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Everything posted by VaKo

  1. I see you problem, your drawing the frame top down, but the guns from a side view. this (http://www.geocities.com/~jlhagan/K9-14/introduction.htm) might be worth reading. However, have you considered 3D modeling at all? Might be a better way for you to design you ideas.
  2. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tracey_Emin
  3. Unless the frames been uprated I think the recoil will snap it in half... As for drawing, don't try to fill out the details first, just focus on the framework and structure of the image. That way you avoid spending hours working on something only to realise it doesn't fit. Just start with really rought sketches and flesh it out. One thing i like to do, is draw with a pen, and get a stack of paper, then just sketch until it goes wrong and start again.
  4. dude, get a Digg account and put this crap there
  5. Have you switched to filter coffee yet? I drink about 2 pots of that stuff a day, its the only thing that wakes me up in the morning.
  6. Whats wrong with a bottle of tequilla and a kilo of bolivian nose candy for breakfast?
  7. Sparda, i really think you would enjoy tripping. You sound like you have the right mental attitude and archtechture to actually appreciate it. You should read some of Susan Blackmore's papers/books
  8. RAW DV footage is still to big to push around on home connections atm. So what we need is a sneakernet.
  9. From what I can figure out, he's either 12... or this is a very complicated work of conceptual art and we're to stupid to understand...
  10. All you need to do is treat the infinate mass as energy, and push off the excess into an unused dimension.
  11. Its just location really, we're all kinda spread about over the globe and transport ain't cheap.
  12. Dear god... has lurking gone out of fashion in this new hip web2.0 age we live in.
  13. Always wanted to do something like that, but i'm not sure where to start. All i've really done in the last 2 years movie making wise, is just work as a director of photography... or as one person put it "...you just make other peoples work look mint...". I have ideas... but nothing I want to run with...
  14. Infusion - Better World
  15. I must make it clear that 90% of my expirences with drugs have been fun and insightful. Made some very good friends, laughed, met amazing women and had the most brilliant conversations. Its just that the remaining 10% that weren't so good etched the memory in my brain with acid. Things like watching my girlfriend turn into a cocain addict, seeing a friend get into herion, being dead and having to deal with a your mate, who has a knife and doesn't know who you are anymore, there the things that you remember.
  16. I'm afraid your wrong there... really really wrong.
  17. Thats the hardest part to explain. Would I do it all again? In a hearbeat. Why? Because without those expirences I wouldn't have grown as a person. And I would never have found zen.
  18. MDMA + 2 bottles of vodka did, very literally, kill me. As in no heart beat, no breathing and no pupil response for just under a minute. But i survived, and went and sat by a river for 3hrs thinking about what had happened. If anything that expirence made me a stonger person. I kinda think that drugs are akin to over clocking, as in you exceeding the design limits of the human body. Sometimes you can gain tremendous insite, othertimes its a train wreck. You just have to know exactly what your about to do. IE, DO YOUR HOME WORK! One thing to remeber is that with drugs like LSD/LSA or shrooms, what you belive is going to be real for you. If you get a notion in your head that something bad will happen, then thats exactly what happens. Then you start to panic and it all goes out of control. So you need to be the type of person who can go "well, i can see your soul, the walls are made of glass and i'm not me.... cool?"
  19. I'd just nick a few choice items from Hirens Boot CD, there are a few apps that are small enough to fit on a floppy and will waltz all over XP's out-the-box sercuirty.
  20. Heaven and Hell, all at the same time... In the end it comes down to how well you can cope at a given level of "everything is wrong". And most of them certainly aren't party drugs. Personally some substances helped me a lot, brought me out of my shell, and helped me communicate with people. One of the things that lead me to seriously curb my drinking problem was taking shrooms and mdma. Shrooms forced me to see my behviour for what it was, loutish, offensive and unpleasent, because it let me look at myself from my friends perspective (i literally became the person i was thinking about, and saw myself as a stranger). Which, if you cannot deal with that level of wrongness, would fry your brain. Net result, i don't drink so much anymore, can enjoy a couple of beers without a desire to get fucked up, and only do drugs 2-3 times a year. It worked for me, but there was a lot of heart ache along the way, and isn't a path I would recommend.
  21. Dude... get laid. ASAP.
  22. Nah, i'm just talking about the IP being posted, and everyone cranking open Nmap at the same time...
  23. Probally, not my systems (I went with an Intel P4 last system build, HT was actually quite good). I may have made it sound like its a problem with all AMD boxes, but it isn't. I've just noticed the same issue with 4 different AMD boxes, and wondered why I hadn't seen it on Intel systems running the same software.
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