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Everything posted by i8igmac

  1. Removable antenna is a big deal with wifi attacks. Your built in device might have a standard 5dbi dipole antenna... A tablet that supports kali and aircrack out of the box is what you should look for. A usb port is also Huge for the alfa card with directional antennas...
  2. http://project-rainbowcrack.com/ I would look into gpu accelerated rainbow tables
  3. the thing I love most about Ruby is irb... ill start up a interactive ruby shell and free hand some little hacky automation scripts like scrapping all the proxy's from a website... if its useful enough I may copy over to a text editor and add more useful fuctions... if you were to look at the page source of any online proxy list you will find its scrambled up in a way that prevents people like me from automating this process... witch makes this little script a lot of fun to make.
  4. to complete your installation process there are a few steps to expanding the size of the partition... slide the sd card into a labtop and use the expand tool with gparted... Boot up kali and Apt-cache search kali Install kali wireless and any others that look useful... then find a tutorial for creating a backup iso with the linux tool dd This will save you loads of time if you have to reinstall :-) I have done this with my kali pi and my raspxbmc
  5. Also, one of my favorite tools would be proxychains With a proper config and a uptodate socks proxy list you can run tools from the console like this... Proxychains wget -O /dev/null 'http//place,com' Proxychains my_socket_app Proxychains telnet 23 Proxychains hydra -w 500_bad_pass.txt -p 22 hak5.org Proxychains ping hak5 I have also wrote a script to populate the config with hundreds of working. Proxy's
  6. Every time I see a post about a raspberry kali install not working... its the wrong download link... kali.org keeps changing the downloads page, it looks good now but I'm sure will change again...
  7. i have experienced this same kind of non working kali pi because of the wrong file download, it took me a few tries... it looks like the latest download is kali 2.0.1... https://www.offensive-security.com/kali-linux-vmware-arm-image-download/
  8. Servo motor. This was used for a raspberry pi combination loc cracker... I would use this motor for its precise control
  9. http://computers.tutsplus.com/tutorials/controlling-dc-motors-using-python-with-a-raspberry-pi--cms-20051 It is doable and cheap, but are you creative enough? This tutorial shows how to control 2 motors with python (both can move forward and reverse) I have plans for building a mechanical arm for aiming a directional antenna that I have mounted in my attic space... I need to scroll left, right, up and down... could even use some kids toys or legos for the arm and a string pully system...
  10. Has there been any work done on the cluster performance? My testing with 2 machines... Labtop nvidia + intel i7 15000pmks Desktop nvidia + amd 1090t. 20000pmks During the network cluster testing pyrit provides, I only achieved 25000pmks... Did not sufice, so with some math and the supa wpa wordlist I split into proper portions based on percentage in speed difference... I would say this is the most important feature...a pyrit cluster!
  11. Keep it simple... a few motors controlled by your device and a pulley system... think small scale... tic tac toe... Just do it...
  12. Bling bling... I got kali metasploit aircrack mitm on my rist watch
  13. wireless remote access... I log into my pi daily... look up vnc.
  14. Its not as simple as installing a tool... there are several default security mechanisms. its up to the attacker to figure out each red flag... before a real attack is launched, you must find ways around these red flags... As Cooper said, if to many failed login attempts happen to quickly , then the service will not allow authentication even if the correct credentials are used... this will most likely prevent a single ip address from authenticating! So, how many failed login attempts will trigger this flag? Maybe 5... you must probe the service in a way that will reveal this red flag so you can design a attack algorithm that will evade this security feature... You can alternate threw a list of proxy's per each login attempt, this can be done with proxychains for example... If you want to learn, I like to teach.
  15. I want to point out firewall or other modules may be preventing a success... Try and change your ip, place the password first in the list and try again... you may have been flagged by ip... try another tool, i think thc-hydra supports ssh...
  16. Maybe there are other options for outbound, irc bot? Ftp? Https?
  17. I would like to understand what you are trying to accomplish... Send out a message full of commands? On the other side this message will be read and commands executed?
  18. I can agree with xfce... if what your asking for is a lightweight operating system... my labtop from ten years ago performs like a champ when running a lightweight windows manager like xfce...
  19. I have not found a device that suits my needs, but I found this device is supported by kali... Built in wifi with detachable antenna! 32g ssd! 12v power (no need for usb hub) NVIDIA gpu! (Cuda cracking!)
  20. a quick search and I found ruby install guides for openwrt. I believe in kali, openwrt has to many limitations... I plan on buying a new device to replace the pi... the amount of cords connected to my pi resembles a hot mess... If I can eliminate the powered usb hub, maybe i can with a 12v orange slice? Mobile is key
  21. I'm sure it can be done, I never bothered with bash... I chose ruby because metasploit developers chose ruby... And I facking luv it!
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