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Everything posted by Decoy

  1. I think in newer versions of Powershell running scripts is turned off by default. I think you have to turn it on first. Do you know what version of Powershell you are testing on?
  2. Try this instead: DELAY 500 GUI r DELAY 100 STRING powershell Stop-Computer ENTER
  3. Hi Blix, I'm not sure if you watch Hak5 or not - but they've got a great YouTube channel, and you can find demonstrations and answers to precisely the questions you're looking for answers to. If you're interested in credentials from locked machines, I'd look up Mubix's explanation as he can probably explain QuickCreds better than anyone. If you're looking for info in regards to PoisonTap, look up Samy Kamkar. You're going to learn the most by hacking the device yourself. PoisonTap: https://samy.pl/poisontap/ QuickCreds: https://room362.com/post/2016/snagging-creds-from-locked-machines/
  4. Yup. If you're not trolling, it's a great username and password. No need for auditing.
  5. If you watch the HAK5 episode where the Bunny is introduced, at the very end they plug the Bunny into a Pineapple. Core mode. So you might want both. Just saying :)
  6. This might work great with the Bunny or Twin Duck. Can this be done with PowerShell?
  7. Winamp. It really kicks the Llama's ass.
  8. I own all of their devices aside from the Tetra. I think the Bash Bunny is your best bet if you're only looking to buy one right now, as it functions as Rubber Ducky, and in some ways a LAN Turtle. There are do many attack vectors you can setup with the Bunny, and you can switch back and forth between these with ease.
  9. NordVPN is pretty good. You can assign specific processes to kill upon disconnecting from VPN.
  10. Decoy


