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Everything posted by barry99705

  1. I've converted to Chrome on all my machines but the MacBook. Chrome for Mac isn't as nice as it is for linux, which just seem weird. Ad-Thwart works good enough to kill most of the ads, which is really the only ad-on I used on firefox.
  2. You should also not use "normal" user names. IE, don't use administrator, admin, Bob, Steve, stuff like that. From what I've seen JoeBob23 would never come up as a user name for the bots doing these kinds of attacks.
  3. Network Discovery is pretty neat. Wardrive is a must. EStrongs File Explorer. WIFI Analyzer is pretty sweet. Android Terminal Emulator works really well. Google Sky Map always gets oohs and ahhs. Everything I've listed so far is free. The only app I've found I needed to pay for so far is Documents to go. Gotta have Office document support.... Stupid job getting in the way of all my fun.
  4. Are they real devices, or just shells full of rocks?
  5. You must have missed out on that craptacular firmware update where everyone at Nokia goes on "holiday" the day after it's released. That was awesome. Took about three weeks to get some of the issues fixed. Yea, you'll have to import a zaurus, or pick one up on ebay, since they don't make them any more. I know a couple guys that have replaced the internal drive with bigger cf cards, the one that's in it is a Toshiba 6Gb microdrive. That's without using the external cf card or the sd card. In theory you could get 96Gb of storage, if you have the cash. Realistically a netbook is probably the better way to go. More power, and better support.
  6. I had an N800. I'll never buy another one of those pieces of shit again. Nokia "support" sucks dead donkey cock. The Zaurus has usb host capability as well. I've used cf to pcmcia adapters on them as well. The Zaurus also has a 6Gb hard drive built in.
  7. Yea, you just pulled that out of your ass right? They just barely support the hardware on the newer palms. Anything more than putting pretty pictures on the screen is a long way away. @OP The best handheld at the moment would be the Zaurus SL-C3200. Used to have a few different Zauri, I know for a fact it will run kismet, and the spectools for the wispy usb spectrum analyzers. There's a port for aircrack for it as well. The only problem with these little guys are the processors are pretty low power, so cracking wep will take many many hours, forget about wpa, there's just not enough room on board for the tables. They make great recon devices though. I used to use mine to hunt down rogue access points for the school district I used to work for.
  8. I made them say "Don't touch me there".
  9. Drive activity lights for the eyes! Oh, and wifi antennas in the antlers.
  10. Your "pretty harmless" actions could take a machine out of service for a few hours, would also waste the time of one of the computer techs for the time it takes to reimage the machine. It may seem harmless to you, but from the technician's standpoint they have no clue what you did, so they take the worst case scenario and just blow it away. The reason they don't allow firefox is it can't be easily controlled with active directory like IE can.
  11. Ask your sysadmin which process to kill.
  12. I'm also pretty sure the cell towers can find and triangulate such devices fairly quickly.
  13. I compiled it and boot it on my eeepc. It's okay I guess. Not a lot of usability at the moment, since they don't have their end set up yet. Basically I can boot into the browser, that's about it. I don't see it being any less, or more, secure than having an android based cell phone.
  14. I was partial to my Sharp Zaurus SL-C3200. Freaking Kismet in my pocket! Also got spectools-gtk running.
  15. Either will work just fine. Still don't understand why anybody would need a 1000mW wifi adapter.
  16. The wattage isn't the issue, it's the radiated power. Point to multi-point setups have a lower allowed eirp than point ot point. Here are the guidelines. http://www.wifihowto.org/?mo=HowTo;Item=9
  17. Okay, I've been meaning to figure this stuff out anyway, so here goes. The connection is a wpa protected connection, but the key is kept on the server. You use your domain user/pass to connect. Is it more secure than wpa2 with a good password? Good question. I did successfully get a linksys wrt54g running the linksys firmware to use a win2k3 server for it's radius server. So far I've successfully gotten my macbook pro to connect. Still working on getting a dell with xp to connect, but I've got to update the drivers, freaking D600 doesn't do aes....
  18. That's because they don't make them anymore.... iPod touch for the plane, hd tv for at home, occasionally I'll watch some hulu on my 21" screen in my computer room.
  19. That's usually the way it works. http://forevergeeks.com/setup-linksys-rout...uthentication-2
  20. www.amazon.com Or you could call MS, tell them you have your key, but the cd has been broken.
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