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Everything posted by barry99705

  1. Do you have a gigabit internet connection? Gigabit on a firewall is kind of useless unless you do. They are a company that sells prebuilt hardware with this software. Do you really think they are going to do something like that? That would be like Microsoft copying all the photo's out of every Windows install in the world. The company would be out of business within a week.
  2. I don't believe any wifi cards work with it, but I haven't looked into that lately(last 5 or 6 years). This is from the FAQ Q: Can I turn my sw3 into a WAP with a wireless NIC? A: Yes, you can do anything you want. However, while SW3 does have some wireless NIC drivers available, there is absolutely NO wireless infrastructure, at all. There is absolutely NO WAP functionality nor management utilities available by default either. Why would you want to inflict this dain-bramage on yourself anyway? (1) Consumer level wireless NICs usually use CHEESE for transceivers. If you buy a good one, you have spent as much, or more, than you would on a decent WAP. (2) Wireless NIC support on Linux is crap. (3) The usual sw3 is not deployed in an optimal area for wireless coverage. The WAP should be as central and elevated as is practical in the coverage area. The angry squirrels nest of cables and power cords behind the typical SW is hardly conducive to an EMI free-zone. You could perhaps overcome some of that with a high-gain antenna extension, which again, when combined with #1, means you have spent as much, and probably more on fitting that square peg into a round hole than you would if you just bought a decent WAP to begin with. It just doesn't make sense. That all being said, there are dozens of how-to build a WAP using linux tutorials out there. Knock yourself out! Looks like there are a few hacks, but they're hacks, I'd not trust them on something that's supposed to keep people like us out.
  3. Uhh, what can the netgear do that you think smoothwall can't?
  4. I'm pretty sure Renderman owns one too, so I wouldn't. ;)
  5. The guy that runs that site, Purehate from the backtrack forums, does just that. I forget what card he's using, but it's one of the dual gpu cards, his server has four of them in it. One of those cards costs more than the computer I call my "gaming" computer.....
  6. My smoothwall system has three nics. One for wan, one for lan, and one for wifi. All the wifi access points attach to the wifi network. This keeps them separate from the lan, just incase someone wins the lottery and gets my wpa2 password. This can also be done in vmware, though you'll need a fourth network card. Personally I don't trust firewalls on vmware. I like having a separate box that just does the firewall function.
  7. I lucked out with my house, it has a finished basement with hung ceiling. Made running cables cake. I've done it though an attic though. A little harder, but not too bad. Crawling in a crawlspace under a house is the worst though. Freaking cobwebs everywhere. <_<
  8. I wrote "Check for ID" in the signature part of one of my cards once. Only ever had one person check, then said they wouldn't accept the card because I didn't sign it.
  9. I'll one up ya. http://www.thinkgeek.com/tshirts-apparel/hats-ties/bd12/
  10. My entire house is wired gigabit. Wifi is mainly for the phones and iPods. I would never rely on just wifi for the home network.
  11. Hey dude. This doesn't pertain to wpa, but gives you an idea on the power of gpu based tools. http://www.question-defense.com/2010/06/20...en-cl#more-6240
  12. It's not September yet, so it hasn't been over a year yet. ;) update5-i386 2009-09-02 This update contains numerous updates for components of SmoothWall Express 3.0 as well as improved functionality and several bug fixes. New Versions: Snort Clamav 0.95.2 Squid 2.7.STABLE6 Imspector 20090728 Openssl 0.9.8k Openssh 5.2p1 Module-init-tools 3.5 Functionality improvements: Open port 4500 to support IPsec NAT traversal. Reliability improvements for timed access. Fix bouncing port forwards. Increase Apache request timeout to 20 minutes to allow slow CGI scripts. Add timeouts in connection tracking to avoid spurious log messages. Support for Home and End keys in the shell. Fix the locate command in the shell. User interface improvements: Don't display high memory usage in red on graphs, as this is normal. Typo in error message on external access page. Only display PPP control buttons on front page when PPP is enabled. Corrections to list of package sources. Backend changes: Load MAC address match module into iptables by default. Correct invalid path when stopping DHCP client. When an interface address is changed, restart the services which use it. Support updating complex iptables rulesets larger than 64K. I've never had problems with smoothwall. Backup to floppy isn't that big a deal. I usually use fairly old hardware when setting up smoothwall boxes, they usually have a floppy in them still.
  13. Split the dictionary file in smaller parts. Or like the post above, use pyrit with several nvidia cards and skip the tables completely.
  14. Too bad they cost so damn much.
  15. Put the proxy on the router. Smoothwall will do this, it also works really well for vpn access.
  16. It will most likely crash. Cowpatty has issues with files over 2Gb.
  17. How? If you're running multiple virtual machines at the same time a dual core isn't really going to cut it.
  18. Wait. You're allowing someone to just plug a 3G stick into a company computer?? How the fuck does that fly? She just completely bypassed your firewall. Throw her ass out on those grounds right there.
  19. No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no!!! Wifi(microwave radio) isn't the same as your old am radio. You can't just hook it up to a chunk of aluminum foil and expect to get any signal out of it.
  20. I've remoted my Aunt's laptop over a mifi connection. They snowbird back and forth between OH and FL. Worked just fine. Little lag, but it wasn't bad enough to rule out that kind of connection.
  21. WRT54gs' are pretty cheap. They'll run kismet drone, or, if you hack in a sd card in one, it can run kismet server. You can daisy chain them together, so no need for stupidly long cables, unless your yard is really big.
  22. Oh, you can suggest good movies here..... :P There were only two good parts to that movie. They were both on Angie's chest.
  23. http://www.reedwilkins.com/blockchina.php
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