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Everything posted by stingwray

  1. Its fine unless they have a more sophisticated setup with QoS and Stateful packet filtering. Then this whole is probably closed as it would be quite easy to tell the difference between DNS traffic and say SSH traffic.
  2. Theres a program called Free Disk Recovery whick worked quite well when I used it. It only has one bug, it can't tell what an AMD processor is, my Athlon 64 3200+ is a 2GHz Pentium 2 according to it!
  3. My guess is that because you are using uTorrent, you are using windows XP as well. My diagnosis is that windows xp is your problem.
  4. Wasn't it mentioned in the last episode of hak.5?
  5. I enjoy dl.tv. Speaking of which I didn't see last nights.
  6. I've played piano for 10 years now.
  7. This should probably be in the news section.
  8. Well if Creative win their current law suit against Apple then there will be no more iPod, for a long long time.
  9. C-Cleaner is a good util, i use it on other peoples machines when they are paying me for fixing them.
  10. Nice one moonlit. I like the neon strip light effect. You could have a go at doing the outline of the Hak.5 in neon strip, don't know how well it would turn out but it would be cool.
  11. Apart from the fact that google is reading your e-mail and forwarding it to nearly every security agency in the western world?
  12. Yay, if windows crashing on its own wasn't enough, you can now make it crash at will. What have I done without this for all this time?
  13. Are you going to enlighten us then harrison?
  14. I think you are thinking of the continents there, religion hasn't come from one unified belief.
  15. Looks like the forums borked (again!).
  16. stingwray


    My responce to that post is that you can grow up and realise that MySpace is really really crap and boring. Then you can go and find yourself a life.
  17. To allow people to access from the internet you need to forward the ports on your router to the internal IP of the server for the services that you are running. Then you need a domain name, so people don't have to remember IP addresses. As you say you have a dynamic IP then you will need something called a Dynamic DNS, this you can get for free from one of the providers that moonlit has provided. You install their software and it will make sure that the domain that you get from them always goes to your current IP. You can then buy a domain yourself and forward that domain to the domain you get from your Dynamic DNS provider, so you can have something like xyz.com rather than xyz.no-ip.com.
  18. if they can use something like a forum then they will be fine.
  19. I recommend ModX, very nice CMS system.
  20. You could try WireShark although I don't know about how much change they have made to it yet. Ethereal doesn't excist any more, WireShark has replaced it.
  21. Lucky for me then I'm not a terrorist. I'm a freedom figher.
  22. I wonder who will come and visit me if I start doing naughty stuff like that?
  23. Not sure about the government bombing you but you will get caught and you will go to prison and have to pay a very very large fine. Not to mention not being allowed to play with any piece of electronics for the rest of your life.
  24. Which episode was it and we will have a look. Also what time is it into the video. Also Guest account is supposed to be deactivated but for some reason people are stilling able to use it.
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