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Everything posted by Infiltrator

  1. I would agree with MrGrim, and in fact I used to provide on site support for a small private owned business and at one stage they required to upgrade their 3 years problematic server, that was only giving them headaches to new a server. Point being, I went to Dells website and purchased a PowerEdge T110 Server, the good thing about buying off Dell is that you can customize the specs of your server to meet the business demands and on top of that it comes with 1 year warranty, you could also choose to have on site support, if anything happens. Whereas if you build the server yourself, you would be liable to anything that happens to it, I never been in this situation myself but i wouldn't want to be in one.
  2. If your ISP is really blocking certain ports, you might want to try using different ports. Like if its blocking 80, and not blocking 443 you could use it instead. Alternatively you could use Shields up to determine what ports your ISP is blocking http://www.grc.com/intro.htm Or this web-based application that, can tell if your ISP is blocking certain ports or not http://www.canyouseeme.org/
  3. Newegg seems a popular site. http://www.newegg.com/ I also use ebay.
  4. An administrator account having limited access, that sounds more like local group policy issues to me. Something in that machine does not look right. Are you sure its an administrator's account? Is there any other local administrator account in that computer, have you tried using a domain administrator account to see if you can override that problem.
  5. I think you should definitely go with a Windows 2008 Small Business Server if you want to control user access to files, as well as keeping a back up of the files on an external HDD. With SBS you can create a single share on the server and then specify what level of access each user should have to it, that way you would have more control of who can view, change or delete what files. Hope this helps
  6. That's pretty much what the two words means, "High Availability". You want to have a system up running 24/7 without any disruptions, so if one server goes down due to technical problems, the remaining servers in the cluster will take over. For the clients there will be no difference, since its all transparent to them.
  7. Ok what do you suggest instead, hey all I would like to show off my cool project and then explain why its cool and unique from anything else.
  8. I know its not hard to set up a clustering computers, but it would be nice if someone could make a tutorial video. There are so many projects out there on clustering computers that, it can even be very intimidating for a novice user, to start on its own.
  9. There is always the possibility of encrypting the drive, if paranoia is really a concern for you.
  10. I so have to watch this Tron Legacy Movie.
  11. Here are some of the advanced scans you could implement in the script 12.5 Fragmenting The -f option splits the IP packet into tiny fragments when used with -sS, -sF, -sX or -sN. This makes it more difficult for a firewall or packet filter to determine the packet type. Note that many modern packet filters and firewalls (including iptables) feature optional defragmenters for such fragmented packets, and will thus reassemble the packet to check its type before sending it on. Less complex firewalls will not be able to cope with fragmented packets this small and will most likely let the OS reassemble them and send them to the port they were intended to reach. Using this option could crash some less stable software and hardware since packet sizes get pretty small with this option! 15.6 Time-To-Live The -ttl <value> option sets the IPv4 packets time-to-live. The usefulness of this is in mapping paths through networks and determining ACL’s on firewalls (setting the ttl to one past the packet filter can help to determine information about the filtering rules themselves). Repeated Nmap scans to a single port using differing ttl values will emulate a traceroute style network path map (Try it, its great fun for a while, until you get bored and realise traceroute does it all for you automatically!). Web source: http://nmap.org/bennieston-tutorial/
  12. That's exactly what I was referring to, you read my mind.
  13. Yeah I like the Mclone feature, pretty handy if you know what i mean.
  14. Yeah he hasn't provided us with a board type or anything, so it would be hard to tell what his board support or doesn't
  15. Nice script, how about making it do more advanced scans. If I knew how to program in Perl I could contribute. Wait, I could try that in batch script....
  16. I've had my ups now for almost 2 years and it only broke once. I was lucky it was still under warranty.
  17. You could use that, and place some led lights around it to make it look nicer.
  18. There are several project out there that uses distributed system. The rainbow table project. The Folding@home project
  19. Before you should definitely backup all your data, just in the case something goes horribly wrong. You need to migrate RAID-5 -> RAID-5 first. This knocks the RAID volume offline and takes about 36 hours or less (i think). The array comes back up and then it re-builds the array automatically. Then you need to expand the array to fill the unused space, that can take several hours to complete.
  20. I think I saw that project before. But yeah pretty impressive stuff, thanks for posting that up.
  21. Some people would probably disagree with me, but an UPS should never be disregarded. Whether you live in neighborhood where the power grid is stable or not UPS is always a must. Now going back to your post, I would not wait any longer, back up all your data and replace that HDD
  22. "Our attacks and fear campaigns have been working quite excellently so far. Tumblr has had it too good for too long and now they are finally regretting their cancerous ways. We are trolling them hard. Now have just to finally end it all and declare victory." Hope they get caught and rot in jail. What are these people thinking?
  23. That is so freaking sweet, the only issue I see with that is dust accumulating over it. But if love your computer and is occasionally cleaning it, should't be a problem.
  24. What sort of payloads are you talking about? Metasploit payload!
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