I was working at it on the time of uploading so the bit that has it die horribly is commented out... hence what you saw.

To download all songs: Go into saver2 config, common tab, and check save it immediately.

Changelog so far:

Toggle On Top mode by double left clicking anywhere in pandora window

Minimize window by double right clicking in the pandora window

Pandora saver module: supports rename of stations now and will also rename playlist files

Pandora client now supports rename of stations

Pandora client now has a visual representation of song download percentage

Save button on pandora client made more obvious in function (IE. only visible when a song can be saved and is not in auto mode)

Other small improvements.

Vastly improved playback start time

After I get station deletion done (be easy), i plan to take a look at grooveshark.

After that:


Shared stations

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As long as you're being nice, I'll be a nag.... I mean, in my thoughtful way I'd like to take the opportunity to remind you of an essential and important enhancement awaiting something or other... Sorry, just a reminder regarding having Pandora shared stations rippable by the P Client in turbo mode and/or by any of the various stylish means afforded hereabouts.

Hmm, can you use shared stations when you have 100 of your own? From what i can tell the shared station is being added when createstation is called... the question is, are shared stations usable/remembered when you already have 100 stations? I'm starting to lean towards making the shared station functionality into allowing creates from shared station IDs/urls but maintaining a complete registry of shared stations. If they do function at 100, how many shared stations does it remeber? (if you reload pandora, how many shared stations remain)

If you can create a folder named "Pandora" in the sproxy folder, stuff that would be useful to me will be saved in it. If you could do this while you are testing, and send me the files, it would be much appreciated. (not user/pass or anything; just results of various calls like createstation, getstations, etc.)

isCreator seems to be the deciding factor on shared stations: a shared station that you "took" has a value of 1 while all known shared stations don't.

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amazingly, as far as saver2 on linux goes it doesn't seem it will be bad as i thought. Currently, the pandora client hairballs due to SSL failing (which can be avoied by not using ssl....not the best idea, but tis worth a shot), and sproxy + saver2 seems to work fine until the listbox reaches 32 items (the same place it was "freezing" on vista w/ double buffer on, funilly enough). If minimized, it functions fine (!)

Tested on mac os x 10.6.2 - basicly, installed darwine, then macports, then used macports to install cabextract, set wine to be in the path, then used winetricks to install packages ie6, fontfix, dotnet20, msxml6. the good news is, i should be able to zip up my wine folder which assuming you are using wine for the first time might work out of the box. Not the best plan.... but it should work.

i find when launching they tend to fail with an odd error about every other time (they being my programs) but still, better than i expected.... the real test for the client will be will it work with ssl off (named pipes and dllimport tested here). As for sproxy, might just do a dirty hack to disable the main listbox. Not pretty, but it would get the job done.

disabling the listbox does indeed do it.... seems to work fine. The pipe support in wine seems to be wonky - when it should be doing a synchronous operations it's doing async. with a 5 second wait inserted...it works! amazing! hotkeys don't work, predictable, but ah well.

if someone wants to play about with their own wine: http://zzj.itf-inc.com/downloads/Saver2nix.zip Don't bother downloading this if you are on windows: it's the same as the normal zip, except it has the linux hacks mode enabled.

How to duplicate (hopefully):

* Get wine installed (darwine for mac), and winetricks.

* Install cabextract via your package manager (on mac, you need to install macports and Xcode)

* Run "winetricks ie6 fontfix dotnet20 msxml6" preferably on a clean wineprefix

* Once you're done with winetricks, extract the linked file above somewhere. Then run wine Pandora.exe or wine SProxy.exe (if you want to listen to music only, do the former, otherwise do the latter)

With any luck, it will download the required files (mplayer etc) and startup. If it doesn't (might error on lame) or display some other error try relaunching a few times... I've had it do that. Kinda weird.

i'd upload my wineprefix, except, it's 450megs. lol. so much for a livecd.

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I got this to work in ubuntu karmic with the instructions you posted.

It works, but like you said, it's a bit spotty. The main problem is that when trying to download lame.exe and mp4player.exe it can't - and if you manually put them in the folder, it still sometimes tries to download them, fails, and then deletes the copy you manually put in the folder.

but still pretty promising!

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I got this to work in ubuntu karmic with the instructions you posted.

It works, but like you said, it's a bit spotty. The main problem is that when trying to download lame.exe and mp4player.exe it can't - and if you manually put them in the folder, it still sometimes tries to download them, fails, and then deletes the copy you manually put in the folder.

but still pretty promising!

