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Everything posted by mubix

  1. I would do google searches on your specific model. If it gets detected as Prism, you should be able to set it to monitor.
  2. everything on the internet is the complete truth. the sky is falling.
  3. on the Linux on Laptops site, people link to articles of how they got their hardware to work on certain distro's. Linux is Linux is *nix. Try out what they did and/or modify it to work with the distro you are using. It's a great site. I found a 2 year old article about how to get wide screen working on my laptop, it worked and it was the only place that had the information.
  4. Wolf in sheeps clothing is still a wolf. MS Products != Linux period :D
  5. All cookies are blocked via Firefox... sorry
  6. http://www.icecast.org/3rdparty.php Yes, very. Yes it's back up
  7. I backup / .. but for windows, I use roaming profiles
  8. Have you tried the Hacksaw and the Switchblade on Vista? I don't have mine on me right now or I would try.
  9. I just made http://www.hak5.org/w/index.php?title=Wii_Trade
  10. Great ideas guys. I actually just posted on http://www.room362.com/ a short blurb about bitlocker. Check it out.
  11. try setting up a ssh server at home and tunneling using putty and foxyproxy
  12. What you might want to check into are Wireless IDSs
  13. mubix

    Linux OS

    SCP is easier and most likely already set up.
  14. Stupid Computer things I have done. I bought a $700 piece of paper from eBay (Thought I was buying a laptop. READ THE FINE PRINT) I trusted someone on IRC (way back when) on how to fix my old mandrake install. ( `init 6` ) is not a all fixing command, unless you are running a Microsoft Product.
  15. FTP sucks, use HFS or SFTP. HFS (HTTP File Server) is easy to use and SCP uses SSH making it secure.
  16. I've never heard of Prorat before today, but I downloaded, checked it out on my VM honey net and had some fun. I also submitted it to Virustotal.com. eTrust-InoculateIT was the ONLY virus scanner that didn't detect it. Unless your target is learning or someone who doesn't have ANY virus detection software (To include Windows Defender). ProRat isn't worth the time.
  17. mubix


    OpenVPN is much harder to set up than Hamachi, Logmein.com, or a simple SSH tunnel would be. Exhaust all other options before diving into OpenVPN. Just a suggestion. If you are in it to learn, be my guest. I am actually writing a paper on OpenVPN, well more like a dummies guide.
  18. You could always try Port 7...
  19. First of all, getting free "URL" is simply Dynamic DNS. It changes whatever your hostname (bob.something.com) to or whatever. So that is not blocking it. Second. What is your ISP? Many ISPs such as Adelphia, Comcast, Verizon and others, block personal web hosting by blocking port 80 at their boundries. To check for this, switch the port in your port forwarding rules on your router from 80 -> 80 to 85 -> 80. What this does is, with the minimal change on your router allow people to connect to http://bob.something.com:85/ and actually get to your web server, without any changes to the server itself. If that doesn't work. Try putting your server in your routers DMZ. Check again for connectivity to http://bob.something.com:85. If this still doesn't work. Go to grc.com and go into shields up. click on their all services scan. (https://www.grc.com/x/ne.dll?bh0bkyd2). Check what ports are open. If all of this doesn't work, then your ISP is screwing your by blocking all possible service hosting. Pack up, clean your forwarding rules, take your server out of the DMZ and turn Windows firewall back on. Then start looking for either a different ISP or a hosting company.
  20. More or less stupid then punching Wess? It's equal. Wess is a wall.
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