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Everything posted by Infiltrator

  1. We don't really know how tech savvy that guys really is, he could be just a young tech that just got the job, or like you said an old fart. But even if the router is old, it could still be supported by firmwares like DD-WRT or tomato. But again, it comes down to how tech savvy that so called specialist is.
  2. That's the law in Canada, how about other countries, would that still be considered illegal. I am not sure here in Australia though.
  3. 25MB or something like, I am only taking up 1GB at the moment. I still delete emails that is of no importance or use to me. And plus Gmail is always reading peoples emails, so why should I keep them there.
  4. Or find out where he lives, and then mail him a nice letter, saying I know its you, who is hacking my wireless, if you don't stop I will call the cops.
  5. Forgot that part, yes you will need to uncompress or unzip the file you downloaded. That explains why the tables are not working. I overlooked that bit of detail in there. Edit: you can use http://www.7-zip.org/, to uncompress it.
  6. 1. Changing the wep key is not going to make much difference, its only a matter of capturing enough packets to crack the key. 2. Mac address filtering may slow him down, but its not near as effective for preventing someone access to the AP. 3. Have you checked for firmware update for your router? If your router is supported, you may even be able to flush its firmware with DD-WRT or tomato. That should allow you to enable WPA instead of WEP. Edit: I've been doing a bit of thinking, and if you had a Karmetasploit AP set up, you could do a bit of research on this guy, find out what he is trying to do, perhaps by sniffing his traffic and then recording all his activities for proof, if you plan on taking him to a court.
  7. I wonder what that kid is looking at the computer screen? He looks so focus!
  8. Nevermind, still I won't overlook their certifications as well. I guess that depends what they have to offer. And if its appealing to me, why not to.
  9. Gmail maximum storage capacity is 7.5GB. You should be OK. And you can always delete the emails you don't want to make up more room.
  10. Relate to this Hak5 thread http://www.hak5.org/forums/index.php?showtopic=18461
  11. I somehow have to disagree. I still think there are a bunch of hackers/virus writers out there that like to challenge all these AV companies, by designing some sophisticated worm and letting it loose on the internet. It takes a lot of hard work and knowledge to design a computer worm so sophisticated just like Stuxnet, that I somehow don't think these companies are behind all these viruses. Has to be individuals alone.
  12. Thanks for the input, I never realized that, not that I overlooked. But will keep it in mind.
  13. A lesson to learn is to, always no matter what patch up all your computer software including the OS. Most virus nowadays infect systems, by exploiting security holes, so if you system is fully patched up, your changes of getting infected is pretty slim. Of course, if a virus has been written to exploit a zero day vulnerability, you are pretty much screwed. However there are software that can temporary close those security holes, until the vendor has released a patch. I know McAfee has a product that does that, but I forgot whats called. Edit: Anyway, I would recommend using Avast5. Avast never let down.
  14. There are ways you can find out, if there are any active connections on your computer. You could use process explorer, to watch out for any process that is not appearing in the task manager. Secondly, you could use TCPVIEW to display all the active connections on your computer. And thirdly, install an AV like Avast, it has many times during my pen-testing in my Virtual Lab blocked metasploit attacks.
  15. And just make sure, how are you extracting the password hashes.
  16. I may be wrong here, but I read somewhere that in order to make readyboost perform well under Vista, you will need an USB stick that has been approved/designed for readyboost.
  17. I would prosecute those bastards, just because I know Linux and no else in the company does, it doesn't given them the right to classify me as hacker/criminal.
  18. I did two years helpdesk for a company, and then finally moved up to an engineering position, something I always wanted to do. Initially was very hard to deal with people on the phone, I really thought I wouldn't move up at all, I was really fed up and frustrated with the job. But I was very proactive and always a team player, and I think that was what really helped me, get out of the helpdesk and plus they were making lots of changes on the desk. Like hiring new staffs and that was a opportunity windows for me, to move on so I applied for this position and I got it. Life is hard and not meant to be easy, if you want something you got to fight for it.
  19. I think this article can help you http://www.watchingthenet.com/windows-vista-tip-enable-any-usb-drive-to-work-with-readyboost.html
  20. Where did you come from? I haven't seen you before..

  21. I know you wouldn't want to do this kind of job, but hey its a job in IT where you get paid. But anyway its a helpdesk job, I know it sucks I used to work for an IT helpdesk job before and really hate the gust of it. But I learned all the basics and I now do a better job and get paid more. I mean this is just a suggestion, but if you worked for an IT helpdesk job, you could save up money and then make you way up the ladder, who knows you may even get a better job with the company.
  22. I am an IT professional and I never waste my time with useless websites like Facebook. I always try to keep myself as much as updated as possible. Secondly, if I was at the convention center you were, I would have crashed their network and taught them a lesson, of never hiring someone who doesn't know how to do their job. And then I would teach that so called in house IT specialist, the real truth of security.
  23. So you renamed your rainbow table file to lm_alpha-numeric-symbol32-space#1-7_6_15200x67108864_4.rt, is that correct? If that is correct, what is error you are receiving now? Edit: Could you also specify the full command you are typing please?
  24. Thank you very much Jason, will check it out.
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