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Everything posted by moonlit

  1. Virtual PC (Windows only, free), VMWare Server (free)/Workstation (paid), QEMU (free, with kqemu virtualiser addon), VirtualBox (free), Parallels (Mac only) and a bunch of others can run an OS in a virtual machine inside another OS. All do the job very well, though uses for each vary - VMWare and Virtual PC would be better at running Vista, QEMU (without kqemu) is best for running older OSs like MSDOS. All of them will run Linux (though Linux in Virtual PC is a little quirky). Have fun and experiment, virtualisation/emulation is really useful.
  2. Good news: There's an extra space available in the hostel. Bad news: It's mine. Unfortunately I'll not be able to afford the trip any longer due to a lack of funds.
  3. Ahh, my mistake. 'Fraid I can't help on that one then.
  4. You don't really need a screenshot app, just right click the command line window and click "Mark", highlight the text you need, then right click (which copies the text to the clipboard).
  5. eee 901 or 1001. Small, light, portable, ~7h battery life, wifi.
  6. Desktop: 1600x1200 + 1280x800 eeepc: 800x480
  7. moonlit

    Frets on Fire

    Mods are essential, FoF has some serious bugs (for instance, when you start a song, the numbers take years to actually count down). With the appropriate mods though it's great. Also check out StepMania - the same deal, but a clone of Dance Dance Revolution rather than Guitar Hero. Very close clone in fact, sometimes you wouldn't know the difference between it and a real DDR game/machine.
  8. moonlit

    ScanDisk 16G

    http://files.extremeoverclocking.com/file.php?f=197 HP USB Format Tool... As for the virtual machine thing, if you boot an OS in VMWare and have the USB stick set as a HDD in the virtual machine then you get full access to the drive. See, you're not supposed to be able to partition flash drives in Windows and if you do it'll only show you the first partition and act like the rest of the drive doesn't exist. If you, for example, boot MSDOS in a virtual machine with the USB stick as a HDD then 1) the drive doesn't appear to be a USB stick and 2) MSDOS has a built in partitioner which you can use to do whatever you need to the drive. On saying that, you could probably just go to Control Panel > Administrative Tools > Disk Management, and in there see if the drive is partitioned. If it is, delete all the partitions and make a new one. Format this and you should be good to go.
  9. Which is nice and all, but there was no Hackers 2. Nor was there a Hackers 3. Some dude just uploaded Takedown and Antitrust with those prefixes to some file sharing network or whatever and they stuck.
  10. All of them. Browse for filenames that look interesting to you. If something turns out not to be interesting then choose another. It's not like there's a shortage.
  11. moonlit

