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I'm wondering why snakey was band? I thought his post were good and the coding challenge was a great idea... Just Curious.


Um, ok.... ???? (I don't see how but I guess those that banned him had their reasons even if I don't see why (then again I don't know everything about it (it being snakey's ban))).


I think my actual words were something along the lines of "objectionable cunt". I did originally relent and let him back in but he managed to fuck it up. He's still around on IRC I think although if he'd had half a brain he would have quietly come back under a different username and not been such a tit this time around.

I think my actual words were something along the lines of "objectionable cunt". I did originally relent and let him back in but he managed to fuck it up. He's still around on IRC I think although if he'd had half a brain he would have quietly come back under a different username and not been such a tit this time around.

I'm not one to pry, and I hate to dig into shit like this, but what did he do exactly? I know he didn't exactly have the greatest attitude in some posts, but I don't think I ever read anything half as bad as some of the people on here. Then again, I don't follow his posts, so I am curious; what do you you have to do to get banned. You have usually been more lenient with people than some of the other mods, so he had to of done something pretty annoying to get a ban from the forums. Even K1U wasn't banned(or maybe he was, I haven't seen him in a long time) but I'm sure there are plenty of people who deserve the tag "objectionable cunt".


Snakey and K1U where both banned. K1U was just being stupid 90% of the time and Snakey was just being a little twat. Hell yesterday some one came in Hak5 IRC and asked how to get logs from Kismet and Snakey said "Don't ask that here no one has the technically experience" He just talks out his ass. When I mentioned people used Linux in Hak5 all he could say "Then why did no one answer my linux question on Hak5 Forums?". he's just annoying as hell and cause a lot of issues.


Promise I am not trying to be an a$$ but.. I have been known to throw out the said "Don't ask that here no one has the technically experience" line before, and I was just wondering If I should refrain from that. I only do it to people who start a thread such as "I want to hak my skhewl intern3tz, gimm3 info plz". And the usual hoohah that comes around here and there. I'm just curious. I love this community and want to do my best not to get banned.

I iz good haxor O:)


If a question is asked and you know that the community isn't very good with questions on that particular topic, it's fine to say something like "You might not get much useful information here, most of us don't tend to do that thing much, but you might have more luck at [specific website, chat or wiki]".

What isn't so reasonable, however, is "no1 no's shit in hear fuk off".

It's all in the attitude.


Exactly. With Snakey its not "I'm not sure if anyone would know" its more of "LOL thEse N00bz don't knOwz". To say the least he was very cocky and full of himself and it caused issues.


Anyhoo, we don't often ban people and we'll at least try and resolve the issues before we reach that point. You can talk to any mod in private or in public and if you still don't like the answers your getting you can always talk to Darren or Matt. We've all been in this community for a long time and we're just trying to keep it in a decent shape.


I agree with everything said here. I just wanted to touch base on the whole topic as I tend not to know the whole story some times and rarely hear of such strong measures. Some of his posts were along the lines mentioned here, and I totally understand when people are asshats you got to put them in their place at some point instead of letting them just run their mouth because they expect something they think they are entitled to get away with.


I have no idea who Snakey is or wtf is going on, personally I would let him/her hang around and give them a good verbal shellacking Moonlit style until they leave on their own accord. Surely the Mods have to have some perks in here. XD

In anycase from my breif stay in here the mods are as chillaxed as they come, so to get a ban in this forum you would have had to seriously fuck up hard and even then you would have recieved a prior warning.


yah, I agree whole heartedly, and after rooting through some posts ala the "what happened to ali" thread, I see exactly why that asshat got thrown out

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