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Everything posted by Swathe

  1. Wow I did think you guys were older, around my age lol
  2. Server 2003 as an OS. I know several people who use it on their gaming rigs
  3. iisonly, you Sir, are a legend.
  4. I still have by TRS-80 with 64k of ram and it still works perfectly on the TV :D
  5. I think if season 5 is anything like the way season 4 maturesd to at the end it will be great. I LOVE THE NITTY GRITTY!!!! It's like season one with bling!
  6. After you found the bug, did you continue to access the NAS? If you kept going back afterward there would be little you could do to make it innocent looking. Personally, I would have kept this "bug" to myself. I guess write some sort of letter stating when you found the bug and who you spoke to about getting it fixed.
  7. I cut them all off as I'm addicted to adding them, I just don't get time to read them. I get email from tech republic on my Blackberry, thats it. Plus podcasts in failtunes.
  8. I don't know how to put this but every time you post, God kills a kitten.
  9. I am keen to get a G19 gaming keyboard. I still have my blue G15 and I love it heaps.
  10. Can only be streamed from within the United States. FAIL.
  11. Dud you have already done a separate thread with the exact same thing.
  12. How many hard drives do you have in your machine? Any network shares where you are? What apps are you installing after format?
  13. Have always meant to give this one a shot.
  14. Woz is the wonder behng apple. I hate steve jobs with a passion
  15. Yeah I was think 2012 but haven't really looked into it too far. We have a few years yet.
  16. Image the drive padawan
  17. Check out the Network Attached Storage segment is season 2.
  18. Trial and error my good man. This is how you LEARN.
  19. I would love an awesome pair of headphones but I don't have the $$$ to justify the cost :(
  20. WM is too shit for my liking. I came coming from WM to Blackberry and have no regrets.
  21. Swathe

    COD 4 vs. COD 5

    I still think Cod2 is the best version. The zombie survival mode is awesome fun.
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