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Everything posted by i8igmac

  1. I have watched a few videos online about opening up the hard, with hopes that its a simple fix...
  2. At this point the drive is unresponsive... time to open this thing up and have a look inside... Dual solid state raid configuration will be put into this labtop :-) I now know what to put in my amazon shopping cart
  3. I have a labtop with two 500gig hard drives... my labtop took a hard hit when the linux OS was running. /dev/sdb1 =>100 gig linux mint /dev/sdb5 =>200 gig home folder After this hard impact. I started up a live usb, and ran a fsck -y /dev/sdb5 and sdb1 also updated grub. I then booted the linux os successfully! Leaving the machine On all night was a mistake! I would imagine the system sitting at idle was making hard drive writes. The system become unresponsive. My opportunity to perform data recovery may have been lost. At this point I have 3 working live usb sticks. Gparted live, kali linux and linux mint... mint and kali wont boot completely, they are stuck in a loop of what looks like 'hard drive sense key media error with hex of bad sector found'(I have a screenshot) I see the same errors with gparted live but it will completely boot.
  4. I THINK I FOUDN THE ONE (The new BPi-R1 is a 300Mbps Wireless N Router) i am so excited...
  5. Cubieboard A80 Has upto 300 mbps wifi with sma connector 1000m etho... But maybe to much hardware gone to waist sitting in a attic space.
  6. I more or less looking for a single board computer that will allow excellent throughput speeds from a Wi-Fi device to gig Ethernet... I don't want to be limited to open wrt firmware. I'd like to have a fully functional Linux operating system... if I don't find the hardware that suits my needs then I will look into possibly building a raid system simular to Coopers
  7. Update... I just changed the channel on my dd-wrt to 13...and wow what a ddifference... no other router exist on the channel... So. The alfa card with a dish like antenna connects to internet source access point on channel 6 (from long distance)... then ddwrt broadcast open-wifi on channel 13... and now there is a improvement with my client machines download speeds. When you compare the clients around my house vs the pi in the attic space witch is directly connected to the internet access point from a long distance... You will see speeds now from the clients at ten seconds vs the pi at 5 seconds... (wget example above) A video walk through may provide a clear understanding of my current setup
  8. the classic h with omni directional antenna is doing nothing, it is just accessible when its needed. as for the router sitting to close. I can agree with its location and maybe channel is causing some interference... I have been meaning to make changes... I hope to make a purchase that will eliminate the Ethernet and shared USB bus bottleneck... maybe a device that also includes built in Wi-Fi and a SMA connector?
  9. im looking to upgraid y current setup... i have a few devices in my attic space that act as a wifi long range repeater... So... what your looking at is a raspberry pi b+, kali inclosed in some lego's... there is a NHR alfa card connected to a long range backfire dish antenna that i use for OUT to internet device... you can see a wifi router running ddwrt, this is my hotspot... the pi provides dhcp to the router... from what i understand, the usb ports and the ethernet port all share the same bus, witch resaults im a limmited throuput speed... if i log into kali pi and perform a download speed test i see excellent resaults root@iphone:~# wget testmy.net/dl-5000 -O /dev/null --2015-12-15 15:13:30-- http://testmy.net/dl-5000 Resolving testmy.net (testmy.net)... Connecting to testmy.net (testmy.net)||:80... connected. HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 200 OK Length: unspecified [text/html] Saving to: `/dev/null' [ <=> ] 5,134,659 917K/s in 6.2s 2015-12-15 15:13:36 (803 KB/s) - `/dev/null' saved [5134659] if i get on my labtop, authenticate with the dd-wrt router and run the same test... bigmac@bigmac-G74Sx ~ $ wget testmy.net/dl-5000 -O /dev/null --2015-12-15 07:14:46-- http://testmy.net/dl-5000 Resolving testmy.net (testmy.net)... Connecting to testmy.net (testmy.net)||:80... connected. HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 200 OK Length: unspecified [text/html] Saving to: ‘/dev/null’ [ <=> ] 5,134,653 300KB/s in 20s 2015-12-15 07:15:07 (246 KB/s) - ‘/dev/null’ saved [5134653] the kali pi (directly connected to out internet) can download a file size of 5134653 kb in 6.2 seconds a client behind both dd-wrt and kali (2 hops?) can download a file size of 5134653 kb in 20 seconds ill update post from mobile (g2g)... i have been looking at ODROID-XU4
  10. I forget' but now days you have to enable the php file extensions *.php in the conf file
  11. You can take this file that is flagged as blood.hound.24 Split the file Into 2 equal chunks. Upload them both to the machine while taking note of witch chunk is flagged... then take this flagged piece, split into 2 equal chunks again and upload to the machine... You can repeat this process until you spot exactly what signature is setting off red flags...
  12. I would like to see more tutorials like the one psg2500 wrote in that thread above. Some one show me how to inject a meterpreter shell into a windows calculator :-)
  13. http://www.backtrack-linux.org/forums/showthread.php?t=14693&page=2&s=a704519a377cf6b968d7d611207d46bd Here is a old thread I started back in 2008. a gentleman by the name of psg2500 provides some incredible instructions for generating a metasploit payload into C and shows how to properly compile and then objdump the file to see its assembly... he runs objdump -d payload.exe
  14. would make a fun desktop model cluster... practice cluster programming... now I wont have to ask cooper for access to his cluster... now its incredibly affordable...
  15. i8igmac

