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Everything posted by SomeoneE1se

  1. partitions are really good and linux's recursive file system is crap!
  2. http://imgs.xkcd.com/comics/pix_plz.png[/img]
  3. I wonder if it's because it's 7 months old and out dated?
  4. deleted torrent = fake torrent
  5. don't, play dumb. very funny, but they have wireless. You need the SSID and the WPA2-Enterprise passcode. I read a way to get those, but I forget. you never said anything about that, but it matters not both are easy to get
  6. yeah if you find my stolen tecra m4 tell me who you bought it from
  7. um.. no I believe he renamed it .txt to protect noobs from running it
  8. I would guess other wise. Since it is their business model to make back the money they spend on setup costs, it is in there interest to monitor this. This is easily doable with the given technology. what are you guys talking about? and what if you buy it but never plug it in?
  9. weak... pure pwnage has been getting crappier and crappier ever ep
  10. they'd have to show a loss (here in the US, I guessing it's similar in the UK) and any loss they could show couldn't be more then 3x the device and I'd guess they don't monitor that kinda stuff anyways what subsidy are you talking about?
  11. yeah take down the schools wireless thats a great idea
  12. Who the fuck gives credit to themselves in the very bottom of a wallpaper where something is obviously going to cover it up. Who the fuck makes such a comment without any good reason to do so? Quit acting like you know shit. what he said
  13. http://revision3.com/tzdaily/2008-03-03password/
  14. who the fuck calls linksys for support!?
  15. not really, I think this is a stupid pointless thread and the OP is a noob.
  16. I don't think you can do that... I thought the point of java was that it couldn't interact with the host OS unless I completely misunderstood
  17. and? that's why you 'unlocked' your wifi?
  18. What are you? Like 13? GROW. THE. FUCK. UP. QFE is this wireless where you work or at home?
  19. No it won't. I suggest you point a microwave with the door open at their access point (if that is what it be). you're right I should have said might stop him if you're lucky. I like the microwave idea it also has the added benefit of giving him cancer if he doesn't stop screwing with your wireless
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