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Everything posted by SomeoneE1se

  1. http://www.microsoft.com/windows/products/...c/overview.mspx beer http://www.vmware.com/ speech
  2. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sawed-off_sho...and_shot_spread
  3. Does that equate to "Allows me to control the browser. Remove control away from the pages I view." or some thing to that effect? not quite but you have to admit.. that's a nice feature
  4. we all could use IE but firefox has more advanced user features
  5. oh and angablade is a friend of K1u so watch out from his/her links too update:
  6. I believe that K1u manager of k0h.org domain/forums and h1u.org blog is using it to harvest IPs to try to exploit. It started with a PM I received from him I responded his reply I responed by quoting myself. K1u responded I responded the same as before by quoting myself. This time his reply was a little strange. Why would I be worried unless he wanted something that might worry me. Being cranky and annoyed I responded. Taking this as a major insult. This made me think "Maybe I'm wrong, maybe K1u is really a smart really nice guy... I know I'd better get proof" thankfully my fellow IRCers where there to quickly bring me back to my senses, and I replied with a short portion of the conversation in IRC. -REMOVED BY FAMICOMAN- and finnaly the red flag that was raised was when k1u after getting flamed all he was interested in was still getting me to join/register on his forums... there's only 1 reason he'd still want me to register on his forums after posting these Wow... do you have to make a fucking comment out of everything you troll. I said to top it off. and What the hell are you talking about? this you n00b http://k0h.org/energydrinkersforum/index.php?topic=64.0 Stop calling me a n00b. You script kiddie n00b, wannabe hacker, you cant program shit and you cant hack for shit. Fuck you. You stupid troll flamer. I am tired of your bullshit. so he think's I'm a noob and a troll there's no reason you want one on your forums. So we're left to conclude he wants to get my IP address because he thinks he can exploit me somehow... As I was creating this thread I received 2 more PMs and if you do visit that URL do what I did use hidemyass.com (thanks jedi) and it will return Success, wrote (2008-03-16 14:17:16+ ) to file (0wned.txt) K1u if I'm a n00b how come I saw this coming and side stepped it completely? if you really want my IP you could have just asked for it... and apache keeps logs with time stamps by default so you could have just grep'ed for the folder
  7. yeah but as i said before judging by skiddies on youtube making tutrial vids bout it that aint happening , and maby it wasn't such a bad idea we put it out there :( maby we should just get rid of the usb hacks section , wash our hands and forget it ever happened ... most of us would like to.. ask darren
  8. I'm going to say no to adblock Did they have a problem and ask you to fix it? People can browse the web without ad block and end users don't even notice or think there's something they can do about it.
  9. not operating system, it was the Basic Input/Output System and that 'joke' has been around the internet for ages
  10. you have to look at the people who use the software To almost everyone who uses computers in general updates and new features means "ooohh, eye candy". Geeks like us don't care about eye candy just features so we'll use something that can add features... Firefox come to mind it has so many addons it's a much better choice, when was the last time your mom/dad/sister/grandparrent needed a feature that IE didn't have?
  11. huh? See Starforce Wikipedia page. The starforce driver wouldn't have had to be installed to work on Linux. The example I used is applicable. The software is flawed and really should be fixed. Problems such as this are often run in to when using propitiatory software, and if your locked in to this software for some reason, workarounds may have to be used as you have already purchased the software and the vendor won't fix it, and the vendor should be burnt at the stake. In the example of "Software will only use x number of directories where it may be needed to access y number of others while configured to access x but y directories are on another computer". The ability to create recursive directories and mount other file systems with in other file systems is very useful. does starforce even work on linux... if it doesn't it's completely pointless... so are you saying a problem with the software should be fixed by the OS it runs on?
  12. yeah you're missing something... it's called a joke
  13. lulz I thought we installed an anti-stupidity filter
  14. ok I was trying to avoid this thread but I can't help it anymore y'all are n00bs
  15. becasue you can compile it on linux doesn't make it work on linux and.. wtf would you compile python?
  16. yeah wouldn't want to use a language that works anywhere limit yourself to windows
  17. I don't like that either. but when would you need more then 23 partition letters? because at some point it would be better to get a NAS or use RAID why does this matter? why? because I hate it and find it annoying as hell. No that's a bad example, you said yourself it's programmed incorrectly. Go back to the developers of the software to fix the problem with the software don't tell the makers of the OS to change their enitire system design just because one piece of software is fucked. then why bring it up? see above it's not the OSes responsibility to fix bugs in software huh?
  18. how about /home and / being two different partitions but /home being a sub directory of / and /dev/sda is / but /dev/sda is again a sub directory
  19. http://forums.hak5.org/index.php/topic,8506.0.html http://forums.hak5.org/index.php/topic,7961.0.html python http://www.python.org/
  20. maybe it's a problem with mod_security?
  21. I LOL'ed... Yeah, you would. I was just about exact same time
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