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Everything posted by Technologique

  1. If you look on the homepage, you'll find a handy button that says "Donate".
  3. That.. is... pure genius! You know what you have to do though, monthly lists of when IPTV shows come out :D
  4. Aye, a computer, at the end of the day, is a computer. As long as it can do what you want it to do, go wild with your brandnames, don't be lured by the call of elitism that many geeks have nowadays about Dell computers being the spawn of satan, 'cause it's almost guarenteed that these same people will be using things they rant against. I'm currently using a Sony Vaio, brought from PC world, tweaked by myself, and it can do anything I ask of it.
  5. Hoohaa, I thought that I had it there. It's like the old adage... Obey your technolust; And always remember... Google is your friend.
  6. Do you want to know what would change, if all the "hackers" in the world joined forces against the US? Absolutely nothing. Not a jot. Not one microscopic detain would change in the grand scheme of things. Throughout history, there have been idiots in positions of power. There have been wars fought over pointless landfills, with the excuse of overthrowing an evil ruler, and yet it still happens today. Human nature doesn't change just because a few people decide to change the world, it all goes back the way it was before, and everything moves on in a state of constant stagnation, before a new force emerges, wiping out the old way with it's remarkable ideas, before it too stagnates.
  7. Well, with the usual ways to do it pretty much out of the window for time's sake, there's not a lot that I can think of, unless you manage to find out the CMD line you're looking for. Good luck, and if you get it, could you provide and answer to your question, as this will bug me for a few days now ;)
  8. . . . I really, really, really don't want to consider that option.
  9. Window of 5 minutes... okay, can be done. Use this in the form of a boot disc to turn the current admin's password blank. Turn the computer off, then back on, and log in under the admin. From there, quickly create the new user, then shut down. Should work, but as always, I merely state this as an intellectual exercise. Doing this sort of thing in the Real World can lead to serious trouble.
  10. It was an assumption based on the fact that he/she is coming here to ask how to get into an adult site, which suggests that he/she is either too strapped for cash to pay such an enterprise, or that he/she isn't old enough in their country, and thus can't legally join such an enterprise. ...Sick :D
  11. Is there a current Admin for the network? If so, you could just bruteforce his account and create a new Admin, with your name and password, that way.
  12. Or (and this may seem like a radical idea I know, but what can I say, I'm a risk taker) you could wait until you're old enough to legally purchase pornography, and use your credit card to gain access to the website that way. Please, anyone who is tempted to join the forum, don't do it looking to get help in finding free porn, it's just tacky.
  13. Edit: I'm too used to using HTML, damn BBCode These two questions can be interlinked in one smooth movement to get their IP address, and then use that to hack them. This is a fairly long winded way about doing it, but should work. Step one: Get a website running, maybe even a blog. Step two: Install an invisible stat counter on the page. Step three: Pretend to be enthusiastic about said site, and invite the AIM user to view your site, and give you suggestions about how to improve it. Step four: When they have visited the site, log into your stat counter, where you will be able to find their IP address. Using this IP address, you will then be able to find programs out there that can view information about the person's computer by using their IP address, and then use certain... Shall we say.. Metaphysical Exploiting software to get past programs they are running and into their system. Sorry about the vagueness past step four, but I still wish to be able to plead innocent when and if I ever get to court ;)
  14. Aye, the URL would help a fair bit in getting into said website.
  15. Um... yeah. To download a friends video files from their website, you don't need any tools whatsoever, save a mouse. Right click on the video image, or the link to said video on their site, and select the "Save target as" option.
  16. Hmmm... Quick question. Black holes produce immense gravitational pull, and suck everything within a large, large radius into them. Would the vision of darkness be caused by the gravitational pull near the centre forcing objects to travel past the speed of light, so they are no-longer visable, or would it simply be that all the sources of light in the area have been sucked into the maelstrom of the hole, slipping into the black hole where it can't escape, thus stopping us from percieving light around the area?
  17. Okay, I went to Jinx to taunt myself with the New Hak.5 t-shirt again (oh so close to having the spare money to purchase awsomness), when I was struck with horror. " The following sizes are out of stock and are not available for purchase at this time: Black - 3XL" . . . Is it that bad truly? Is everyone on the forum an obese geek? Do we truly need XXXL clothing to hide our flab? Please tell me that it's just the bikini models ordering this large clothing because they wish to use it as a quilt...
  18. Delete the CMD. JOKING! Don't actually do that, thou ninny! Go into your CMD to start with, cd to the folder the batch file's in, and then open it that way.
  19. Explain please, you say you have no firewall, yet you have a hardware firewall. Do you mean that FreeBSD has its own firewall built in (prehaps a better quality one than the one built into XP *shudders*), or do you mean that you have a seperate firewall, that your server runs through, thus eliminating the need for a software firewall...?
  20. The only thing I can find relating to "Alaska Grown" is that it promotes fruit, vegetables, and other agricultural products grown in Alaska, started in 1986. The main advantage seems to be that Alaska Grown products are on the shelves in Alaska literally one or two days after the produce has been picked, making them fresher, crisper, sweeter and tastier. It also helps the community by keeping money from Alaska, in Alaska. Of course, the shirt that D was wearing is most probably a mockery of this, using the "Alaska Grown" logo to suggest homemade drugs, in this case, probably weed.
  21. Here lies a page containing all the help you will ever need, my friend.
  22. Gah, can someone keep bumping this topic for the next few day's 'cause I've just got stuck into David Gemmel's "Troy", and want to finish that before looking at anything else, but would also like to read the above. Gah!
  23. See, I don't pay attention for a few days, and already a fight breaks out amongst our closeknit community. Okay, this one's going to take a little more sorting out than normal, due to the fact that the ethical concerns in using 3tunes is mm... touchy at best. Personally, I think that it was an excellent idea for the intellectual persuit side of doing it, seeing if you could create a program that is both easily accessible, modable, and does everything that the user could wish. The only passing concern would be that it is very ethically unballanced as a principle, and does bend certain copywrite laws. I think congratulations are in order for getting on the front page of digg, and as for the fact that Pandora will very probably patch their site to no longer allow this exploit to grab the music, it was still extremely interesting to read how you went about it. Jang, yeah, I think that you intended the "Attention Whore" comment as a jest, or at least in good humour (maybe it was the lol afterwards that gave it away), but people can, and often do misread things, and it can be very offensive to them. I'm not going to have a major rant or anything, but you seem to be irritated that this got taken the wrong way, so please just understand that from time to time it's not what you write what offends people, it's what they read. Now, we're still a fairly small community at the moment, and since the time I've been here, I've been amazed at how many like-minded people we have. Sure there'll be argument's from time to time, but please, don't let anything frustrate you. After all, this is only a forum, and what happens here shouldn't affect the "Real World" in any way, shape, or form. Take every comment with a pinch of salt, and think hard before you post anything, for it might offend someone. Thank's for listening.
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