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Everything posted by Sebkinne

  1. I am assuming you want to place a file on the WiFi Pineapple and have access to it using a web browser? If so, you can upload files to the WiFi Pineapple's /www/ directory. Those files can then be accessed by going to<file_name>. Best Regards, Sebkinne
  2. No, unless the executable is compiled for the ar71XX architecture (which it won't be). What you would have to do (as sitwon said) is setup a cross-compiler. Best Regards, Sebkinne
  3. Hi Factgasm, DNSSpoof works rather reliably for me. Of course it won't properly do HTTPS, and if your browser has cached (and sometimes hard cached) DNS information, it will also not work. The easiest way to find out if the version of DNSSpoof running on the WiFi Pineapple MKV does indeed have a bug would be to run DNSSpoof on your kali box. If that works flawlessly, we can take a closer look, but as I said, neither I norr Darren can replicate this issue. It does however not have anything to do with the AR9331 (which you definitely cannot upgrade), and you cannot (and may not according to our software licence) run the WiFi pineapple software on your PC. Best Regards, Sebkinne
  4. Anything related to the WPS infusion should be discussed in the infusions forum. Thanks!
  5. Great work Kevinnz! You are correct about the extra kmod. We are actually including it in the next build. Regarding the date, the WiFi Pineapple MKV doesn't have a realtime clock, therefore the time defaults to 1970. Because this causes issues, we set the firmware to be on 1/1/2014. Best Regards, Sebkinne
  6. Hi michisg, We usually take two working days to respond to emails. If you don't have a reply within the next day or two, email me at seb at hak5.org. Best regards, Sebkinne
  7. Hi St3v3, You are correct, the SD cards which are shipped along with the WiFi Pineapple MKV are not the fastest. Please do use them for the first boot though - if they are required. If you just ordered a new WiFi Pineapple MKV, it is most likely already pre-flashed in the factory. Once the first boot has completed, you can insert a class10 SD card. After that, you should check for any available firmware upgrades using the WiFi Pineapple MKV's webinterface. Best Regards, Sebkinne
  8. Correct. If you use monitor mode, you will kill the clientmode connection. This is why we suggest an external USB radio for clientmode - and use wlan1 for anything else. Also, please note that you have to bring the wlan1 interface down if you are using the mon0 interface. Otherwise mon0 cannot channel hop. Best Regards, Sebkinne
  9. The network infusion does not suffer from the $$ issue, as passwords / SSIDs are wrapped in single quotes (and single quotes 'glued' together). Sadly right now the network infusions does not support hidden networks - an update for this will be shipped very soon though. In regards to your second step - this technically works, but if you configure your network using the network infusion it will automatically join the network on boot. If you want to switch out configurations, you currently need to create a copy of the wireless file, replace the original and execute the "wifi" command. Again, we are going to build this functionality in soon. Best Regards, Sebkinne
  10. Please add it as a suggestion to our bug tracker on http://wifipineapple.com . Best regards, Sebkinne
  11. The one we ship is a 9V at 1.5A, however a 9V at 1.25A will do fine. The most common power options I see are 5V 2A, 9V 1.5A, 12V 1A. Seeing as it broke though, maybe you want to message shop@hak5.org for a replacement. Best Regards, Sebkinne
  12. If it happens once in a while and is fixed by hitting the scan link a few times, it is because the interface is in a "busy" state. It doesn't report this however, it simply returns no results when scanning. Not much I can do about it at this time. Make sure you have the correct (SMA, not RP-SMA) antennas connected too, otherwise there can be issues too. Otherwise, as I said, try a complete re-flash using the unbricking instructions. Best Regards, Sebkinne
  13. That's quite the odd behavior. You may want to follow our "Unbricking a bricked WiFi Pineapple MKV" instructions to see if that gets you up and running again. If that doesn't solve the issue, please update this thread and we can see about debugging the issue. Best Regards, Sebkinne
  14. Hey Siftyy, This one is easy! Make sure you are on the latest firmware and simply plug in the TL-WN722N. It will automatically be detected and setup. Next, navigate to the webinterface -> network -> clientmode tab. From there, select wlan2 from the dropdown list and scan for networks. Once you found a network you want to connect to, type in the password if necessary and hit connect. This will automatically share the internet connection from wlan2 to wlan0 (the AP). If you want to further configure the AP, such as change the SSID and / or add a password to the AP, simply go to the webinterface -> network -> AP Configuration tab. That will allow you to configure all of that. Best Regards, Sebkinne
  15. Sorry, there is currently no CAD file available for the MK5. I'll see if there is a way for us to release those, but I cannot promise anything. Best Regards, Sebkinne
  16. This gave me a good laugh, thanks :) Enjoy your new MKV! Best regards, Sebkinne
  17. That's great! :) May I suggest adding an entry to our wiki and linking to this thread in the notes section? Best Regards, Sebkinne
  18. SSLStrip requires traffic to be redirected to it. The only way that you can make this work is by chaining the programs via iptables. I haven't tried it, but technically that works. Best Regards, Sebkinne
  19. Make sure that the SSID file is completely free of special characters. What might helps is if you remove the file and create a new one - that makes sure anything hidden is removed too. If this issue persists, please post the in the Infusions forums, so that the author can take a look. Best Regards, Sebkinne
  20. I'll make sure that our slightly modified version of dump1090 (to get raw data out in an easy way) gets this fix in the next firmware version! Thanks for the report. In the future, please make sure to submit a bug report. We are guaranteed to see those and it helps us keep track of everything. Best Regards, Sebkinne
  21. Configure it using the karma large tile.
  22. It's not something we can solve, as it isn't an issue with our firmware. It's an issue if you have used / set up the evil portal infusion. I suggest you point this issue out to the author of that infusion. Best regards, Sebkinne
  23. So, we don't change the port to 8080 - we ship it as default as 80. I know that the EvilPortal Infusion changes the port. Maybe it doesn't change it back. This makes sense though, as the vanilla firmware has no such issues. Best Regards, Sebkinne
  24. Hi and welcome to the forums! Let me remind you that the WiFi Pineapple is meant to be used in authorized environments only. Using it without authorization is illegal in most countries. Best regards, Sebkinne
  25. I suggest you follow our "unbricking a bricked mkv" instructions at http://wifipineapple.com/?flashing Brst regards, Sebkinne
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