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Jason Cooper

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Everything posted by Jason Cooper

  1. First thing to do is to make fresh images of all the disks (Still keep the old images as well). After you have made the new images I would say that you want to try and boot into safe mode on the OS and take a backup of all the files on the drives on the RAID. As long as the two disks don't have bad sectors in the same set of RAID blocks the controller should be able to recreate any damaged blocks. Afterwards you will have a lot of backups (disk images and files). Then I would suggest getting some new drives to replace the all the drives (not just the two damaged ones). Then you can set up the RAID as you want it to be set up and restore from the backups you have taken. Remember it isn't your fault that they didn't keep backups. Unless you were responsible for their backups or told them they didn't need them. (To others reading this always remember RAID doesn't mean you can stop taking backups.)
  2. You have tried booting the OS in safe/recovery mode? As it sounds like the OS will start booting but crashes before you get the stage where you can login. If you safe mode works then look in your setup to see if it is set to auto reboot on blue screens of death. You don't want that in this case as you want to know what the problem is if you are going to fix it.
  3. Go into your RAID controllers interface (usually you are prompted in the machines boot up to press a key combo to access the RAID menu). In there check how they have configured the RAID. It looks like they have set up part of one drive so that it isn't in RAID and put an NTFS partition on it. Now that you have replaced the drive and rebuilt the array any data on the RAID5 array should be fine, the problem here is it looks like the main OS wasn't on the RAID array. You could try booting your install media and asking it to repair your OS. Hopefully the bad sectors haven't lost any important data from the partition.
  4. Jason Cooper

    Raid 5

    The read performance of RAID6 is the same as RAID5. It is only the writes that can have a lower performance It needs to do a few more calculations than RAID5 does as it keeps multiple parity blocks. If you have good RAID controller then the extra calculations will be done in custom hardware and RAID6 will be just as quick as RAID5 (the disk writes take up the time not the calculations). If you are using software RAID though it would be worth taking sometime to think about performance issues and if you want more redundancy or write performance as Infiltrator's post.
  5. Pseudo code isn't about learning a fake language it is about getting the algorithm clear in your mind before sitting down and writing it on the computer. You will find that it can be very useful when learning as you concentrate on the algorithm separately to the coding and it is the algorithms that make the most difference rather than the language used.
  6. Jason Cooper

