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Everything posted by Infiltrator

  1. If you want to hide your IP, look into proxy servers and from there you can do what is called proxy chains. You might want to read up on that.
  2. Infiltrator


    I hope you are not trying to break into someone else wireless. Just practice it with your own wireless rather than messing with other people's wireless.
  3. Infiltrator


    Found this tutorial on MacAddressChanger, it should help you out a bit. http://www.securitytube.net/Macchanger-video.aspx
  4. I am unable to view that link.
  5. Back then those Iomega Zip Drives used to offer a lot more storage space than a single standard floppy disk did. I remember, I used to have a stack of over hundreds of floppy disk on my desk.
  6. I pay $100.00 dollars for my internet and that gives me a total of 200GB of download, every time I exceed that quota I have to buy additional data blocks which can be quite costly. And on a security note, I would hate to see someone snooping on my data, its like inviting a stranger into your home and disclosing all your personal information.
  7. Unfortunately I do not have any safe place where I can keep the backup tapes. I may look into buying a fire safe and keep it chained somewhere in my house. Secondly, would you guys recommend backing up your data to a cloud? I know there are several downsides for storing your data away on a cloud, like using your internet quota every time you upload/download your data. This downside can become costly and time consuming because of the internet connection speeds and also on the plan you choose with the cloud, unless there is an open service that offers massive amounts of storage for free of charge. What are you thoughts on this matter.
  8. My first PC was a Pentium II 350MHZ, with 128mb of ram and 1GB of storage if I remember well. I've used it for playing Flight Simulators and mainly surfing the net. Back then, fast internet was kinda expensive so I had to use dialup.
  9. They may be throttling the bandwidth for a reason. You could either speak to the system admin and ask him nicely to increase the bandwidth. Or just buy your own wireless internet, that way you will be not only able to surf the net unrestricted but with the full speeds as well.
  10. If you can, just buy a small netbook and install backtrack on it. It will save you a lot of headaches.
  11. For the moment, I am happy with my WD Raptor hard drive, it has served me really well.
  12. Infiltrator


    Have you recently installed any programs? If not it could indicate, that you may have some spyware or virus installed on your computer. Download avast5 and set it to do a pre-boot scan, restart your machine and if it finds anything it will display an option to delete the infected file. Once you computer is fully clean, I would recommend updating your computer with latest updates. Edit: If you are not sure, the file is legit or not, you can upload it to www.virustotal.com. This website will tell you, if the file is a virus or not.
  13. I have a NAS box configured in a Raid 5 mode. Plus I am planning on buying another NAS that does raid 6 just for that extra redundancy. But as we all know, we have to be prepared in the unlikely event of a hardware failure. We all know hard drives, are getting larger and smarter but loosing all that data, would be catastrophic and hard drives do fail. I just want to be prepared for that event. I know for a home network, its like an overkill but I just want to stay on the safe side. It may cost less to buy hard drives than tapes and backup tapes do offer some peace of mind. I only want to use backup tapes, for backing up the important stuff, like family vidoes, photos and documents. Other files like music or tv shows are less important, and I can always download them.
  14. Hi, What type/model of backup tape drives, does the community use to protect their data? I've been looking at so many brands, like HP, Iomega and Dell and I am not sure which one to buy. Can anyone recommend a good and reliable backup tape drive that I can buy? Or even the one you use in your server room. Thank you in advance.
  15. Theoretically speaking, I can't see why you can't prevent IPv6 attacks, if your system is operating on IPv4 addresses only. It's sounds possible to dwarf ipv6 based attacks, but I haven't seen any real world test yet to prove this theory, so I guess its a matter of trial and error.
  16. In the end he is more of a script kiddie. As some mentioned, hacking is not about breaking into computer systems, but knowing how something works from inside/outside. This is what makes a true hacker. If you want to be a true hacker, you need to be more than just a script kiddie, you need to think outside the box, you need to experiment, talk to other people in the field, read and more importantly watch Hak5 to get the real taste of what a real hacker is.
  17. Have you checked the Digininja DHCP project, it may give you some ideas. http://www.digininja.org/metasploit/dns_dhcp.php
  18. If you have the money go with an SSD, reason being you will get more performance out of your box. Plus buy x1 1TB HDD for backup as well.
  19. Infiltrator

    Room Security

    Take your belongs to a bank safe, I doubt he will have much luck.
  20. Infiltrator

    Room Security

    Take your belongs to a bank safe, I doubt he will have much luck.
  21. Welcome to the forums, and feel free to ask me anything that you need help with. And +1 to Trivium.
  22. CBT Nuggets have some really good videos on office 2007. http://www.cbtnuggets.com/series?id=335 But the only problem is, that they are not free. However you can download them, if you know what I mean.
  23. Infiltrator

    Room Security

    If you share the same room, with your room mate than the only chance to protect your belongs is with a safe. You could install cameras in the room, and keep an eye on who steals what. If worse comes to worse you could change rooms and get one for yourself.
  24. I've been meaning to buy one of those cameras, but since I am not sure what the video quality is like, I am a bit concerned. If you could post the results, it will be much appreciated.
  25. If you right click on the file itself, does it give you the option to undo or revert the change back to what it was before?
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