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Everything posted by Infiltrator

  1. AlienWare Laptops are my favorite, but I am about to buy this beast from Asus. And I would definitely recommend this one for you. http://www.techbuy.com.au/p/138466/NOTEBOO...-FHD-SZ152X.asp
  2. I was able to install Smoothwall on a VM without any issues at all. You might want to re-download the full smoothwall package and then try reinstalling it again. Also what installer did you download, the x32 or x64 bit?
  3. Do you mean, you want to know the temperature of the Virtual Private Server itself.
  4. I use desktops.exe, to virtualize my XP box it can also be used in Win7. http://blogs.techrepublic.com.com/window-on-windows/?p=791
  5. I am not an overclocking person, but I have to say that today's motherboard are designed in a way that is safe to overclock them. If you do a screw up, it should automatically revert back to the previous settings, if the computer hangs up or becomes unstable. Motherboards like Asus, they come with a buttom that will allow you to reset those changes, back to its defaults. Generally I would not recommend overclocking your system, but you should attempt at your risk, since overclock will void the warranty. http://forums.guru3d.com/showthread.php?t=122731 http://www.overclockersclub.com/pages/overclock_faq/
  6. That is really insane! "They said they had been hoping for 60 hours, but John-Paul, 19, dozed off at the screen and his friends decided to finish at the same time" I can't even spend 4 hours playing C&C, image 60 hours.
  7. That's the beauty of Linux, making things easier and flexible to the end user. No need to use third party utilities to reset the password.
  8. No reason to be scared, that's how the system works. I too use Torrents, emule and limewire to download stuffs, and this stuff happens to me too Just make sure you have a good firewall in place and you are behind NAT.
  9. You could move to Australia, as the IT in here is an area in great demand. Your chances of finding a job in here is quite good to be honest. Places like Sydney, Melbourne and Queensland are good places to look for jobs. They always have lots of job opportunities. Check out this website for more info. http://www.careerone.com.au/
  10. Experience is very important in IT and even tough the certs are good to have. Generally they not good for measuring candidates experience. What you need is a help desk job, I know it's not a decent job but it will help you develop your skills and on the longer run it will reward you with a much better and valuable experience. I say that because I've been on this path in the past and I now work on a enginner position.
  11. It takes time, practice and a lot of effort to understand the world of networking. Its not an easy task.
  12. Just did some reading on that, I'm keen to say that will soon start out developing some of those.
  13. I think the cons in IT will be experience, if you have none and want to work for a company as an IT person, helpdesk will be the entry level position for you. It is an opportunity to gain experience and make your way up to the top of the ladder. When I started working in IT, I started off in the help desk now I fly to remote schools and work as a desktop engineer fixing things up. I hope one day to make to an engineer position.
  14. Re-seat the ram and the CPU and might want to check on the motherboard manufacture if there is any BIOS update to correct compatibility issues. I had similar issues before and the bios update helped.
  15. I work as a remote engineer officer, flying to remote schools to fix network and server issues. On my spare time I just read general stuff on IT, about hacking, network and wireless security, virtualization and all the good stuff. I also do a lot hacking and other networking stuff, like configuring servers, network and building computers.
  16. My university lecturer once told that, if they dedicate all their super computer processing power, they can break a key of up to 512 bits. Interesting stuff.
  17. Don't mind me! Just do what you have to do!
  18. Hiren is the swiss army knife, comes with all goodies to make you job efficient. http://www.hiren.info/pages/bootcd Now here are my favorite hacking tools Hydra Tsgrinder Nmap NetCat MD5 Word's fastest password cracker Ophcrack Hiren's Boot CD Netstumbler Backtrack 4 Metasploit FrameWork Kismet PwdDump Cain and Abel WireShark Ethercap Fgdump and pwdump For password recovery Elcomsoft is the best PwdGen (password generator) RTgen (Rainbow Table generator)
  19. I conquer and you do have a point.
  20. According to the website OpenFile, has support to Scalability http://www.openfiler.com/products Edit: I just read a Microsoft Article that, clearly stated that, if you plan to increase the storage capacity in your array you cannot simply, add a hard drive and expand the capacity, you will need to rebuild the entire array. http://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/cc938485.aspx
  21. Where do you get this cartoons from?
  22. And it doesn't affect the computer memory or any other components, due to the fact that it not a manufactures approved battery.
  23. I agree I think that all the hacking movies have already been disclosed in previous threads. I'm mean, what hell lets give the OP another chance.
  24. What if the owner of the email account, paid you top dollars to find out who did this?
  25. I've been working for an IT company for two years as a full time contracted worker. But I do occasionally, provide on site support for a small owned company whenever they need me, they are consisted of 6 employees and has a very small network infrastructure with a Windows 2008 server DC.
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