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Everything posted by Infiltrator

  1. As Digip mentioned above, Backtrack would just see another interface attached to the system. And I don't see why it wouldn't play nicely. You could have two Alfa's adapters, one for packet monitoring and the other one for packet injection, very handy if you want to do packet monitoring and packet injection at the same time.
  2. That is a very good question, wouldn't the government be the cause, or not doing its job the way its suppose to.
  3. I have the same set up in my computers and believe it or not it's exactly doing the same thing, putty keeps on crashing.
  4. Found this tutorial on the The Ethical Hacker, that demonstrates how to do a VNCinjection and watch the victims computer screen in real time. http://www.ethicalhacker.net/content/view/81/24/
  5. I have managed to find out some info about SOE. Which has helped me understand the whole principles and concepts of it. Thank you for the help, it has been greatly appreciated.
  6. Hi Everyone, Next week I will have a job interview for a Desktop Support Engineer position (Level 2). They have provided me with a copy of the job description and a selection criteria that I will have to address to and while reading through it, I came across "Sound knowledge of SOE principles and concepts. I know that SOE stands for (Standard Operating Environment) and its a way to deploy a pre-packaged configured system image via the network to any machine that has a PXE-Boot enabled NIC. I have some understanding of how it works, but I would like to know from the community if anyone knows what the principles and concepts of SOE are. I could not find much on the internet, I know there are a lot of information out there especially on Google. But I would like to hear from your own experiences, if any. Your help will be much appreciated. Thanks in advance. Regards, Infiltrator
  7. What do you mean, that router will not replace the 2wire DSL modem? That router has https in it? Are you after other features?
  8. What you need is a backend or a database like MySQL (opensource/free) to store the information about the book and its price. If you are new to Mysql, I would recommend reading up on the links below http://www.mysqltutorial.org/ http://www.tizag.com/mysqlTutorial/ http://www.tutorialspoint.com/mysql/index.htm Or if you just want to generate a PDF document http://www.tutorialspoint.com/mysql/index.htm http://articles.sitepoint.com/article/generate-pdfs-php http://www.weberdev.com/get_example-4804.html If you need help you can PM me, I will be more than happy to help you.
  9. You definitely want to buy an UPS that is over 1000 watts of power. My current system has a 850 watts power supply and its connected to a 1500 watts UPS. When the mains are lost, my ups can provide a run time of 30 minutes, that is if I don't have my 22 inches screen switched on, but even if it's on it would still last for 20 to 25 minutes.
  10. Kind of knew that web based proxies were not that effective any more and VPN services would be optimum choice.
  11. With today's threats an IDS firewall is not enough, IPS must also be implemented to strength the security and integrity of the network. Comodo Internet Security Complete, is an all in one security software package that comes with host intrusion prevention and many other more security features, that is a must to have.
  12. After installing Chrome I noticed that every time a new tab is opened, a new process called Chrome.exe is created on the background, this is what makes Chrome so stable as opposed to Firefox Firefox on the other hand, does completely the opposite it creates a single process called Firefox.exe and just chews up memory as new tabs are opened, making it more vulnerable to crashing and making it less responsive. You will see bro, Chrome will beat Firefox one day in terms of performance, usability and plugins.
  13. It is possible to crack passwords of over 15 characters long if you are using NTLM, but most of the rainbow tables available today, are not up to cracking 15 characters, the rainbow table itself will have to be massive, which would require a lot of computer processing power to generate them, as well as a dedicated data storage center that can hold petabytes of storage space. Maybe one day, but yes you are right on the lm hashes, it can only crack 7 characters due to its design.
  14. If you are using Windows it can be quite easy to set up a VPN service, in Linux it can be quite challenging if you are new to it.
  15. I have been using Opera, Firefox and Chrome. And to be honest I like Chrome I lot better than Firefox, since Firefox has a tendency of crashing and sometimes becoming unstable. Chrome on the other hand has proven to be stable and a lot more responsive than Firefox. I still use Opera when my internet connection gets shaped up, apart from that that's my experience with browsers.
  16. Darren did a segment back then on Untangle and to be honest, I kinda liked it a lot, and seems to provide a lot more features than any other linux based firewalls.
  17. I am also a member of another forum and the forums in there can almost go inactive for quite sometime. I guess it all depends on the type of forums they are and the type of topics introduced.
  18. As part of any application or interface design, its always important to make a mock up or a prototype of it. That way you have a clear picture of how your design will come to be and if there is any aspect of it that doesn't stand out, you can change it before it goes live. Its all part of good standards and good practices as stated about by Jtcgreyfox
  19. And here is the documentation for DelOld.exe http://winhlp.com/node/386
  20. I got some ideas of my own, I would like to share with you 1. Password generating tool 2. Password cracking tool 3. A page with hacking tools you can think of, ready to be downloaded. 4. A proxy service, where users can surf anonymously and securely. (phpproxy, glype) That's all I can think for the moment. Apart from that, great work, keep it up dude.
  21. It all depends with what operating system you are comfortable working with. Apache will work on both OSes windows and linux. You don't have to have a web server running 24/7, unless you are hosting or providing services to other users online. If you are mainly configuring the webserver for personal use, you can turn it on and off anytime you like.
  22. The only problem with OPHcrack is that it has limitations on how many characters it can crack. So if your password is over 15 characters it will be useless. Unless you have a lot of processing computer power, you could run a distributed password recovery utility like Elcomsoft Password recovery software. or you could just use offline nt password, to reset the password which will be a lot simpler.
  23. Hi Jarmo, Take a look at this URL http://www.freehostsfinder.com/free-ssl-hosting.php?pages=1 Let me know if that works for me.
  24. How to secure a home computer: 1. Ensure all software, including the OS is fully patched up 2. To mitigate zero days attack, a good firewall (I recommend Comodo) should be installed, with rules set to only allow certain traffic to access the internet and to deny any incoming request, that hasn't been made. 3. I would recommend using Avast 5, as your AV engine. Its free and it will 99.0% of all times protect your computer, there is no user interaction required for updating it it all happens automatically on the background. 4. If you are still using XP, do not use LMLam to manage your logon passwords, upgrade it to NTLM and make sure you use a complex password or use another means for user authentication that doesn't rely on windows itself. 5. For spyware detection, I use spybot - Search and Destroy and spyware blaster. 6. A VM could also be used for isolating viruses infections when browsing the internet. 7. For a more effective protection a firewall with IDPS functionality could be implemented at the Network perimeter to prevent threats from entering the network. 8. Upgrade any firmware you have on your router or switch and always remember to never click on files or links you are not 100% sure where they come from.
  25. Fon by default will not server webpages, it does not come with a HTTP server out of the box. What you will need to do, is configure a standalone computer with Apache, PHP, SSL and glype for the proxy side. Once you have that set up, all you have to do is connect this computer to the network and access the web server from the WIFI, if that's what you planning in achieving. http://apache.org http://php.net http://www.glype.com/ http://openssl.org For the VPN side of things, you will have to use OpenVPN http://openvpn.net
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