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Everything posted by Sebkinne

  1. The drivers are installed already - it's just a matter of running "wifi detect > /etc/config/wireless && wifi". Then it should show up as wlan2. Best Regards, Sebkinne
  2. Yup, we are a lot further with this issue now. We'll update this thread tomorrow :)
  3. Thanks for letting us know, we are looking into it and will update this thread once we have concrete answers. Of course, we will make sure that this issue is resolved. Bets regards, Sebkinne
  4. Could you flash an earlier firmware and let us know?
  5. I have been told on IRC that this issue exists no matter what firmware is flashed on the device - is this correct? Did you recently receive your WiFi Pineapple MKV? Best Regards, Sebkinne
  6. 12 dbm is way too low. Wlan0 is supposed to be sat at 18. Please contact shop@hak5.org. Best regards, Sebkinne
  7. Looks like we are moving it to the 15th instead - a few people cannot go due to valentines day.
  8. Take a look at nodogsplash's source code. Basically, it comes down to maintaining an authenticated users list (by MAC / IP, depending on implementation), blocking all traffic (think iptables), and finally, adding new rules allowing these clients to access the net. A simple captive portal is relatively easy to pull off and could be done in very little code. Best regards, Sebkinne
  9. It's already installed on your system... Best Regards, Sebkinne
  10. Hi xr5, Most likely your order was refunded because of the shipping agency, and your billing address not matching. Feel free to email shop@hak5.org to get a confirmation on this. Best regards, Sebkinne
  11. Wrong section to post this in. The tile is now called pineAP. Please search the forums next time too. Best regards, Sebkinne
  12. Can we get a picture? Unfortunately we cannot replace hardware that was damaged by the user.. But you may be able to solder a new SMA connector to the board (depending on soldering skill, but it shouldn't be hard). Take the pineapple out of its case and take a picture and we'll know exactly what's up. Best regards, Sebkinne
  13. Currently this is how it works. We just finished a complete re-write of the old karma and have changed this behavior. Best Regards, Sebkinne
  14. Where? The large tile should scroll without issues.
  15. I have seen a video of it working, but I have an LED matrix which in a ghetto way could make this work..
  16. Nah, we were just having a bit of fun - let's not post IPs though, please :) It's pretty cool, I kind of want to try replicating it with a tinyduino..
  17. Figures he'd do that.. Good guy this Juan.
  18. That's pretty cool! :) Keep up the good work! -Seb
  19. Hi bobify, If you followed the build guide you should have covered the section where you add the software feeds. After you added the feeds, the aircrack package can be found at feeds/packages/net/aircrack-ng/. To build these package in, you need to issue the "make menuconfig" command and select the package. Please keep in mind that because we are a small team, we cannot give support on how to build / issues with custom firmwares, as it would take up too much time. Best Regards, Sebkinne
  20. You can always contact shop@hak5.org for a replacement. Cracking open your battery will most likely mean that we cannot replace it anymore though.
  21. I should have been more clear. This is the correct answer.
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