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Everything posted by i8igmac

  1. I need to upgrade my setup, but I placed a raspberry pi b+ in my attic space... a ddwrt wireless router hooked to the pi for remote access... 3 alfa cards connected to a usb hub, one of these cards I use for my internet access... the 2 other cards are for fun... I was thinking about replacing the pi with maybe a 'trim slice' or something with better throughput speeds... I could use a remote control arm, for moving my directional antenna around. could be so much fun programming a 'auto tune' arm that maps out all access points best signal based on x/y arm location
  2. http://www.t1shopper.com/tools/port-scan/ if your exploit handler is running on port 4444, you should then scan this port with a remote host, the tool above will tell u if the port is responding...
  3. Hook it up, do some demonstrations... software, sql stuff?
  4. does aircrack simply use iw to create a new interface
  5. Ifconfig wlan0 down Iwconfig wlan0 mode monitor Ifconfig wlan0 up Killall services that can mess with the device. What about placing the device into monitor mode your self and bypassing this function within the script.
  6. You could purchase identical hardware, what kind of wireless router is being used... Install identical hardware and software. You can spend weeks messing around...
  7. You could purchase identical hardware, what kind of wireless router is being used... Installing on your identical hardware and software. You can spend weeks messing around...
  8. Are you talking torrent downloads?
  9. You can look at your appache log files, maybe there is a permission issue
  10. Why would they do that lol And what about cracking these keys? So it seems that these files can be recovered, but it would be a bunch of encrypted junk.
  11. I don't own, never held a iphone or mac... Why is this hard drive different from others? My understanding of file recovery in lamme terms... When a file is deleted, that section of hard drive space is now available for a rewrite... the data still exist and can be recovered until that section has been over written...
  12. I just spoke with the employee. he never used any iTunes or iCloud. I hope for a method like linux safecopy exist type of harddrive... waiting on the modle number... its iphone 5
  13. we recently had a employee quit and factory reset his phone. I need to recover photos from this phone for work related purposes. a quick Google search I found hfsprecover which seems like a Linux tool for recovering data from HFS file systems? has anyone attempted file recovery 'the linux method' on a Mac or iPhone before any suggestions for tools? the cloud is not an option and I have already scanned the database files and found nothing
  14. So. Now I'm looking to add a predictable/completion. search query Some friends suggest solr... if any one has experience implementing this pleas share...
  15. I think it is possible to probe for a sequence id. so to increase your chances... I have always wanted to try and inject a tcp drop packet into a already existing connection...
  16. apt-cache search emulator Nintendo, Nintendo 64, sega, PlayStation, xbox I used to mess around with roms and emulators... I think you can play contra Online with friends with the right emulator... Mortal combat Bubble bobble Concers bad fur day
  17. lol, i tried that on my first but... duh... lol omg... " +".str_replace(" "," +",$str) ga damn it
  18. So, ill share, my solution... only had to make a few small changes to my index.php.. My new full text search query... SELECT * FROM movies WHERE MATCH(name, actors, description, download_append, genre) AGAINST ('+comedy +seth +rogen' IN BOOLEAN MODE) then i modified the form request the client will supply... insert + before every string <?php $str="comedy seth rogen"; $counter=count(explode(" ", $str)); $sql_query=""; for ($i=0; $i<$counter; $i++) { $sql_query .= " +".explode(" ", $str)[$i]; echo "<br>"; } echo $sql_query; ?> $sql_query => "+comedy +seth +rogen"
  19. the tcp 3 way handshake and a spoofed src-ip... Hping -s -d -p 80 -a The router will get a syn packet and then respond to the spoofed src address but the connection never happens... predictable sequence numbers, you might probe the target and guess the sequence number so you can inject the a tcp drop packet on a already existing tcp connection...
  20. I figured it out... '+comedy +2014 +seth +rogen' + string must exist... The ifnull, I was trying to submit a query, if the first returns null then attempt a second more lenient query Now I'm looking at php, trying to modify the $search_html . . . Such a ugly loop to accomplish such a simple string replacement
  21. I installed my Raspberry Pi kali with a 32 gig SD card. I forget how exactly... I think I had to open the SD card from a separate operating system gparted to change the available hard drive space. then I made a backup of this 32 gig kali sd card iso
  22. Im strugling a bit with this full text search, trying to produce proper results... .php?search=2015+comedy i already know how many movies in the database exist with the date of 2015 and comedy... SELECT * FROM movies WHERE MATCH(name, actors, description, download_append, genre) AGAINST ('comedy' IN BOOLEAN MODE) AND MATCH(name, actors, description, download_append, genre) AGAINST ('2015' IN BOOLEAN MODE) above query will find exactly how many movies include comedy and 2015... i still run a single string, twice on the query... would require some explode in php and a bunch of ugly code to correct my pagination... SELECT * FROM movies WHERE MATCH(name, actors, description, download_append, genre) AGAINST ('comedy 2015' IN BOOLEAN MODE) above will return like 350 movie results, witch is not yet correct... almost like comedy OR 2015 SELECT * FROM movies WHERE MATCH(name, actors, description, download_append, genre) AGAINST ('"comedy 2015"' IN BOOLEAN MODE) above ' " exact match of the string how it was written " ' will return zero results... "comedy 2015" exact string does not exist my my database... SELECT * FROM movies WHERE IFNULL(MATCH(name, actors, description, download_append, genre) AGAINST ('"2015 comedy"' IN BOOLEAN MODE), MATCH(name, actors, description, download_append, genre) AGAINST ('2015 comedy' IN BOOLEAN MODE)) above, i tried this fancy little query... but return zero results... i figured if exact string not found, then try a more basic query
  23. all this looks like the answer, I gave it a quick test this morning and was getting MySQL errors. I changed the MySQL engine as explained from online sources. thanks for this suggestion
  24. thanks for the links. I know what I need to do... I have to many columns that I'm searching... For a much simpler version, ill add a column called 'searchable'... ill put all the information in this column... $search_html='cia denzel 2015' Explode($search_html) Select * from moves where 'searchable' REGEXP 'cia' and 'searchable' REGEXP 'denzel' and 'searchable' REGEXP '2015' this will allow my pagination to continue working with a simple single sql query
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