    I found this in the Metasploit Framework - it seems like a good start. I'm going to try to write killav.rb in Python. It looks like I answered my own questions :) avs = %W{ AAWTray.exe Ad-Aware.exe MSASCui.exe _avp32.exe _avpcc.exe _avpm.exe aAvgApi.exe ackwin32.exe adaware.exe advxdwin.exe agentsvr.exe agentw.exe alertsvc.exe alevir.exe alogserv.exe amon9x.exe anti-trojan.exe antivirus.exe ants.exe apimonitor.exe aplica32.exe apvxdwin.exe arr.exe atcon.exe atguard.exe atro55en.exe atupdater.exe atwatch.exe au.exe aupdate.exe auto-protect.nav80try.exe autodown.exe autotrace.exe autoupdate.exe avconsol.exe ave32.exe avgcc32.exe avgctrl.exe avgemc.exe avgnt.exe avgrsx.exe avgserv.exe avgserv9.exe avguard.exe avgw.exe avkpop.exe avkserv.exe avkservice.exe avkwctl9.exe avltmain.exe avnt.exe avp.exe avp.exe avp32.exe avpcc.exe avpdos32.exe avpm.exe avptc32.exe avpupd.exe avsched32.exe avsynmgr.exe avwin.exe avwin95.exe avwinnt.exe avwupd.exe avwupd32.exe avwupsrv.exe avxmonitor9x.exe avxmonitornt.exe avxquar.exe backweb.exe bargains.exe bd_professional.exe beagle.exe belt.exe bidef.exe bidserver.exe bipcp.exe bipcpevalsetup.exe bisp.exe blackd.exe blackice.exe blink.exe blss.exe bootconf.exe bootwarn.exe borg2.exe bpc.exe brasil.exe bs120.exe bundle.exe bvt.exe ccapp.exe ccevtmgr.exe ccpxysvc.exe cdp.exe cfd.exe cfgwiz.exe cfiadmin.exe cfiaudit.exe cfinet.exe cfinet32.exe claw95.exe claw95cf.exe clean.exe cleaner.exe cleaner3.exe cleanpc.exe click.exe cmd.exe cmd32.exe cmesys.exe cmgrdian.exe cmon016.exe connectionmonitor.exe cpd.exe cpf9x206.exe cpfnt206.exe ctrl.exe cv.exe cwnb181.exe cwntdwmo.exe datemanager.exe dcomx.exe defalert.exe defscangui.exe defwatch.exe deputy.exe divx.exe dllcache.exe dllreg.exe doors.exe dpf.exe dpfsetup.exe dpps2.exe drwatson.exe drweb32.exe drwebupw.exe dssagent.exe dvp95.exe dvp95_0.exe ecengine.exe efpeadm.exe emsw.exe ent.exe esafe.exe escanhnt.exe escanv95.exe espwatch.exe ethereal.exe etrustcipe.exe evpn.exe exantivirus-cnet.exe exe.avxw.exe expert.exe explore.exe f-agnt95.exe f-prot.exe f-prot95.exe f-stopw.exe fameh32.exe fast.exe fch32.exe fih32.exe findviru.exe firewall.exe fnrb32.exe fp-win.exe fp-win_trial.exe fprot.exe frw.exe fsaa.exe fsav.exe fsav32.exe fsav530stbyb.exe fsav530wtbyb.exe fsav95.exe fsgk32.exe fsm32.exe fsma32.exe fsmb32.exe gator.exe gbmenu.exe gbpoll.exe generics.exe gmt.exe guard.exe guarddog.exe hacktracersetup.exe hbinst.exe hbsrv.exe hotactio.exe hotpatch.exe htlog.exe htpatch.exe hwpe.exe hxdl.exe hxiul.exe iamapp.exe iamserv.exe iamstats.exe ibmasn.exe ibmavsp.exe icload95.exe icloadnt.exe icmon.exe icsupp95.exe icsuppnt.exe idle.exe iedll.exe iedriver.exe iexplorer.exe iface.exe ifw2000.exe inetlnfo.exe infus.exe infwin.exe init.exe intdel.exe intren.exe iomon98.exe istsvc.exe jammer.exe jdbgmrg.exe jedi.exe kavlite40eng.exe kavpers40eng.exe kavpf.exe kazza.exe keenvalue.exe kerio-pf-213-en-win.exe kerio-wrl-421-en-win.exe kerio-wrp-421-en-win.exe kernel32.exe killprocesssetup161.exe launcher.exe ldnetmon.exe ldpro.exe ldpromenu.exe ldscan.exe lnetinfo.exe loader.exe localnet.exe lockdown.exe lockdown2000.exe lookout.exe lordpe.exe lsetup.exe luall.exe luau.exe lucomserver.exe luinit.exe luspt.exe mapisvc32.exe mcagent.exe mcmnhdlr.exe mcshield.exe mctool.exe mcupdate.exe mcvsrte.exe mcvsshld.exe md.exe mfin32.exe mfw2en.exe mfweng3.02d30.exe mgavrtcl.exe mgavrte.exe mghtml.exe mgui.exe minilog.exe mmod.exe monitor.exe moolive.exe mostat.exe mpfagent.exe mpfservice.exe mpftray.exe mrflux.exe msapp.exe msbb.exe msblast.exe mscache.exe msccn32.exe mscman.exe msconfig.exe msdm.exe msdos.exe msiexec16.exe