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Everything posted by Infiltrator

  1. I would say that too, I just realized that now. I must have misread his reply. thanks for bringing that up.
  2. The Hak5 community must like you a lot, they rated you 5 stars. Congrats!

  3. I don't know if this is going to work or not, since you don't have access to the BIOS to change the boot order. But its worth a try. Download the live version of OPHcrack and try to crack the admin password with it. If that does not work, try to use ntpassword offline to change the password or reset it if worse come to worse. Or you could use Metasploit to get into the computer, if the computer is connected to a network.
  4. You could use OPHCrack to save the hashes to a file and then RCrack.exe to crack the hashes with the rainbow tables.
  5. Let us know if you are still experiencing issues.
  6. You could use HFS http to share files. it works the same way as a web server, it does not require installation. and the cool thing i like about this program, is that to share any file all you have to do drag and drop. And to download the file, simply type the ip address of the machine where HFD is running on any web browser.
  7. i knew was called something else, but couldn't remember at the time of the post. Thanks for correcting that up.
  8. I've actually met quite few people who came to Australia from UK this year. They pretty much are on a sponsored visa.
  9. Have you enabled the Raid option in the BIOS, for that particular chipset?
  10. You can do a lot more than just sniffing. 1. You can perform ARP poisoning (Redirect a user to another website, eg malicious one) 2. You can hijack web browser sessions. 3. You can sniff sensitive information, like passwords if you use SSLStrip, In a sense you are right, its more used for sniffing. But you can collect a lot information about a particular device or user on a network. And once you have this information, you can plan ahead and decide what kind of attach to unleash.
  11. What are using that for? if you don't mind me asking.
  12. Your best option will be with a sponsor, or a company that can sponsor you to stay permanently. So the OP will need to find someone who could sponsor him for at least two years, that's the requirement for the visa, as well as the company has to ensure they can provide a stable salary for those two years. For more information you could visit, http://www.immi.gov.au/
  13. And make sure you have lots of cooling as well, as the system will go as hot as larva.
  14. Make money out of it, by offering end users an encrypted connection for surfing the web anonymously.
  15. Infiltrator

    2 Questions

    Just disregard what I said, it doesn't matter anymore.
  16. In the world of the IT, you never stop learning. That what makes IT so challenging and rewarding.
  17. Running a dictionary file is never guaranteed to work. Bruce forcing on the other hand, may be guaranteed but will take a very long time to crack the WPA Hashes, depending on how much computational power you have.
  18. If your friend really permits you to set up a VPN server on his computer, then you could download something like SSHCorp and install it on his computer. Very straight forward to set up and secure to use. SSHCorp is for the server side and Putty for the client side.
  19. I think it would prove very difficult to hack into her computer from the outside, if they are on the same network a MITM attack would be very effective in this situation. Secondly, you could craft a malicious switchblade USB, that drops a backdoor program like (NetCat) and make it establish back a connection to your computer. But the difficult part would be getting her to insert the USB or doing it yourself. If you can achieve that, than you are half way there my friend.
  20. Elcomsoft can crack almost anything, if you have lots of computer processing power. http://www.elcomsoft.com/edpr.html
  21. 1. Metasploit its one way to not only test your computers for security weaknesses but a great way to achieve what you want to do. 2. Null session Shares, http://support.bigfix.com/bes/misc/null_session_share.html (Since you own the computers, I am assuming you must know the administrator password for the computers, so executing a null session attack should be easy).
  22. Generally Hubs are not very efficient, they just cause too much network congestion. Go for a x24 port switch, you will benefit more.
  23. I currently work for the government and they have blocked hak5.org I am currently using http://peacefire.org/ to bypass their filters.
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