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Everything posted by anyedie

  1. anyedie


    same problem with x-chat actually i run that also. thankx guys... ill search more right now i just close it and usewindows firewall for irc.
  2. anyedie


    ok, this is retarted. Im having am impossible time trying to use irc becasue (i use zone alarm) zone alarm keeps blocking it. Ice chat logs onto a network but when i try to join a channel it says "blocked by ZA". Ive tried everything i know to do. clicking the little box for firewalls, allowing it in ZA ect. with no luck. Does anyone know how to fix this?
  3. is there supposta to be a link or something here?
  4. man, i'd love to go to au, but from the US its like twenty-x hour flight... i go crazy on 10 hr flights.
  5. my moms old house is like 180 somthing years old. About 10 years ago when i usta live there, their were a few times i herd/felt things.. the only certain thing that freaked me was one night when my night stand shook viloently. It was scarry.
  6. it is becomming a bit crowded, but are we big enough for for sub-cat's? i personally dont think so.... yet
  7. anyedie


    have u ever shot a gun? *ameircan with a moderate collection of guns*
  8. Im a 1337 haxxxxx0r, i pwn all, u want hlp haxxxxxxorzing hotmail/myspace i ownnnzz, contact me for help.. i do it, but the program needzzzz your gmail password to work. ill e0mail you your friends pw. im soo lee77777777. OMGROLFORLY. 31337 h4x0rz 4 l1F3!
  9. i was more commenting on the physical size of the thing... i think its amazing! sooooo small. fit in wallet or anywhere.
  10. Wow! has anyone seen one of these? I really want to buy one, but it almost seems like it shouldent work. Does anyone have/had one, if so... hows it working out for you? Link
  11. i hope i dont jinx myself but i sleep like a baby every night... man. I hope when im older i dont start sleeping crappy. but i have a really good patern of going to bed around midnight and waking up around 7ish.
  12. ::shakes and turns head in the mear presence of the Metatron::
  13. ok, so im new to the whole inside a computer thing and am looking to do a little bit of upgrading on my notebook. I have a Dell Latitude D800 and ive been ramping it up a bit. dvd-r drive, more ram ect. but now im looking to get a new processor for it (1.7mhz with small cache just doesnt cut it anymore) but i really dont know what is what and what is most compatible with my computer or where not to get ripped off; so after many hours scouring the internet and not comming up with to terrably much and still unsure about any of it i decided to come to the friendly, nice, helpful people of hak5. Can anyone offer some good insight on a fast, reliable, quality processor that would work good with that dell? ps. its mainly going to be used for photo/video editing/gaming thanking you in advance anyedie
  14. I enjoy the the black and yellow Targus laptop backpack, I keep: a laptop a flash drive with essential programs on it a good bit of linux live cd's a length of ethernet cable a much better than my factory wifi card a few blank cd's/dvd's a pair of headphones a few decks of playing cards a gaggle of pens thats all.
  15. mml, probably because (i think i speak for most people here) you really dont see people who play WOW with a life... i know none of my friends had one during that dark time in there lives. now to the point. Im having a similar problem with the WGA cracks. I have found and installed a sleu of them and most have worked but i was wondering if anyone had found one more cosmetic. All of the ones i have installed have gotton rid of the actual WGA but the logon screen crap will not go away, the stupid WGA logo and then the waiting 5 seconds just doesnt cut it. Has anyone found one or know of another way to get rid of that cosmetic junk? thankx guys.
  16. kewlness im looking to do some serious upgrades on my laptop.
  17. Awesome! mitir, i live in Atlanta too, well close. I live in Fayette county (about 15 miles out). If anyone knows of any kind of tech meetings in this area i would Love to go to them. I cant really find anyone here who knows what to do with a computer more than get on myspace and i cannot get them intrested. :(
  18. Ive seen a new few avatars here, why not go a little CrAzIe and switch up yours! post it here! mine is a bunch of REALLY creepy dolls i took pics of in an abandonded house.
  19. ::sniff sniff:: i like google.
  20. W00t im the first using others wireless regularly. acutally i live on my uncles land and the apt. i live in doesnt even have a phone line... much less dsl +
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