    ScanDisk 16G

    1) Did it ever show 16GB? 1) Yes: Format it. As Emeryth said, use NTFS or FAT32. 1) No: Proceed to question 2. 2) Did you buy it on eBay? 2) Yes: It's probably fake. Bad luck. 2) No: Format it using HP's USB format tool or boot a virtual machine with it mounted as a hard drive, delete all the partitions, repartition with only one partition, format again.
  12. I really hope you get fucked with an attitude like that.
  13. You will not recover all of your deleted files. You may recover some, many of them may be corrupted. Today's lessons are as follows: 1) Don't mess with technical stuff on an important machine when you don't know what you're doing. 2) Always back up your files, especially when you're about to perform major surgery. 3) If you want to multiboot and you're not confident with hard disk partitioning, start with a single blank drive - no other hard drives attached, nothing on the drive to lose. 4) If in doubt, don't click the big red button. It can make you lose things and cry a lot. It's a little late this time but bear all of those things in mind. If you're going to try quirky processes like moving and merging partitions then practice them on a virtual machine or an old machine that isn't important. As for the aftermath, the best you'll get is a selection of files which will not all be complete and/or will be corrupt. However many of these files you recover, you will have to weed out the corrupt files because they will likely be useless.
  14. Turn off your computer, get out of the house. Do not touch a computer while you are out. Do this as many times as you possibly can. After long enough, you will start to care less about the computer and what it means to you. If you become suitably detached you'll be able to come back to the computer and not immediately play games but do something else. Or something. I agree with the previous comments about the fact that you need to want to learn. It's like quitting cigarettes - if you don't want to quit, you probably won't. Same with games. Will I quit soda (games) and start drinking water (coding) and fruit juice (productivity apps)? That's your choice to make. As for school, well, a lot of computer minded people never liked school that much. Not even just geeks, sometimes it's just not what works best for you. If that's the case then make the most of it while you're there and start figuring out what to do when you're not. It's not the end of the world if you don't get awesomely unbelievable grades (sure, they help,) but they're not everything. Another thing is that you could possibly use the games as a reward. If you've been particularly productive, allow yourself some chillout time. It doesn't have to be all work or all play, just keep tabs on how long you do either of them. I'm probably talking bollocks, I just got up and I can't think straight, but I think there was something in there of use, so uh... dunno, good luck?
  15. Yes, yes, oh yes, jerk that epenis some more! Oh yeah! Oh, oh OH! C'mon people, what's with the "look at me! look at me!" shit lately, school kick out or something?
  16. Good things come to those who wait, as the famous Irish stout adverts say.
  17. It is old news, but kinda cool anyway. Just make sure you use the right oil.
  18. If you can't install wifi drivers in Windows, you probably don't have a hope in hell of installing them in Linux. Sorry, but if Vista is "buggy" then Linux is like a disfigured, aborted baby. Anyway, with that said, the reason you're having the problem you are is because you're trying to force-feed it the wrong driver. When you tell it to go do things itself (Scan for hardware changes) it'll go out and pull the appropriate driver. If you're trying to tell it to use an incompatible driver then said driver isn't going to be able to make any sense of the wifi stick because it's (for lack of a better analogy) talking another language. So for future reference, check Device Manager and see what the device is listed as while it's working. Store this information somewhere and if you should need to download another driver for it then you'll know which you need. Edit: You mention wrappers for drivers in Linux. You need the wrapper (ndiswrapper) when there's no working Linux driver and you need to use a Windows driver. Does this seem logical to you? You tried to escape Windows because your wifi wasn't working and you switch to Linux which has no idea what the hell your wifi card is and needs a Windows driver to make it work? Thought not.
  19. I don't quite see what you mean. I'm also running an unmodified full install of Windows XP SP3 on my 4G 701. Works without a problem and there's still plenty of space left on the SSD for VLC, Firefox, etc. Pretty snappy, too.
  20. moonlit


    Reinstall. That system is (should be) perfectly capable. Clearly a software issue, reinstall Windows, use all latest drivers, don't fill up on crap apps you'll only use once.
  21. moonlit

    Host Boot

    Nah, all that fluffy stuff's long gone, he moved on to printing miniature audio bugs on sticks of chewing gum not long after that.
  22. moonlit