msinfo32.exe mslaugh.exe msmgt.exe msmsgri32.exe mssmmc32.exe mssys.exe msvxd.exe mu0311ad.exe mwatch.exe n32scanw.exe nav.exe navap.navapsvc.exe navapsvc.exe navapw32.exe navdx.exe navlu32.exe navnt.exe navstub.exe navw32.exe navwnt.exe nc2000.exe ncinst4.exe ndd32.exe neomonitor.exe neowatchlog.exe netarmor.exe netd32.exe netinfo.exe netmon.exe netscanpro.exe netspyhunter-1.2.exe netstat.exe netutils.exe nisserv.exe nisum.exe nmain.exe nod32.exe normist.exe norton_internet_secu_3.0_407.exe notstart.exe npf40_tw_98_nt_me_2k.exe npfmessenger.exe nprotect.exe npscheck.exe npssvc.exe nsched32.exe nssys32.exe nstask32.exe nsupdate.exe nt.exe ntrtscan.exe ntvdm.exe ntxconfig.exe nui.exe nupgrade.exe nvarch16.exe nvc95.exe nvsvc32.exe nwinst4.exe nwservice.exe nwtool16.exe ollydbg.exe onsrvr.exe optimize.exe ostronet.exe otfix.exe outpost.exe outpostinstall.exe outpostproinstall.exe padmin.exe panixk.exe patch.exe pavcl.exe pavproxy.exe pavsched.exe pavw.exe pccwin98.exe pcfwallicon.exe pcip10117_0.exe pcscan.exe pdsetup.exe periscope.exe persfw.exe perswf.exe pf2.exe pfwadmin.exe pgmonitr.exe pingscan.exe platin.exe pop3trap.exe poproxy.exe popscan.exe portdetective.exe portmonitor.exe powerscan.exe ppinupdt.exe pptbc.exe ppvstop.exe prizesurfer.exe prmt.exe prmvr.exe procdump.exe processmonitor.exe procexplorerv1.0.exe programauditor.exe proport.exe protectx.exe pspf.exe purge.exe qconsole.exe qserver.exe rapapp.exe rav7.exe rav7win.exe rav8win32eng.exe ray.exe rb32.exe rcsync.exe realmon.exe reged.exe regedit.exe regedt32.exe rescue.exe rescue32.exe rrguard.exe rshell.exe rtvscan.exe rtvscn95.exe rulaunch.exe run32dll.exe rundll.exe rundll16.exe ruxdll32.exe safeweb.exe sahagent.exe save.exe savenow.exe sbserv.exe sc.exe scam32.exe scan32.exe scan95.exe scanpm.exe scrscan.exe serv95.exe setup_flowprotector_us.exe setupvameeval.exe sfc.exe sgssfw32.exe sh.exe shellspyinstall.exe shn.exe showbehind.exe smc.exe sms.exe smss32.exe soap.exe sofi.exe sperm.exe spf.exe sphinx.exe spoler.exe spoolcv.exe spoolsv32.exe spyxx.exe srexe.exe srng.exe ss3edit.exe ssg_4104.exe ssgrate.exe st2.exe start.exe stcloader.exe supftrl.exe support.exe supporter5.exe svc.exe svchostc.exe svchosts.exe svshost.exe sweep95.exe sweepnet.sweepsrv.sys.swnetsup.exe symproxysvc.exe symtray.exe sysedit.exe system.exe system32.exe sysupd.exe taskmg.exe taskmgr.exe taskmo.exe taskmon.exe taumon.exe tbscan.exe tc.exe tca.exe tcm.exe tds-3.exe tds2-98.exe tds2-nt.exe teekids.exe tfak.exe tfak5.exe tgbob.exe titanin.exe titaninxp.exe tracert.exe trickler.exe trjscan.exe trjsetup.exe trojantrap3.exe tsadbot.exe tvmd.exe tvtmd.exe undoboot.exe updat.exe update.exe upgrad.exe utpost.exe vbcmserv.exe vbcons.exe vbust.exe vbwin9x.exe vbwinntw.exe vcsetup.exe vet32.exe vet95.exe vettray.exe vfsetup.exe vir-help.exe virusmdpersonalfirewall.exe vnlan300.exe vnpc3000.exe vpc32.exe vpc42.exe vpfw30s.exe vptray.exe vscan40.exe vscenu6.02d30.exe vsched.exe vsecomr.exe vshwin32.exe vsisetup.exe vsmain.exe vsmon.exe vsstat.exe vswin9xe.exe vswinntse.exe vswinperse.exe w32dsm89.exe w9x.exe watchdog.exe webdav.exe webscanx.exe webtrap.exe wfindv32.exe whoswatchingme.exe wimmun32.exe win-bugsfix.exe win32.exe win32us.exe winactive.exe window.exe windows.exe wininetd.exe wininitx.exe winlogin.exe winmain.exe winnet.exe winppr32.exe winrecon.exe winservn.exe winssk32.exe winstart.exe winstart001.exe wintsk32.exe winupdate.exe wkufind.exe wnad.exe wnt.exe wradmin.exe wrctrl.exe wsbgate.exe wupdater.exe wupdt.exe wyvernworksfirewall.exe xpf202en.exe zapro.exe zapsetup3001.exe zatutor.exe zonalm2601.exe zonealarm.exe }
  11. Decoy


