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Everything posted by armadaender

  1. And we shall stand together. You can stop one, but you cannot stop us all. And why not move to England? The fact that you guys speak English is good enough for me, that way I don’t have to put my Spanish to the test and the only Italian I know is how to say thank-you.
  2. Honestly, if you want to see if you can break into a school system, go up to the admin and ask if you could test his work by pen testing it with him watching over you. If you throughly explain to him what you're are doing, it can be a learning experience for both of you. You will learn that you're are capable of gaining access to a network and admin controls (and if not, then you can try other ways to get around blocks - testing your knowledge). And the admin can learn how to better secure his network from then on so that skript kiddies down the line can't take the easy way in to screw with the system. Off topic? Yes I know.
  3. Being an American and one who agrees with all of you, I can't help but state the fact that starting a 'revolution' will certainly end with every member in prison for treason. This country has become so far off track that everyone must tread softly when speaking of politics as people have been 'told on' by others and have been jailed for just speaking their mind (freedom of speech being infringed upon, maybe just a little?) I don't know what the hell is going on in this country but I'm on the verge of moving to England, Spain, Italy, wherever to get away from all of this bullshit. And to answer a few of your guys' questions: No, the vast majority of Americans don't know that the world distrusts us. It's pathetic when college students are not even aware of the things that are going on in their own country (i.e. the RIAA and this Net Neutrality act). Additionally, you're correct Cooper, we Americans are ignorant to the world around us and have no idea that we are vulnerable on many fronts to being put in our place. It’s no longer the days where we were the ultimate power in the world but today we still feel as though we are and retaliations to our leaders’ actions will show that. I don’t wish anyone to be hurt but if another attack on American soil is what it would take for the government heads to re-think their strategies and priorities, then so be it. Yes, I am an American, and I have never before been so ashamed to live here.
  4. Woah, scared the shit out of me. You look freaking evil.
  5. Figured I would follow suit and post something. I've got a bunch more but I'm sure none of you want to read about women breaking hearts so here's another: Title: This is morning I rise to silence the alarm From this moment I’m lost – nothing’s in focus. Slowly the window comes to view Through the shade, a world known far to well My feet to the ground Body's burning for caffeine Stomach turning of last night’s alcohol Today’s another four-aspirin day Making my way across the floor Changing from tile to carpet to tile again The night before plays through my head Wishing it could change, wishing it would... This is morning The shower did nothing to wake me Brushing my teeth as I stare Staring into the mirror Seeing what I wish would change Seeing what I wish others could hear This is my life. Doesn't really rhyme but I wrote it while playing my acoustic so it sounded good then.
  6. Few books to look into: Hacking exposed: (web applications/network security/windows/linux and unix - these are different books) Art of Deception (by Kevin Mitnick) Art of Intrusion (again by Kevin Mitnick) Few useful sites for information: http://www.cotse.com/ http://blacklisted411.net/ http://www.ethicalhacker.net/ http://www.informationleak.net/
  7. Sounds to me like using a nuclear reactor to power an ipod (ok, shitty analogy I know). Then again, I would love to have that much ram for my boxs.
  8. Jesus.... what kind of board is that and what do you use that box for to need that much ram?
  9. I love how all of your solutions to any problem someone's having is to set it on fire. Always a good laugh. And in terms of the hard drive, you've fried it and will need a new one. That is unless of course you're capable of somehow physically fixing the hdd itself. At least you managed to salvage 30 gigs worth. My recommendation would be Seagate because 1) They have an amazing warranty (5 years) and 2) I have two-120 GB hdds by them and after 3 years, I have not have a single problem.... knock on wood.
  10. LMAO, reading this brought back so many humorous and missed memories with my cats. Now I'm glad the semester is 2 days from being over with and I can go home and see them.
  11. Looks like everyone on this forum is turning to the cat side. Unless you prefer some other kind of pet. I don't really mind dogs much... as long as they don't bark/jump/bite at everything that moves... including me. Ha, my thoughts exactly. My sister has two dogs: Dallas, a german shepard who's ok. He's just a big, dumb dog. Tigger however, the american-eskimo, is a little shit that loves to bark at everything that moves as well as jump up on everything and everyone. Thank goodness my cats don't take shit from either of them. Whenever my fat cat Boo-Boo is with me, Tigger and Dallas won't come within 15 feet of us for fear of losing an eye to Boo-Boo's claws. They've learned to fear my cats.
  12. Not quite, you're twisting my words. The creation of myspace brought us closer to our own demise. The development of this dogspace sents us back in terms of cognitive development (made us stupider). Not back in time as you so thought. And, I hate dogs.
  13. The creation of myspace didn't set us back, it brought us much closer to the end of the universe.
  14. And the human species has been set back 500 years in cognitive development.
  15. [cough] www.torrents.to [/cough] * Waits for BOFH to strike with the formidable hammer of banning *
  16. There is the posibility of running an emulator on your pc to simulate the osx environment. Below is a link to a page where they provide many different, possible emulators and good descriptions so that you can easily find the best-suited one for you. http://www.macwindows.com/emulator.html
  17. moonlit - Fantastic! I love it.
  18. I'm not sure if that was aimed at my stupidity and low level of knowledge of the subject at hand or not (doesn't bother me either way), but that does sound like something the riaa would do if they had the resources.
  19. Wait, software that is capable of aiding piracy is considered illegal? In all actuality, that would mean almost every program on the market. Web browsers, chat clients, media players. Everything is capable of aiding piracy.
  20. Eh, in the end it didn't matter. The exam was almost exactly the same as the practice exam she gave us. Took me a whole 30 minutes. But you are correct (or that fictional famous person was anyway), the best way to learn information is to practice and best of all, teach it to others. I headed a study group in my economics and society class last semester and I can still recall most of the text word for word from all those hours spent in the library with the group. Woah, we're quite off track here. Sorry everyone. Maybe this summer if I find time between work and my other projects I'll construct a Hak.5 skin for XP. Hey there's an idea, we could hold a competition to see who can contruct the best 'skin' for xp. Of course it would have to be through actually editing the resource files and not using a pre-built application (like from windowblinds) to streamline the construction process. (Although I'm not sure how those work either, never messed with them). We could have best Hak.5 theme, best Evil Server theme and I'm sure we could think of a few more. Any supporters?
  21. No that's the weird thing. I have a semester's worth of microeconomics shoved into my brain (thank you aderol) and I'm able to ramble off anything that I need to know without hesitation but the little things like forgetting to post the link are finally catching up to me.
  22. Meh... screw it, let the yanks have there shinny new laws, we'll just keep on burning and ripping to our hearts content. Until Mr Blair feels unloved and goes for gold here that is... Ok, I'm moving to Europe, can't take the american, make everything illegal, mind-set anymore.
  23. Oh shit, I'm a complete idiot. Sorry guys, here it is: http://www.g4tv.com/screensavers/features/...gin_Screen.html I've been up all night cramming for exams so I'm not suprised I forgot to post the link. Coffee and Excedrin only does so much to keep in line and on track.
  24. Techtv was a fantastic network with shows that were actually technology aimed. Nothing like today's g4 where almost every program is based on video games, star trek, anime, or girls in bathing suits jumping on trampolines (not that there is anything wrong with girls in bathing suits) but I believe that most of you guys and gals will agree with me when I say that G4 is a nerd version of comedy central. Or at least pretty damn close.
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