    Host Boot

    Not a lot of people know this, but the Gameboy Printer that Nintendo sold a few years ago actually works for the above process. You need to bash together an adapter first, of course, but it works a treat once you've got it up and going.
  23. ...uh-huh. So yeah, video: VLC + MPC + WMP and audio: iTunes + WMP (or occasionally VLC for streams and single tracks).
  24. Current: Best Of... - Pointless. Useless. Waste of space. Diggnation - About the only thing I download consistently from Rev3. Could be about anything and occasionally has a good angle on something. Opportunities to rant are good. The Digg Reel - Condensed YouTube. Utter tripe. Kill it. Kill it already, damnit. Epic Fu - Not bad, saw a couple of episodes when it first hit Rev3 and it has good and bad points much like anything. Watchable but I won't go out of my way to download it. Not the worst show in the world, however. The GigaOm Show - Maybe it's improved since but it desperately needed a kick in the ass last I saw it. Good idea, good guest, but Om just can't make anything interesting for longer than half a minute. Nothing against the guy, I'm sure he knows his stuff, but I'm not sure he works well as a main host. iFanboy - I'm not into comics and stuff like that so this never appealed to me. That's why I've never seen it and have no opinion on the show itself. It's nice to know that there are shows for ComicBookGuy out there though. Internet Superstar - I. Hate. Martin. Sergent. That is all. PixelPerfect - Cool, a Photoshop show. I don't happed to own or use Photoshop but from what I've seen of the show it's quite good. Reminds me of kids art shows from the 90s on British kids TV. popSiren - It's good, but not *that* good. I just couldn't be bothered to download it after the first few shows because as much as it has some good content, it's a little meat in a massive wad of pastry (for lack of a batter analogy). The science stuff is good, the "omganotherawesomewebsite" stuff isn't. I don't need web picks, I pick them myself. Has potential, they just have to cut the web2.0 bs. The Revision3 Gazette - Well... the idea was nice... shame it died though. I guess they got bored or tired of doing it. I liked the real behind the scenes stuff, I did not like Fruit Club and that stupid VC song. Give me behind the scenes again. Please. Scam School - I don't think I've seen a whole episode of this yet, anything under 10 minutes seems pretty pointless, I like stuff long and worthwhile downloading and/or storing. Sounds like a watered down rip of 5 minutes from The Real Hustle but whatever, some people love this stuff. Systm - It's had a few decent episodes but lately it's left me wondering where the good stuff went. The combat robots was one of the most interesting episode for me. Overclocking your PC? I thought Systm was hardcore...? Tekzilla - Dropped, got boring and pointless. Sure it's still good for those less knowledgeable though. Better since Veronica replaced Jessica but still not enough. Eye candy does not replace content. Patrick could be doing so much more. The Totally Rad Show - Enjoyed the feel of the show and some of the offbeat segments like Dan Becomes a Man, and (I think this may have been one of them, but) when Wil Harris teaches them how to drink tea correctly. Good, fun stuff, but the actual point of the show - the content - doesn't interest me, so it was inevitable that eventually it'd drop off my list. Web Drifter - I. Used. To. Hate. Martin. Sergent. Wine Library Reserve - Sorry Gary, no love from me on this one. The idea's nice but meh, can't stick to it. Wine Library TV - Same again I'm afraid. The energy is nice (if occasionally a little OTT). I still don't "get" this show. This is wine for the masses, right? So stop telling me there's an infusion of willow and a hint of cheddar. Joe Shmoe doesn't understand this stuff. XLR8R TV - Dunno, if I've seen it, it was a while ago and I wasn't impressed, else I'd remember it. Deceased: thebroken - Was fine in its time but it's long dead now. Bringing it back even for one more episode would be a mistake, the hosts just aren't who they were any more. Even episode 4 didn't work well as a thebroken episode. This show came from the days of From The Shadows and Packet Sniffers. This stuff was back when a bunch of geeks got hold a camera and went batshit crazy with it. New thebroken and indeed Rev3 as a whole is not this time. Sorry folks, but even if Kevin does bring it back, it's dead. InDigital - Arguably one of the best shows Rev3 ever had. Ended due to "disagreements" in how things were to continue. Hosts and company couldn't agree so it died and whether people like to believe it or not, it got replaced with Tekzilla (which was in my view a very poor replacement, especially to begin with). It had good content, interesting an fun hosts and it made me download it every episode, I used to wait for it to be posted. Did Tekzilla fill the void for me? No. Do I miss InDigital? Most definitely. I'd ask for another show similar to it but I don't think it'd be the same without the same sets and hosts. Oh well, all good things come to an end I guess, just wish that one hadn't. Bastards. Social Brew - I didn't know this was dead until I just checked Rev3's website. Personally I say good riddance. It was a poor show that was hard to watch and would've been even harder to source constant content for. A show about social networking was never going to last. At least they're trying new things. Ctrl+Alt+Chicken - Another very good show which died before its time. It was fun and it was worth watching despite having no technical content whatsoever. Shame, we need more shows that appeal to geeks but aren't computing/tech based, and cooking was probably one of the best ideas. Infected - I. Still. Hate. Martin. Sergent. NotMTV - Was a good idea I guess but it seems it just didn't work out. Don't think I watched it at all but it had to appeal to someone, right? I think that just about covers the shows. I was going to comment on the company itself but I'm not really qualified to do so. I'm glad they exist but I'm not entirely sure about the form they currently exist in. when thebroken, Systm, Diggnation started, everything felt new and exciting, now it kinda feels almost like Rev3 could be found on channel 928 of your local cable or satellite provider's EPG. I was going to say they feel mainstream but they don't, not just yet. A lot of this stuff (Systm, Tekzilla) is fairly specific to the computing demographic. Then again, so is podcasting and IPTV. I'm done here, if I wasn't I'd ramble for ever about nothing in particular. IPTV is dead. Long live TV via IP. Or something.
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