    I also noticed that if you keep things like BunnyTap/PoisonTap on your Bunny when using attacks that utilize STORAGE (USB Exfiltration, etc) - a Virus Scanner will pick it up as a trojan - leaving one more track you'll need to clear. I'm going to start messing around with some code to start killing certain processes prior to executing payloads. In the long run it might be cool to have a text file/master list of sorts to reference as opposed to hard coding values.
  12. Has anyone encountered issues when plugging the Bash Bunny into a Windows 10 Machine? RNDIS_EHTERNET on Windows 10 brings up a Device Driver Install window which stays on the screen for some time. This can be minimized via the bunny script; however I wasn't sure if this was an expected behavior.
  13. Decoy


    So I tried testing a few payloads against a Windows 10 Machine running Kaspersky. It seems many network attacks are blocked by any decent firewall/virus scan. Has anyone considered putting together a list of processes in a text file to reference for killing potential anti-virus before running payloads?
  14. Decoy

    Locked Screen

    Not necessarily. In our case we all happen to be Administrators - so I've never had to Authenticate. I've done it on my home network as well though and don't ever remember having to authenticate. As long as your part of the same network/workgroup I don't think you do.
  15. Can you elaborate a little more? Also - I think this topic might be better suited for the Rubber Ducky forum. Either way - please add some more detail for what you're trying to accomplish. The Rubber Ducky is essentially a keyboard; therefore if it can be done with a keyboard then it can be done with the ducky.
  16. Thanks for this. Is this different than what was already in the Payloads git repository? Or is this just a thread created for it?
  17. My Bunny came right on time. Super happy with it... and my LAN Turtle... and my Pineapple... and my Rubber Ducky.
  18. Decoy

    Locked Screen

    Actually it's not that difficult. We do it at work all the time to prank each other. Like I said - if you're on the same network and it's pranking co-workers - this is extremely easy. You wouldn't be able to do something like this from your house.
  19. Decoy

    Locked Screen

    Open Regedit, and choose "Connect to Network Registry". Enter in the name/host of the PC you're trying to connect to and click Ok. Once you've connected, navigate to the remote PC registry, and go into Control Panel. From there you can do quite a few things. Good luck!
  20. Decoy

    Locked Screen

    Alternatively if you don't mind leaving the Bash Bunny behind temporarily - you could always use the DELAY command if you knew the user was returning within a certain time frame. You can set a delay of a few minutes - and the script would execute once the PC is later unlocked. Using some of the common obfuscation techniques from the Rubber Ducky - you should be able to do this quickly and quietly, and then later return to scoop up the evidence.
  21. Decoy

    Locked Screen

    While you might not be able to run Duckyscript on a locked machine, if all you're looking to do is modify the background or screensaver - you can do this remotely via regedit on Windows Machines. All you need is the host name or IP of the Computer on the network (assuming you're on the same network). Once connected to their registry remotely, you can modify all sorts of things, including (but not limited to) their background, screensaver, you can even swap their mouse buttons or keyboard keys. You could write a simple payload which you could execute on your own machine to automate the process if you were so inclined.
  22. This is an excellent site. Lots of great (free) information from trusted sources. There are also free VMs with real life scenarios in them for you to test your skills and knowledge throughout the process: https://pentesterlab.com/bootcamp Also - Offensive Security has put together a nice page as well that will walk you through Metasploit - and includes a vulnerable VM, "Metasploitable": https://www.offensive-security.com/metasploit-unleashed/requirements/ Once you've learned all you can - VulnHub is one of my personal favorites for some could old fashioned CTF Fun: https://www.vulnhub.com/ Good Luck!
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