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Vent: British people vs American


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Ok I'm normally the only american in vent and I feel lonely I have to say trousers and pants mean underwear and I get so confused!!!! Spektormax doesn't count because he annoys me when it comes to night time!! So I say america fights back agianst the european counter parts!!! (no offense to any europeans you all are my friends :oops: and are cool 8) ) I'm also starting to talk with a british accent :shock:

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wait, what are we supposta do?

and kinda off topic (and probably not so much here), but why are americans so hated everywhere? maybe some of you brits can expain this.

I seen more and more evidence of this lately and its been on my mind.

and one more thing, what is the american sterotype?

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wait, what are we supposta do?

and kinda off topic (and probably not so much here), but why are americans so hated everywhere? maybe some of you brits can expain this.

I seen more and more evidence of this lately and its been on my mind.

and one more thing, what is the american sterotype?

Hmmm... where to start... Blantant abuse of resources, greed. Your goverment meddles in everyones buissness. The way your still debating issues like creationism as science. The way your goverment uses gunboat diplomacy. You spawned the RIAA/MPAA. You kill thousands for no apparent gain, and drag the world into unnessacary wars.

But basically, its not hatred, we're just watching our american friends go from a bastion of freedom, to something that resembles the Evil Empire. Why you keep voting for the same to partys is beyond us, there both prosituting themselves to lobbyists.

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Hmmm... where to start... Blantant abuse of resources, greed. Your goverment meddles in everyones buissness. The way your still debating issues like creationism as science. The way your goverment uses gunboat diplomacy. You spawned the RIAA/MPAA. You kill thousands for no apparent gain, and drag the world into unnessacary wars.

But basically, its not hatred, we're just watching our american friends go from a bastion of freedom, to something that resembles the Evil Empire. Why you keep voting for the same to partys is beyond us, there both prosituting themselves to lobbyists.

you cant really blame all americans for what our government.

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The US government is repeatedly proving itself to be rather two-faced.

Spouting off about diplomacy, but then invading Iraq under false pretenses (even though the embargo against Iraq had proven to be very effective).

Publicly humiliating the french for not joining the Iraqi war for a number of obviously wrong reasons, only to have your own Senate or Congress admit a couple months later that all the reasons that the French government listed were actually right on the money.

Mouthing off about other countries' disregard for human rights, yet continuing to operate Gitmo.

Being annoyingly vocal about freedom and democracy, when you have very little of either left.

Saying that war criminals should be tried at that international court in The Hague, yet adopting a law that says the US can invade The Netherlands to free any US citizen held there, war criminal or not, to be tried at this same tribunal.

They interviewed a couple american tourists on TV here a while back, and one of them related this little anecdote.

He was sitting on a terrace someplace, enjoying a drink in the sun, and someone came up to him for a chat. He was asked if he was an American, and the man admitted that he was, expecting to be thanked for liberating the Netherlands in WWII. Instead, he got asked a number of questions about current world affairs like why the US refuses to ratify the Kyoto agreement and stuff like that. The chat proved to be a real eye-opener for the man.

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Oh heck where to start... so little most people realise.

I think some people don't like Americans because they believe you stand for what your government stands for and pritty much not many people (including Americans) really see what is going on - we see the shadow your government throws over the world and thats about it - were all lead to believe that what your government wants is what you want.

Okay what people don't know:

The last 2 presidential elections in America were pritty much rigged and you have no democracy over there - check out the 5 min hacks for the new upcomming Dibold voting machines if you don't believe me.

Most in the know Americans feel they have no say over their own government or country and are beginning to leave [before the Iraq war there were reportedly over 30 million people across the world in protest of it (including 3 million Americans) and still it went ahead] also see above non-democracy.

America is not full of Americans it is full of Citizens of the United States Corporation your lives are used against contracts for the federal reserve to print money - the Federal reserve is a privatly owned company (I think 12 families own it in all). Americans died out in America the last time The United states went broke they had to borrow money from the founding familes of the federal reserve... yada yada yada. Anyway so the United States Corporation is a business first and foremost so it seaks to premote business - mostly via the brokering of Power (electricity, petrol etc)

Edit: I'm pritty sure you guys can still goto a court of law and become Americans again - due to the way they really tax you - but the details are a bit hazy - I think this puts you back under the Declaration of Independence too where you don't have to pay tax... yada yada yada

The American declaration of independence was long ago bypassed by Maritime law and now the Patriot act.

If you ever want to see more of what is going on:


Oh and for shits and giggles if you ever have the time take a look into Tesla the Corporation really has been protecting it's business throught history - especially the Federal reserve and what the WMF gets upto 8(

But ignorance is bliss people - which is why people don't like Americans because it's easier in life to group objects and throw blanket rules over them.

Oh and laugh and call me a conspiricy crackpot because ignorance is bliss :)

History is full of coincidences.

PS wow the USA corp has a shadow board (non elected) ready to take over incase Washington is destroyed nuck-lear capabilities and all :( With a drill in the next couple of months too and oh look your army (and ours) has redeployed nukes to striking distance of Iran, scared yet?

Oh yeah final reason why people get pissed 911 now people have to realised that even the people worldwide even inside the USA corp don't believe the reports/media they never did, as a DYN even the History channel acknowledges that the Government of the USA knew about the attack Perl Harbour before it happened and Brown was doing some interesting experiments there when it happened.

So all in all you have to realise there is noting you (USA corp citizens) can do your government controls you and we have to realise that our governments have to play along with yours or well cause total chaos as their economies collapse. Lets face it there's always someone who hates the boss.

[/rant] sorry for the long message but he started it lol

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omg omg omg I hate america too thats not the point the point is too institue america's verision of english to the british!!! I can't be lost in translation any moreeeeee like mum and not mom and trousers not pants so join the vent my american counter parts!!! hahaha

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omg omg omg I hate america too thats not the point the point is too institue america's verision of english to the british!!! I can't be lost in translation any moreeeeee like mum and not mom and trousers not pants so join the vent my american counter parts!!! hahaha

Some people in the Midlands in England say mom.

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It is pronounced nuclear (in fact that's how it's spelt). Nucular is the one which is wrong. Are you suggesting Americans spell it with a k? I've never seen that.

Nah I was just bastardising it like the USA corp prez does

Maybe a little too much though maybe it's one of those genious things as he is supposed to have 129 (ish) point IQ

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well ive been in vent lots lately...drunk and sober...and it is mainly us brits who use it...and u mericans are welcome :D
Hey I'm always in it too its just that you guys out number me so my lingo feels wierd haha
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