    Raid 5

    As others have said you will need to have disks in the RAID with the same size to avoid problems like those you have encountered. So I would suggest looking at getting another one or two 1.5TB disks to go with the two you have. You only need 3 for RAID5 but if you do have 4 disks and you RAID supports it I would recommend using RAID6 as it gives you better redundancy than RAID5. You would be surprised at how many times you have more than one disk fail in a RAID setup. Of course like most things in computing it is trade off between redundancy and usable spaced, just remember that you will most likely have to live with what you choose for quite a while.
  7. One thing you could try is to only use one private/public key pair. Just copy the private key that you have that works from your Linux server to your macbook, and copy the authorized_keys file from your macbook to your .ssh directory on the Linux server. As this is a known working configuration then it should work and if it doesn't then you can compare sshd configurations between the two machines to find the problem. The advantage of this type of set up is that you will only need to put one public key in the authorized_key files to identify you. If you have multiple private/public key pairs then things will get more complex as the number of machines involved increases. The disadvantage is that if you loose your macbook you would need to generate a new private/public key pair and update the authorized_keys file on all your machines. This would just to be on the safe side though as you are using a long pass phrase to protect your private key.
  8. Common things to check for keys issues in SSH is the actual key in the authorized_keys file and the permissions around the files. Make sure the key is valid in the authorized_keys file and that it hasn't been truncated (sometimes a slightly truncated key can be hard to spot). Check the permissions on the .ssh directory (it should be 700) and that it is owned by the user. The authorized_keys file under the .ssh directory should have permissions of 600 and also be owned by the user. If those checks don't resolve anything then check the configuration file for the ssh server and make sure that it has the right settings in it for allowing keys to be used. Finally if all those seem fine then try checking both the ssh log on the server and setting the ssh client to verbose mode (-v) and look at why the say the key authorization failed.
  9. Don't remove it add it.
  10. Laws are also country dependant, which makes it impossible to give a yes or no answer to "is this legal" type of questions. In some countries this would be illegal, even with a warning banner. Also while the warning banner would possibly protect you when collecting the login credentials, the moment you used then to access their accounts on other networks you would be caught under Computer Misuse/fraud laws of most countries.
  11. common sign of unbalanced if's and fi's (an fi at line 74 may help resolve your problem).
  12. Once you are in a company you can usually move yourself into other areas if you are proactive enough. Of course this assumes that you are both capable and don't rub the wrong people up the wrong way. At the minute it is quite common for companies to only advertise higher skilled jobs internally. It does mean that they will have a few people move about internally but after a few moves they usual are left with a position that they don't need to fill and they can then save themselves that positions salary and avoid having to make someone redundant.
  13. The big question I have is "Is FLOPS a useful measurement of your computer". There was a time when it was a meaningful measurement, but those were the days where the CPU was the only thing in the machine doing any processing and it only had did one task at a time. Now with high power GPUs and multicore processors the number of FLOPS won't be the bottle neck in your machine. After all if your machine does 10 gigaFLOPS, but only pulls the data off the hard disk at a rate of 1MB/s then your machine would crawl despite it's high number of FLOPS. Have a look at what benchmarks are available and try a few. I am sure that some of them will report a estimate of the number of FLOPS your machine is doing as well as plenty of more data, so you can find the bottle necks in your system and improve them.
  14. Why not simply use tcptraceroute (wrap it in a script if you want to do large ranges of ports). Then not only will you be able to see that specific ports are being blocked, you will see where in the path they are being blocked.
  15. My gut instinct from your description is that it was hand enciphered and not machine enciphered. When enciphering it by hand they encipherd a letter but didn't write it down in the cipher text. We know where they made the mistake as it is at the point that the deciphering breaks. Nibblin on sponge cake Watchin the sun bake All of those hgnhlfo bhhaq songson gs ongson gson gsongso ngs ong song son gs ongso ngsongs ongso Rjippju cr twcrhl qell Keujvmo avi tbb fbrs Ems cj uocwf ourists covered ongsong so ngsong song songson gso ngs ongs ong so ngson gsongso ngsongs In fact looking at it we can see that they dropped the character representing the letter 't' from tourists after enciphering it. So you can put in your assignment that there is a strong indication that it was either encoded by hand or altered after encoding. As it only happens once I would personally put it down to an accident in enciphering rather than a deliberate attempt to make cryptanalysis of it harder, if they were trying to make it harder to break there would have been more little mistakes like this, the sort that wouldn't be too hard for someone who knows the key to figure out but messes up frequency analysis methods by changing the mapping part way through.
  16. Or you could use the select command in bash that does exactly what you are after. e.g. PS3='? ' select d in `ls -d */` do echo $d break done The PS3 variable is what is used to prompt the user for their choice. Also select loops till the loop is broken, which is why we have the break command just before the done.
  17. You can always use GIMP to edit anim gifs. Though if you have payed the cost of photoshop then you had better use that just to get your money's worth. :D
  18. Get better insurance (It is one of those things that you hope that you never have to use, but if you do you want it to cover everything). First he should have a look at how they got in, and take measurements to stop it happening again. General things you can do include making sure any gardens/areas around the property are well lit, make sure that the windows all have good locks on them, including any windows not at ground level. Also change your door locks as you don't usually know how many people have had keys to the house over a lock's lifetime. If you have confined areas (e.g. a back garden) which are out of sight then you can do things like plant defensively (Things like roses look nice and the thorns will make someone regret climbing over walls when then have to get through them). If you have tools in your shed/garage then make sure they are locked up, you don't want them to break in to your house using your own tools. Remember the general rule of defence against burglars is that your house doesn't need to be fort Knox, it just has be more of a risk for them than the other houses in your area. Oh and a final thing to remember is that a lot of the time a house will be robbed again a couple of months after it was robbed the first time, as they know that it will have new things just brought off the insurance.
  19. While firefox has lost some of its shine there are some things that still make it the best browser for me at the minute. Top of the list has to be firebug. If you do web development and use it then you will know what I mean. Next on the list would be extensions (Yes I know firebug is an extension as well but I feel it deserves it's own entry). Note not all the extensions, just install the few that you use. The key thing with the extensions is that it makes it a lot easier to use firefox for many tasks. I needed to develop a kiosk type computer which lets users access two specific web sites. With firefox it was a simple matter of using a kiosk extension and then writting another one that let me do the extra options that were required (mainly calling local scripts to change the screen size/ resolution to make it accessable to people with limited vision). Portability is another big plus. Those kiosk machines were running a locked down linux install, though my main machine at work is windows. My netbook runs a different distrobution of linux and my laptop at home runs Vista. Firefox works fine on all of them. If I was just using firefox to view web pages on a windows machine I would probably have moved to Chrome long ago, but as I deal with so many different OSs and tasks I will be sticking with FireFox. Till Chrome can do everything I need that is. Of course there are down sides, memory use is always high with browsers (Why is that?) Firefox is currently using 138MB of memory for 4 tabs, why when I was younger we would get 3 dimensional graphic games in under 48K now we need 138MB for what is effectively 4 pages of text. But I will stop that rant there. Another problem with firefox is the fact that if one tab locks up they all lock up, the seperate process structure of Chrome does look a lot more stable.
  20. Hope he gets back to his usual hyper self soon. From what I have read on twitter he can just about deal with social networking sites, so sending him things/clowns is probably better for when he is discharged and back home (and capable of staying awake after making a tweet).
  21. You can pass code from javascript to PHP using AJAX. I would suggest reading up on JQuery as it will make you life easier and increase the chances of you code being browser independent.
  22. Here is a possible way to do this (Though I will be interested to hear how other people tackle this). Wrap your photo divs in an div with an ID of photos and then alter your styles to this #photo { background-image:url(http://www.myaudiodirect.com/images/photo.gif); background-repeat:no-repeat; height:200px; margin:0 auto; overflow:auto; width:150px; float: left; } div#photos { width: 300px; margin: 0 auto; } The only thing to be aware of is that you will need to alter the width of the div#photos entry if you want to put more than two divs in.
  23. Just have the one photo div and put the images in that (if you need to put different styles on the images then put then in their own spans).
  24. Most of my pcap experience is on Linux but there are win32 versions of a lot of the tools I use. Wireshark can be very usefull, especially if you don't know what you are looking for. If you do know what you are looking for then ettercap can be very usefull with a few custom filters you can quickly get out information.
  25. The best solution I have come across for this sort of thing is to use 802.1x with a backend radius authentication server. You will still need to give the students a certificate but this can be a public certificate as it is used to check that your servers are who they claim to be and not to prove who the client is. The client may also need to install some software depending on the OS they are using. When everything is set up correctly they are prompted for their username and password. This removes the need for you to generate and manage student certificates and you can put the instructions on a web page and most students will do the install and set up on their own machines fine. A doc that should give you some insight into how it all works is https://mams.melcoe.mq.edu.au/zope/mams/pub...LS.doc/download
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