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Everything posted by Infiltrator

  1. Don't mean to offend you, but Windows for Dummies are pretty good. I buy them occasionally, when I want to learn something new.
  2. But if you do have neighbors who are very techie, than it is an issue to be worried about.
  3. Check this link out http://www.yangsky.com/products/flamesky/homeWebcam.htm
  4. its very simple to set up a vpn server. You can use SSHCorp or OpenVPN (Windows), they are both open source. It needs to be set up on the outside of your university network on a standalone PC (eg. Home PC) Use DynDNS if you don't have a static ip address When registering with DynDNS, make sure you call it a meaniful name, don't call it MyvpnServer or Proxy, as it could trigger the filters. Make sure you also change the default ports to 80 or 443.
  5. That quote sounds a lot like my father. He used to say that to me all the time.
  6. I did a search in Ebay and for just under $300.00 dollars I was able to find some netbooks. Check out this URL http://shop.ebay.com/?_from=R40&_trksi...-All-Categories
  7. They look almost exactly the same as my house keys. Ummmmm...............
  8. Just take the keys to a professional lock smith and they should be able to not only tell you what type they are, but to make you another copy as well.
  9. Watch this video, it might give you some ideas. http://www.hak5.org/episodes/episode-619
  10. If you really lucky, you might buy it off of someone or some place else like Ebay or Amazon. But a brand new laptop/netbook for $200.00 dollars not a chance.
  11. Have you tested it on another computer to see if that works? If it does work, you might want to check your computer audio settings. If that doesn't work, then it could be the headset itself that is faulty.
  12. Are you able to boot a computer off the network at all? Can you get to the Reimaging process? I also found this how to and it could shed some light for you http://oss.netfarm.it/guides/ris-linux.php
  13. Some flash drivers already come with the encryption software. That lets you encrypt the flash drive, as well as password protect it. Since its not your situation then follow the steps below Here's what you have to do to Password Protect your USB Flash Drive: Step 1. Start with an empty Flash Drive. Download and install TrueCrypt from www.truecrypt.org Click 'create volume' to create a standard TrueCrypt volume. Click 'select device' - choose your USB flash drive, click it, then choose OK. Step 2. Click 'next' to see the encryption options (algorithms) you can use, click 'next' to accept the volume size, then enter a password. (Make sure its something easy for you to remember, yet virtually impossible for others to guess!) Step 3. Move your mouse over the 'next dialogue' to set a random starting point for the TrueCrypt encryption, then click 'format' to format the flash drive. (If you have any preexisting data on the flash drive copy it to your hard-drive right now). Step 4. To access the Flash Drive click 'select device' in TrueCrypt and chose the flash drive. Select 'mount' enter your password and the Flash Drive will now appear in explorer Click 'dismount' to remove the drive. You have now password protected (and encrypted) your USB Flash Drive to stop others from accessing your sensitive data.
  14. Some monitors/lcd may show this symptoms earlier, if used under extreme conditions. One of my 22 inches Asus screen is totally pixeled, only had it for 2.5 years and its now virtually difficult to stare at it. It hasn't been hit or stricken by any object or person. It just happened for no apparent reason.
  15. But if they find out that you are cheating its game over for you I recommend you to study and not cheat. What are you going to benefit from cheating, NOTHING!!!!!! You will not learn and moreover it will look bad on your reputation. Trust me dude, I've been there myself and you don't want to go down the path that path. Learning how to do one thing, will be in the end very rewarding for you.
  16. SONY has released an update for the PlayStation 3 that puts a stop to recent efforts to hack the consoles. In a blog post, Sony director of hardware marketing John Koller described the v3.42 system software update released this week as "a minor update" that "includes additional security features". But straight away PS3 fans began reading between the lines. "I think we all know what this update is really for," said user Tondog shortly after the post was published. And sure enough, it has been reported the update disables popular hacks to "jailbreak" the consoles. "I can confirm Sony has patched PS Groove / PS JailBreak / PS Freedom... Whatever you fancy - it’s patched," said PS3-hacks.com. Jailbreaking refers to the practice of modifying or hacking a device to use it in ways not intended by the manufacturer, such as playing community-made or "homebrew" games or pirated games. Sony says the update was optional, but version v3.42 must be installed to continue playing games online at Sony's PlayStation Network. Last week Sony won a temporary ban on the sale of the PS Jailbreak device in Australia. The company also won a court battle against an Australian gamer who sued after an earlier system software update removed certain functionality. Michael Trebilcock said one of the reasons he bought a PS3 in March 2007 was to use the "Install Other OS" feature that let the console be used as a computer. Sony disabled the feature in April this year, citing "security concerns". Source:http://www.news.com.au/technology/want-to-access-playstation-network-not-until-you-block-jailbreaks-says-sony/story-e6frfro0-1225915901418
  17. Since you have a static ip address, you could by your own domain at domain.com. Or use dyndns.com to sign up for a free subdomain. And that's what I use at the moment for my webserver home. On a side note, if you plan in using dyndns make sure your adsl modem support dynamic ip address.
  18. Try UBCD, it will recover, restore and do a lot more. The only thing I am not certain about this tool, is whether it will allow you to create a custom image with your personal data on it. http://www.ubcd4win.com/index.htm
  19. Here is what I would do. 1. Test the memory on another system to see if that works 2. Test the CPU on another system to see if that works 3. Test the power supply of this system on another working system 4. Unplug all the cables and make sure the PSU is only supplying power to the motherboard and the HDD, then try turning on the computer. 5. If the motherboard has internal graphics card, try installing an add on one to see if that works 6. If all the above fails, buy another motherboard. Regards, Infiltrator
  20. Sorry I thought you used Windows, may be other users in these forums would have a solution for you. Good luck
  21. What you need to ensure, is that you have one shell listening for incoming connections and the other shell making the outbound connection. So on the computer that, you wish to turn off the monitor. It should be making connection out. And on the computer, where you are going to remotely control it, have it set to listen. If else fails, watch this video
  22. That did work for sometime, then they turned it off, after users started complaining.
  23. Considering it may not be as secure as RSA, it would still require a lot of processing power to crack the keys. But it still provide both speed and security, which in this case its sill good option.
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