    RPI Payload

    I would guess linux/x86/ or cmd/unix/bash What is the installed operating system? raspbian? perl, python, ruby, php, java... are any of these installed?
  16. i8igmac

    Alt to Kali?

    I don't see any risk... the configuration is identical to the pineapple... You guys took openwrt and installed a few tools that exist on kali... I took kali and turned it into a fully loaded pineapple.
  17. I'm interested in purchasing a tablet that will run a full linux distro like mint or ubuntu... Is chromebook the one for me? Maybe redownload and checksum... reinstall..
  18. i8igmac

    Alt to Kali?

    I'm a fan of debian linux mint... the software portal has everything you need. (Important in my opinion) apt-cache search ipod apt-get install ANY_app-you.need I run kali on a raspberry for my home router... always nice to log into ssh and launch some attacks...
  19. running some more tests. I am very close to successfully undoing this process encode function and decode function there is a very small mistake I need to correct but I can assure you my method works. I'm running late for work. I only get 30 minutes in the morning to mess around... ill be late for work! if there are better compression tools I can compare my results to. I'm currently testing against xz -9
  20. ill have to make a demo... you will be my way into the party... it took my machine maybe 6 hours to generate the table. And I need to make corrections... I hope to find a working cuda gpu example... people outside the hacking community dont want to except the idea of a gpu running ruby threads so when I ask the ruby geniuses for help on this subject they talk down to me... This stuff is a hobby to me and my wife don't let me on my computers... it will take me a little time
  21. i just ran another test... ls -slh gzip_only 40K -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 40K Nov 3 06:42 10k most common.zip.gz 60K -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 53K Nov 3 06:42 AutoProxy.7z.gz 12K -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 12K Nov 3 06:42 changeset_29615.zip.gz 4.0K -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 548 Nov 3 06:42 Donate.png.gz 24K -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 22K Nov 3 06:42 index.png.gz 156K -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 151K Nov 3 06:42 Long Biquad Yagi Template.pdf.gz 872K -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 867K Nov 3 07:27 raspberry.jpg.gz tar -cf - gzip_only/ | xz -9 -c - > gzip.tar.xz ls -sh gzip.tar.xz 1.2M gzip.tar.xz And now the same files ran threw my compression! tar -cf - mine_then_gzip/ | xz -9 -c - > mine.tar.xz ls -sh mine.tar.xz 456K mine.tar.xz
  22. It is true :-) I win. Care to share some compression examples to achieve the smallest output files? tar -cf - foo/ | xz -9 -c - > foo.tar.xz Ill test this when I get home... A friend told me to start watching a tv show called silicone valley, after he explained the plot, my brain started turning ruby circles lol...
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