Yeah, i think that is the executable verification going batshit. Probably end up adding that to be disabled when in "linux hacks mode", as well as checking for duplicate processes (causes failure in sproxy), and finally minimize to tray (minimize to tray -> no way to get the window back save the show call on the web interface). Something else fails occasionally in the client, but i forgot what it was.

I'm still a bit disgusted by it turning out to be a 450mb footprint, but i suppose that should be expected =/

On closer inspection, yeah, something's gone wrong: err:ole:CoWaitForMultipleHandles Unexpected wait termination: 192, 0

I'll just disable it then. The chances of download corruption are honestly very low.

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I have. It's not really what I am looking for. I like to setup playlists and let the songs play and download while I am away.

Mmm. I'll keep looking, but the main problem is i can't find out how grooveshark finds out about playlist songs' metadata. It's possible to just take the downloaded files and use either the tags they have or run it through a wavelength-tagger-thingie (takes some sig of the song data and looks it up) but both are rather inefficient ways. Might have to do that, though :/

nm, got all of em. Guess i wasn't looking hard enough.





just have to hack together a json parser, shouldn't be much a problem (maybe the one i have now will work?)

better yet, all the song data returns seem to use a similar (or similar enough) return format.

so yes, the grooveshark plugin can be resurrected. will work on it tomorrow (and probably have a new version out by then).

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Hmm, can you use shared stations when you have 100 of your own?
Yes, that is it's real utility for me.

I'll have to get back to you on the rest.

If they do function at 100, how many shared stations does it remeber? (if you reload pandora, how many shared stations remain)

My recollection here is it retains named accounts with all the account stations but that is only memory. Will get back.

If you can create a folder named "Pandora" in the sproxy folder, stuff that would be useful to me will be saved in it. If you could do this while you are testing, and send me the files, it would be much appreciated. (not user/pass or anything; just results of various calls like createstation, getstations, etc.)

isCreator seems to be the deciding factor on shared stations: a shared station that you "took" has a value of 1 while all known shared stations don't.

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Yes, that is it's real utility for me.

I'll have to get back to you on the rest.

My recollection here is it retains named accounts with all the account stations but that is only memory. Will get back.

Does it remember the shared stations is the crucial bit; if it does, then i don't need to fuss with removing them and only have to make it add it once. Nor do i need a separate manager or list of known stations.

GS parser done, and works, just needs to be grafted into the current plugin.

OK, i've updated the usual link with the new GS plugin. This one is a bit different: under no circumstances except horribly mangled ID3 tags will it fail to download, but it can also sniff metadata from song searches, existent playlists, popular songs, and favorites. If metadata is available it will use that first, otherwise it will fall back to reading the id3 tags. Also, if genre is not present in the metadata it will scrape from google (it will always scrape for id3 only mode because id3 tags are spotty on gs).

so... have fun!

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It is working great! Thanks so much! Great work!

Good to hear.

A new bugfix version has been updated, and the wine version updated as well at the usual links, posted here for your convenience:



Small changes to GS for worst case mode.

A bug was fixed which caused turbo mode to be nonfunctional with the standalone pandora player

Wine hacks version has been updated as well: song loading time improved, file verification and duplicate process check have also been disabled.

Minimize to tray is disabled on linux due to being able to loose the window.

As it turns out, the reason why wine was operating in async mode when it should have been syncronous was because the pipe was created with async read/writes but was not doing async connection. I'd call it a bug in wine.

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Thank you so much for getting Grooveshark working. I had been using Pandora, but it really helps to be able to specify playlists in Grooveshark. Saver2 is a tremendous app that I cannot do without.


Can saver2 grab the album art somehow when it saves a Grooveshark track like it does for a Pandora/Slacker track? I am assuming no since it doesn't show on the website, but just thought I would ask.

If not, does anyone know of an app that goes through my artist subfolders and add missing album art automatically?

Thanks again for your impressive work. Much appreciated.

*** Edit ***

Grooveshark is displaying the artwork now, and Saver2 is grabbing it. Don't know what was going on. Thanks!

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Re: Pandora 'friend', aka book marked people stations

Either they've changed things or I was mistaken (or I am now), as I cannot now add or play more 'friend' or bookmarked people stations if I have 100 already, of whatever type; they all count toward the 100 station limit.


I belatedly created the Pandora folder in the Saver2Betat2-1 folder as directed, deleted some stations and added back to the limit and tried to add more if anything in that folder would be of use to you in trying to do something on this....

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